Dynamic but not static flying day 1 in War Within? Let's get some answers

oh look another unnecessary bad faith thread whining about dynamic flying, just what the forum needed.

If advocating for others is a tired hill to die on, I’m happy to do so. Others have listed a multitude of other conditions, and as stated, it doesn’t work for everyone. If you have nothing else to add, you are certainly free to mute the thread and move on if it bothers you that much.

This is a discussion forum. If you have nothing to add beyond unsubstantiated accusations (which in itself is bad faith), you don’t have to contribute and bump the “unnecessary” thread.


Getting to the Emerald area of the Ohn’aran Plains reqires either dying or Dragon riding to reach. And also a few places in Azure Span as well.


Thing is though, anyone with a modicum of common sense of knowledge of how motion sickness works can see right through it. If you had motion sickness bad enough that Dragonriding triggered it even with the accessibility settings on then guess what? So would running around valdrakken. So would doing most combat encounters. Or the on rails shooting quests. Or any number of other parts of the basic gameplay.

But what are you whining about? Having your precious AFK flying delayed by like 1-2 days.

These threads come up almost daily with people talking nonsense to argue for this and it get’s old.

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I genuinely get motion sickness with dragonriding and not with other things in WoW. It isn’t always consistent what causes motion sickness. IRL I can go on roller coasters as long as they’re not upside down and I am fine, but every other fast ride I have ever tried made me feel like throwing up.

That said I can live with getting old flying at max level and using ride along to level with a friend. It is a huge improvement over DF.

Imagine hating people with limited accessibility as much as this person.

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There are a bunch of quests in the game I will not do because of motion sickness issues. I could do them before I developed glaucoma but not after. So your point is not even valid.


I choose to believe those who are having issues, you don’t.

However, I’ve no interest in engaging in any type of discussion with someone who is belligerent and insulting. Feel free to continue to argue with others or yourself, making sure this thread stays visible to others.


Or maybe it is because no matter what they do regular flying is still superior to the garbage they call dragon riding.


I’m going to enjoy my dynamic flight on day 1 (which will be 3 days earlier than some people).


Well-- I won’t be buying this Expac either.


But he did say it would be available at cap. So unlike everyone who is happy to use gimmick flight, anyone with issues will need to wait until they get through levelling.

Why? Damned if I know. As far as flying goes, its one step forward one stagger backwards for Ion and the team.


If they are getting old for you it sounds like you aren’t able to simply move on and ignore a thread that bothers you. I’ll help ya out. Click the paw icon to mute threads that don’t interest you.


There are people, like me, who simply do not like to do dragon riding all the time. I can do it, I just find it extremely annoying as a method of travel. Fine for races.

If they truly believe - and are going to follow - “play your way” then this shouldn’t even be a thing. Right now they’re just giving lip service and it rings hollow.


Probably because classic flying lets you do things like AFK and makes gathering much easier. Both things can be problematic in the early days of an expansion.

I find it hard to call this a pathfinder, when (in DF) it’s “unlock world quests”

This is something that you will basically have to do for other reasons.

I’ve never got that reason. In the past you never got flight straight away. Whatever expansion, you had to earn it in some way which usually took time. Whether it was getting to cap or doing Pathfinder, it wasn’t an immediate thing. So early on, people weren’t flying and gathering. And what actual difference did going AFK on your mount make to anyone but you?

And besides, bot farming happened in Shadowlands even without flight. How many times did I see a druid in riding form with another on their back going the predicable path from herb to herb in Revendreth. Bot farmers will always find a way.

No, can’t see the issue with those things.

Because blizz doesn’t have the stones to do what they really want and remove old flying.


Is there something you want? Let me just make some busy work and then you can have it.

It legit makes no sense. I’m hoping “dynamic flying” is some kind of improvement over current dragon flight so maybe I won’t hate it.

I just can’t understand the reasoning. Here’s this fast thing, that with any modicum of skill is mostly, to all accounts, superior in every way to this other slow thing, that we’re going to gate. The slow one, not the fast one. Because we like the fast one better, we think it looks cooler and anyone who doesn’t like it for any reason gets the gate. Maybe not gate as hard as in the past, but still gate. Because reasons.


They have a lot of time to walk it back at least.


It makes a difference in Warmode. Blizz obviously sees an issue or they would have released them at the same time.

Plus based on Ion’s face at Blizzcon during the announcement about dynamic flight if it was up to Blizz they’d scrap old flying completely if they felt they could get away with it.