I want static flying as much as anyone else but I think it’s silly to complain about not getting it immediately. You’re still technically getting it day one - you just have to finish the campaign and be max level to get it, which in this day and age, doesn’t take much time itself. It’s not some extreme requirement or payment - it’s something you’re likely going to do anyway.
If you can’t use Dynamic Flying (f.e. out of physical conditions), you will have a way longer period till you reach the point you can fly because those won’t be able to use it to speed up the level process and verticality becomes suddenly a leveling burden (Hello Revendreath f.e.).
Can’t use Dynamic flying → Run around that giant mountain to reach the quest NPC
Yeah this is the right answer.
To those who think they will enjoy old flying in the Dragon Isles I think you are severely underestimating what 400% move speed is going to be like in those zones.
Dragons at max acceleration are more than double that speed and it still takes some time to get around.
Right, and that’s the whole point of this post. Knowing that people who have difficulties with it have to experience the game on a ground mount, I will do the same. So if static flying “ruins” the questing experience somehow, I want to see how difficult it is to do from the ground, and perhaps offer some semblance of solidarity as well.
I agree, but the purpose of this thread isn’t intended for that. It’s for those who are unable to use or have difficulties with dynamic flying. Those who wouldn’t be using it at all, if they could help it. Static flying is still faster than ground mounts and allows you to operate on three axes instead of two.
Honestly, I kinda get why they want to gate the ability to fully remove yourself from the ground. Dynamic flight has you zooming across zones, but you still have to land and navigate from time to time. That said, it’ll be a big difference from DF if vigor is maxed right from the start.
I really don’t have anything against this topic, though. I think it’s a good idea to at least push for a conversation on this since it is clearly important to some people. Different perspectives help us get a better idea of how other folks think and feel about features. I personally think we’re already getting a great concession that isn’t particularly different from how obtaining flight used to work before WoD, but I wouldn’t have any problems with flying just being fully available whenever.
Good luck!
Not really. Those same people can make friends with those who do enjoy dynamic flight and hitch a ride. Accessibility changes are being made every day. And if someone doesn’t want to use flight, that’s their choice.
I’m fine with using whatever’s available to me, and if I know someone who doesn’t enjoy dynamic flight but I like them enough to help them and am free, I will gladly taxi them.
Please remove TBC flight in game blizz. It’s had its time but move on from this dated system.
Where is the Downvote when you need it…
I’d imagine a part of their reasoning is to get new players to try out dynamic flight and practice with it a bit before making the choice on which flight to use.
It is interaction with the game yes, this is why there is mechanics in the game that require you to use the jump button. The idea is adding things you can do to press those buttons and then give you a reason to do it. Ultimately all a game is if you boil it down is pressing buttons hitting the spacebar is interaction just as pressing 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 is interaction. It’s just a matter of how they get you to do so.
They want flight to have that same type of activity and friction the rest of the game has.
I understand however this is difficult perspective to understand as a player that sounds absurd, you need to look at it from an engineering perspective for it to make sense.
I do understand what you are saying and certainly you could say that any action within the game once you aren’t standing still in the one spot, is interacting with the game. But there are degrees of interaction.
Probably the most frenetic is high level raiding. The player is generally reacting at speed and over an extended period of time. You are constantly moving the character, using abilities, moving the camera, etc. Its one of the reasons I had to stop raiding a couple of years ago; I simply could not handle the (to me) overwhelming stress of that constant interaction. I got very tired, stressed physically and emotionally, and I couldn’t ‘carry my weight’ in a raid with my guildies, and I didnt wish to burden them. So I had to stop, as much as I had loved it for years.
Flying in the dynamic format is a lesser version of that. Naturally you can’t put it in the same box as raiding or high level M+ but it requires more interaction by a large degree over standard flight. I understand the devs’ reasons for creating it (they probably saw it in another game and thought it would be cool for WoW). But just as I appreciate raiding and M+ are a great part of the game which I cannot participate in, its the same for dynamic flying on a much lower level.
Again I question your reasoning. How does that benefit players?
I enjoy going back to non-DF zones and flying around more slowly. Not having everything blurring past me as I zip from one objective to the next is very enjoyable. I’ve spent quite a bit of time just enjoying exploring The Broken Isles very thoroughly with this character. Just as my Paladin explored Draenor.
At 330% speed.
It would make WAY more sense if both forms of flight are granted at the same time by the same means. Restricting the older, slower form of flight while immediately granting Dynamic Flight just doesn’t compute for me.
Except New Players will be starting out on the Dragon Isles, as Ion mentioned. BfA is no longer the starting expansion. Plenty of time to get things down in the expansion that introduced the mechanic. I hardly think the exceedingly few numbers of brand new WoW players that buy more expensive editions(the kind with level boosts) will be a deciding factor in how the game is shaping up. Highly unlikely.
Precisely, and it appears to me by the way devs have spoken about flight in the past is it’s interaction is too low level for what they want in the starting experience. They desire travel to have some form of interaction be it having to fight enemies or avoid them somehow on the ground, or by using more interactive methods of flight. If this is their goal then it makes sense why normal flying is behind a pathfinder. Now rather or not the playerbase agrees with that choice is another topic. However the threads question was asking for answers, and it’s answers we have had for sometime now.
I get motion sickness, I just turn off all the fancy graphics and can do fine with it. Some people here claim this or that and try to make it out like they cannot use dynamic flying, but yet they still have dragon riding achievements.
Let’s be real, if you can make it to level 70, do dungeons, raid, quest and all that, you can aim in a straight line and press some buttons. How about instead of making up stories to try and be that guy who “You hurt my feeling, so make it better”, how about you all just tell the truth, it will go down a lot better.
I don’t mind admitting I will be using static flying to cheese the game, if Blizzard let me, who are you to stop me? Hover 10 feet above the ground at a spawn point of a rare that drops a mount? Yes please. Hover just out of range of a world boss and wait for you all to do most of the work? Of course I will.
There is no shame in admitting you are going to do anything you can to take an advantage within the rules.
No lol. Why would I virtue signal? Just demand answers from blizz instead of asking players to virtue signal.
I wonder if – assuming that’s the reason – some small change could remedy that. A lot of people mention the hover. What if, instead of just simply being unaffected by gravity, it had a slight, but continual drop due to gravity. That would negate the hovering for extended periods and reintroduce “interaction” that the devs seem to want. Though, I’d also be interested in sources for this claim.
No one’s going to protest this, sorry, but I’d also like an answer as to why even after OVERWHELMING feedback that people don’t like TBC flying being gated behind pathfinder or anything else, they still refuse to remove the requirements (I am speaking about 10.2 as well as The War Within).
The only possible answer as to why they both refuse to just give us normal flying and also refuse to talk about why, is that it’s simply a way to get more playtime out of those people.
I wish I knew why it mattered. You literally get it once you max out and get the MSQ done. This is just another whine thread.
So you have the attitude of I got mine but that’s not enough I want to take away from other’s enjoyment as well. Why?
I have degrees of motion sickness from issues stemming from several dive accidents. I do just fine.
Remove TBC flight and push the game forward.