Dynamic but not static flying day 1 in War Within? Let's get some answers

So in the War Within, dynamic flying will be available day 1, but not TBC flying. At face value, this seems unfair to those who are unable to make full use of it due to motion sickness or other issues. I am not one of those people, but I would like an answer from Blizzard – at the least – as to why it is this way.

But, of course, it’s highly unlikely to happen on its own.

So, I’m proposing those that feel similarly pledge to not use dynamic flying until they’ve unlocked TBC/static flying, which is supposedly at max level, in order to stand with those who are unable.

Blizzard may not care, you yourself may not care, but I at least want to let those who are affected know that some of us who aren’t are with them.

Does anyone else feel similarly? If so, sign up here. Let’s stand together and try to at least get some answers.


It’s an arbitrary restriction and really shouldn’t be this way. He did say there wouldn’t be any rep restrictions, which is good, but like why gate it at all?


i wonder what elevations can be done for thos with those issues. maybe static camera positioning?

more options are always good.


" Dynamic Flight will be available from the start in Khaz Algar and players will be able to unlock the TBC style of flight at maximum level by exploring the zones of The War Within and completing the campaign."

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I assume that this may be their way to try and slow down botters.


which looked good on paper and could have worked if the bots did not have the fly mode what you would see in a sp game

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So just what I was thinking since I wrote from memory and second guessed myself.

Not sure how long the campaign is but they are doing what I wanted them to do for years since Pathfinder went live.

Explore the new zones, do the campaign and voila.


god i love botters. they take mats and make them nice and cheap so i dont have to spend time farming mats for crafting

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It should be the same requirement for both types of flying - either both get it day 1 with no caveats or both should require max level and exploration.

This 2 tier system is nonsense.


Ion is obsessed with fake restrictions, systems, and inflicting misery haha


And that would be fine w/ me if I hadn’t seen so many with difficulties with dynamic flying. It works for me, but not for some, unfortunately. I think we should all be able to use what works for us. If that means some will take advantage of it, well, that’s the risk, but if it allows someone who otherwise would have a rough time or even not play because of it, I think it’s worth it, personally.


I agree, it is very silly.

Unfortunately, a few higher ups there also are the same and very stats based designers so they do this and go ‘‘see, look how many participated in this content… we did great’’ lol


Don’t get me wrong, I think pathfinder now, more than ever, is just pointless to keep around… I never agreed with it but with them designing with flying in mind. What exactly is the point in delaying traditional flying I’d ask them.


I can’t imagine it has any real impact. How long is the campaign going to take to run through, couple hours? Maybe?

I honestly don’t care. I look forward for Dynamic Flight everywhere in 10.2.5 (not 10.5.2 – doh!).

The discrepancy, however, is telling, I’d love to know the reason, but doesn’t matter to me if they change their mind or not. But the “why” would be very interesting.

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10.2.5 not 10.5.2 lol

Indeed! My latent lysdexia outing itself once more.

My only thought is they don’t want people to be able to hover. Otherwise, why put the restriction on normal flight? I have friends who can’t control their dragon flying very well and hate it with a burning passion. It would be nice if they could use normal flying right out of the gate and avoid dealing with something they don’t do well/hate.


It could be the type that is spread out for multiple weeks. ?
So while doing it all at once later may amount to an hour or w.e…
The launch may have weeks before the full campaign is unlocked.

They even included the danger to gathering resources in dragonflight. :mag::robot:

…but sadly my fellow bots evolved to avoid the danger and how to dragonride. :robot::sweat_drops:


Yeah botters is not the reason - there were botters in Dragonflight early on. They figure out how to get around stuff.