Dynamic but not static flying day 1 in War Within? Let's get some answers

TBC flying interacts with questing much differently than dynamic flight.

Yes people hover in the air to afk. They also hover camp mob spawns, they rapidly land and take off to manipulate which mobs they aggro, to quickly start mobs resetting so they can get taps on nodes, and many other types of things. It IS different for the leveling experience.

That said, I’m sure the crying will work and they will change this. If there existed a book that took action on this stuff I wouldve placed a bet the moment he said it.

I dont make assumptions based on someone’s expression. He could have had a quick dose of wind.

I dont get the thing re pvp. If someone is up in the air beyond the attack range of a ground-based player’s character, then they surely can’t do anything to them. Maybe I’m missing something, if so fill me in.

Back in WoD before the first iteration of Pathfinder came in, Ion said that flying was being removed from the game. He said:

At this point, we feel that outdoor gameplay in World of Warcraft is ultimately better without flying.

The devs further said:

During Patch 6.2’s development, we continued to discuss how flight would fundamentally change the way players experience all of Draenor’s ground-based content, and carefully weighed that against the benefits flying would bring to the game. Ultimately, after much deliberation, we came to the conclusion that the world of Draenor would simply no longer provide the experience we envisioned it if we were to reintroduce flight in this expansion.

If they didn’t like flight at all as that indicates, then why the switch? It cannot be just one part of it (eg hovering) because they could always do something to stop that.

PS: I know WoD had a couple of expansion specific activities (like the items stuck up trees that you had to find a path up to get to) which were made easier by flight. But Ion’s responses and attitude was that they weren’t just removing it from WoD, they were planning to remove it completely going forward. Hence the uproar that came from the players, many of whom immediately cancelled their subs.

I am a returning player after about 10 or so years. I cant stand the dragonriding. if the new expansion is dependent on it. I wont be purchasing it . Had i known this was going to be i wouldnt have restarted playing this game. I think i am done.


They have indicated that you will be able to choose which form of flight you want to use by some form of toggle mechanism. I was equally concerned about that, but it seems they have heard the issues that many people have with dynamic flight.

Edit: Dragonride in All Zones in Patch 10.2.5 - Wowhead News

Other things will be coming in War Within!

*You’ll be able to toggle between Dragonriding and TBC Flying.

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Because there should always be a risk of getting attacked by another player if you opt into Warmode.

Do you really need to ask? The uproar made them backtrack. Dragonriding seems like a middle ground for the devs. It still allows players to bypass things but without hovering and because there’s less fine control I guess they feel like it’s less of an issue.

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I think it is just a matter of level up and then it is available - it sounded like they didn’t want people to have regular flying while questing.

That still doesn’t seem to answer it fully, though, at least from the WoD perspective.

A lot of WoD had jumping puzzles and terrain that had to be “fought through” in order to progress. Both of those things would’ve been fully nullified by any kind of flying without the need to hover. I can’t think of a case in WoD where hovering is actually that beneficial over just simply being able to fly in the first place.

Right, but why dynamic and not static? Is it bots? Is it something else? If it were just a matter of “people don’t like dynamic flying” well, that’s just a design thing, and people have to either move on or get over it. But people who have actual difficulties are another story. They have a possible fix available, but refuse to allow it for… what reason(s)?

Wow that would be super pointless and achieve absolutely nothing except
maybe make you feel better about yourself :dracthyr_a1:

Like wish I could say I was surprised but I’ve seen “allies” do stuff like this so many times now I’m really not.

Beyond face value what it is, is developers still hurting over the fact they cannot force everyone to use this arcade style garbage flying system and that they now have to play nice because the playerbase is so low they cannot afford to lose more.

Thanks to their EGOS, they do not understand that what WE SEE, is that they think Dynamic is better and superior, but its free day 1 and we have to work to get what they call lesser. This goes against the very heart of MMO design which is to make players earn the better things.

They will never explain why they did this because the truth is, they did not want us to have it at all and were forced into giving it to us, and still want to punish us the only way they still can.


At this point, Pathfinder is simply punishment for the player who would rather use regular flying instead of dynamic, OR use them both. Dragonriding is great for covering long distances, while old school flying is great for short precision flights, hovering and precision landing. I am extremely displeased with requiring any level/quest requirement for old flying in the next expansions. There is ZERO logic to this. If we can use dynamic flight, we should be able to opt for old school flying.


The flood of unsubs that forced someone higher up to say “flying stays”


you’re going get TBC Flying on day one vs. getting TBC flying 1 or two major patch later. This is the best deal we got for both dragonriders and TBC flyers

it is because they are going to put knick knacks in the overworld that are hard to reach with Dynamic flying but would be trivial with flyhax.


It almost seems like it’s done out of spite. Like you have to explore the zone with the much faster Dynamic Flight before you can unlock the slower TBC flight.

Why? Why does Blizzard continue to fight against its players over the most mundane and idiotic things?


Oh man, if they do some kind of flappy bird junk again, I am just gonna lose it.

Seriously, though, I would think there would be a better solution than just not allowing static flying overall.

bots have already gotten around this issue so no its not.


That was covered somewhere half up this current thread of 96 posts. Blizzard still holds to comments about trivializing certain content and wants controls on TBC flying, no matter how minor now. People that want to TBC fly continue to disagree with any controls.

And you’re left with only people that don’t know to try to represent Blizzard’s position, but we won’t get the argument resolved/clarified by proxy.

How is using dragonriding interacting more with the game? You mean, we press more buttons? That is interacting with the game?

When I use Standard flight I am interacting more with the game in a true fashion than I am with dragonriding. I visit the ground more often. I change direction to look at something more often. I pause for a clearer view more often. I change mounts, I soar, I glide, I duck up and down, I swivel and hover. With so-called dynamic flight all Im doing is pushing buttons to gain height or speed and working to maintain it. Effectively, I’m using something like a flight simulator whose only intent is to get fast from A to B. That’s it - thats what all the so-called interaction is about.


pushing buttons to get height or speed is the point I think. being able to just do it reduces some of the friction. I’m okay with having both things, I’m just stating why I believe Blizzard chose the delay as it is in line with why pathfinder for traditional flying existed in the first place.

By that criteria, me hitting the space bar for my character to jump up and down is interacting with the game.

Flight is a means of travel for the player to choose over using flight paths or portals or whatever. That is its primary purpose. Its choosing how to travel from A to B. They have made it a gimmick which benefits those who have no physical limitations or concerns or who simply prefer the original system for whatever their personal reasons are.

However, as long as both methods are in the game, I’m happy with that. I would just prefer it if the slower, more relaxed version was not put in later, because it means that those of us who dont like dynamic flight need to use it more to maintain the pace of the game. Sure, we can ride around on the ground but it just seems clunky and unfair to have to consider that.