Early Access, Was it worth it?

I actually applaud blizzard here. Exploration, getting mats and killing rares are more rewarding than ever. In early access you can farm green upgradable tradable gear for your entire guild or ah and save a ton of normal dungeons.

I’m not saying its bad, I am just saying that early access should mean early access, Full game content just not seasonal stuff. Heroics should be available, World Quests. This is LIMITED Access and should be labeled as such.

I’m doing it to get twontoons leveled and one focused on professions

Tbh my guild will ignore normal and heroic and go straight into zeros.

The folks with early access would be permanently ahead for the entire season. They’d have an extra Great Vault, extra profession skill, extra crests, faster tier set, the list goes on. It’s a very simple example of paying more to win.

There was a large outcry about this as soon as early access was announced. Blizzard had to quickly clarify.

FF14 is just a different game and players have different priorities. Early access let them experience the new story with less concern about spoilers. A large part of WoW’s playerbase doesn’t care about the story at all. Their looking for every possible advantage to be stronger faster. Giving early access to some players tips the scale in their favor and is an unfair advantage.

I hate this Early Access thing and hope they never do it again.

I can hope all day, though, it’s probably happening for every expansion here on out.

Then go have fun there. Wow doesn’t allow for flat out P2W.

And seasons never start until later.

If you bought an expansion purely for early access, that’s your own issue, not Blizzard’s.

They literally told you things were limited on the purchase page.

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And why is that a bad thing? Outside of the few who PvP, An Extra lock out will make little to no difference in the long term of the x pack. And even if it did give an edge, that Edge would be reset with season 2. So there is ZERO reason to not give full access when you advertise Early access, when its really Limited access. Professions have been gated, only letting you progresss them so much in one week. Only get 1 bit of gear out of the great vault. Im not seeing the big deal here, honestly.

So you were excited for the expansion and for most of the perks that came with epic edition, but since one of the perks that would have been irrelevant after the first week anyway isn’t exactly what you thought it was, now you regret purchasing the expansion at all?

Troll or absurd drama queen.

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didn’t we know that before hand ? how come you are asking just now ?

I am expecting 4 days of 12 hr maintenance in a row. As long as you can get out of the the starter areas. I am guessing the early access people just bought a dose of frustration.

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If you think WoW Doesn’t let you pay to Win, You are deluding your self. The WoW Tokens ARE Pay to win. You can pay for any run with enough gold. So yeah, Really need to wake up and check yourself. WoW Is Pay to win, you just haven’t caught on Yet.

It would be viewed as mandatory, and depending on how you play the game, it would be.

Nothing in WoW is flat out P2W. You have to jump through hoops for pay to skip.

People have been using gold to buy carries that guarantee you nothing since Vanilla.

Blizzard has never outright sold access to anything that normal players cannot access in WoW.

I agree, you absolutely do need to do that.


WoW allows for flat out pay to win. It is actually inefficient to be in a mythic guild any more.

Why is it a bad thing that some people get an advantage over others? You’re joking, right? :person_facepalming:

It’s not 1 piece of gear. It’s all the drops from the Heroics, Mythic 0, and Mythic+, and a Great Vault drop. Also crafted gear. Also Delves. And the world content gives gear too.

A dedicated early access player with full access to the season for 3-4 days could probably gear their whole character for the raid - oh, but the raid would have already been open so they probably already cleared the raid too.

Then the “real launch” happens and groups only want players who are already geared. And then they get another week of playing while everyone else tries to catch up, but now their ratings for the season are behind - so come week 2 they’re still behind and can’t get into groups.

It’s not asking for a small head start. It’s asking for everyone who doesn’t pay $30 extra (I think that’s the amount, I haven’t bought the expansion yet) to be permanently massively behind.

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I disagree. WoW IS pay to win, Pay to Carry, Pay for Gear in Runs. With the WoW Token, WoW Silently condones it as long as they are getting money. The fact you have deluded yourself so much you don’t see it or acknowledge it, Is really laughable.

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It does not. I’ve already explained it in detail. Let’s try again.

Read that and try to comprehend the difference between pay to win, pay to skip and the fact that the token isn’t a flat out pay to win mechanic.

Disagree all you want. You’re still wrong.

Have a better day. Next time read what you’re buying.

Explain all you want. It is pay to win. There is actually a services channel now. Everything in game can be yours for the right price.


I disagree! Hope you have a great day :slight_smile: