Dynamic but not static flying day 1 in War Within? Let's get some answers

If it weren’t for the problems people legitimately have with it, that’d be fine by me. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.

I do wonder how it will fare interacting with the game on a ground mount.

All the previous times, it was unlocking a z-axis. This is not the case in DF or WW. So it needs to be re-examined.


same reason that druids and worgen can use “their mounts” and the others can not in the maw.
also we dont know how long the campaign is or when the dragon flight will be unlock at
middle or last zone. Khaz Algar dont know what order this zone will fall under

I suspect anyone that wants the old style, or any easier content at all removed are simply trolls. There really is no reason to want to do it other then to upset those that prefer it. It’s spiteful.


It is not just Motion Sickness that’s an issue with Dragon Flying. It’s always the Case in GD that ppl can’t accept that the game is not built around only themselves, and devalue any opinion that counters their narrative.

Some examples that hinder you from DF (in comparison to TBC Style)

  • Motion Sickness
  • physical conditions (being one-handed f.e.)
  • Vision hindering conditions (blindness f.e.)

The list goes on…

I get that you will get limited by your dev ideas if you consider accessibility as a minimum requirement for your world. What should be always considered into this, is it worth to design something to be more immersive when experiencing it with DF over having the whole game work for everybody.


Thank you, It is indeed nice not going mental over something that will barely affect someone for a day.

i agree lets get rid of TBC flying so we don’t have this weird dichotamy.

It’s time to stop AFKing in the air fam. If you don’t like dynamic flight, use your ground mount and flight paths.

Keep in mind this expansion goes DOWN, not up, dynamic flying will get you back up maybe but going down will be no problem with all the other options, slow fall, glider kits etc.

Thats not what they’re talking about. It’s not about right clicking on a far away shadow of a mountain and going AFK as the mount gets you there. That’s never been the problem.

Trivializing content is using flight to skip content. That twisty path on the mountain with the quest goal at the top. On the ground, you’re obliged to fight your way up. Flying, you just skip it all.

If you want talk about trivializing content with flight, I present the Highmoutain experience pre- and post-flight.

This is what they’re talking about the issues with world interaction and flight, not AFKing in hover or flying long distances.


You say that, but bots are 100% the reason.

Botters use ground mounts and old flying, they’re not using dragonriding.

Yes, there are bots in dragonflight, but they are pretty limited in what they can accomplish compared to any expansion before. They pretty much Rousing farm in caves and skinning.

It is not effecient to bot herbs and ores because Blizzard has introduced anti-bot mechanics to those nodes. This is why we have freeze traps, huge poison damage, fire damage, knockbacks, etc on all the valuable herb and mining nodes, not to mention the time in-efficiency of trying to ground mount to them.

The time-gate created by the new profession system means it takes a character months to fully mitigate those traps on the good nodes and acquire enough talent to actually pick good quality items.

The result: bots literally just gave up on mining and herbing.

By having achievement gates on flying and profession gates on herbing and mining, Blizzard increases the startup time that it takes to get new bots rolling, so that their ban waves have a longer lasting impact.

If they are doing quarterly bot-bans and each bot is a 3-month investment, Blizzard is winning.

So once again bots are the reason we can’t have nice things.

Thank you to all the morons who buy golds from shady websites :roll_eyes:

I never said motion sickness was the main concern. It’s mine though. Because of visual issues. I have advanced glaucoma. So I am affected by 2 out of the 3 you listed. I know there are other concerns as well. I just don’t want TBC or static flying removed from those of us who want/need it for reasons no matter what they are.


Didn’t was pointed towards you :slight_smile: - I just used it as a base for my advanced comment on it. Sorry if it was missleading.

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That’s OK. Sometimes it’s hard to tell on the forums. I am not upset. Not at you anyway.

What we are given with these maps and utilizing old dynamic flight. Is not what I envisioned, but this is how it goes with WoW sometimes.

I just wanted to take the time to elaborate on something I mentioned on the first day of Blizzcon. I would’ve still utilized the dynamic flying but would’ve built on and done some tweaks to take the actual flying aspect away. I would’ve made it so we were mounted on some type of bugs again. Kind of a shout out to Ahn’Qiraj. With vast narrow underground tunnels to accompany it.

Then I would’ve tweaked dragonriding to the point that I was inquiring about since the very first mention of dragongliding. Can we gather power off of the environment? Bouncing off the actual environment or walls, gathers speed or charges to take down many enemies (in this case insects). Instead it looks like they went a Sonic ring route. Which was fine, but still it would’ve been nice for them to further build upon this ability they made then to leave it the same. Added note… a good example of what I was envisioning for fellow gamers to reference would be Majora’s Mask Goron mask abilities in a way. So it would’ve been very fast pace, look very dynamic, come across as very dynamic. I think would’ve been fun in an over abundant insect environment with narrow spaces. Ultimately something that would look more new to WoW and feel that way. I feel like this would’ve been easier to accomplish in a dungeon or scenario setting. Even though it probably would’ve been fun in the open world.

Anyways my rant and explanation is done about something that I would’ve thought would fit in with the insect setting. I don’t think they would be able to pull this off in the amounted grace period tho. (Not entirely sure) It felt like they were advertising less time between expansions. Which ultimately felt like it would hurt the employees and the consumers.

I did read some people are concerned we are going to get little depth tunnels for Delves. Azuna comes to my mind for a reference. (for me) Someone wanted bigger depth comparing it to old Classic caves. I didn’t think that was necessarily a bad suggestion, I know I would be more amped about what would be at the end of this cave back in the day. When they made them that big. The downside which I don’t think this person recalled was, is if you were in these areas too long, the way back would all respawn. I could deal with this fine. I liked the suggestion it was worth parroting. Incase it didn’t make it on the forum.

Tbh, I am unaware if Delves are going to be actually incorporated into the open world. Or a type of scenario. Pardon my ignorance if they specified it at the announcement.

Delves seems like an answer for the players that wanted a different way to obtain gear other than M+ or “raid or die”. So hopefully it gets executed properly and is a lot of fun. I think somethings weren’t getting translated that well at the show, (The look and feel of Delves being one of them) but I figured some of this stuff is in early production.

Totally digressed… anyways it’s nice they will have flying near the beginning of the expansion again, to compliment these big open maps.

Thank you for your input, and your reasoning seems sound. But I want to hear from Blizzard on this. Not that I will, or that I deserve to, but it is what I want.

I don’t even have these issues, yet I yearn for TBC flight. My most favorite style of play after campaign stuff is in-depth exploration. Draenor can be considered to be 100% explored by me due to TBC flying making it feasible. Dynamic Flight is too fast to play as I desire. I’m capable at it, but it is not suitable to what I want to do.

And I’m sick of it, honestly.


Who cares, we get flying. I have zero desire to return to the Wod, Legion, BFA, Shadowlands where we had zero flying at the start.

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At a certain point, assuming we intend to keep up these arguments over flying we have to admit to go our own way, we have to advance the argument. It’s not whether dynamic flying can and static flying waits longer, the question is “does anyone with a disability have a lesser game experience?”

The question was phrased as “as a test, can we …” – well I want to know the answer to that also.

Some users are going to have an extra 3 days to play. If I recall correctly, in Dragonflight, without all my glyphs, that’s about what it took to hit max level. I played the campaign straight and true, I wasn’t herbing and taking a lot of detours when fast levelling.

I did the campaign and side quests and glyphs for each zone before moving to the next. So it took me about a week. The only reason I did it that way is I am also a Loremaster and I always do that first. I use Dragon riding in short bursts because it makes me dizzy to use it much but I know how to do it. I just don’t like it. at all because I have to stop for 10-20 minutes, before I can do anything else.


They do not work for everyone.


That’s fair. For full disclaimer, I love dragonriding, and I’m grandfathered with loremaster. I guess I’d ask you, taking the week (which is totally fine), were you able to play alright for that week, using some flightpaths and traipsing to the next campaign encounter? I remember a lot of the campaign leading me just a few hundred yards afield. If I knew then what I know now, I may just use a ground mount.

Follow the Oh’naran caravans. Follow Brenna through Azure Span. Bliz doesn’t make you move too far.

If that’s true, I think the time is reasonable. But you shouldn’t have to choke down dragon riding to do that.