Dynamic but not static flying day 1 in War Within? Let's get some answers

That’s possibly true, which just means there will be far more things to grab my attention and prevent me from reaching my destination. lol

I’m not saying we shouldn’t have changes. Having played the game for so long, I’ve experienced plenty of them. Not all appreciated. lol I’m willing to admit when something is no longer for me. Making dragon riding such a big part of game play, when anything like it was usually the realm of side quests and games within WoW, is simply of no interest to me. Dragon Riding is not the story or the quests and dungeons that are the main part of WoW. It’s not the world and Blizz dictating how we should enjoy that world in a way that has me saying, “Maybe it’s time to move on and buy a few more lattes instead of a subscription I never use”. Like how oh so many subscriptions go. :sweat_smile:


Not waiting on waiting for next major content patch or having do rep to unlock TBC. Its victory.

Back TBC, you want to unlock flying? You have to grind ton of gold to get your first flying license. That means you had to force yourself to do quest and dailies to unlock it. I remembered my struggled to get it but after grinding all the gold to get flying mount, I felt I accomplished something and it felt very rewarding

A disability is that not only reason people dislike dragon riding or prefer traditional flying over it. Some people, like me, just don’t find dragon riding very fun. And fun is the point of playing games, is it not?


we still have to level to max, do the entire campaign (and lord knows how long that will be) and explore every single zone to get traditional flying.

this is not a W… is it better than waiting for 12 months to unlock pathfinder, sure…but that’s like saying hey “you no longer have to eat dirt anymore, you only have to eat grass.”


I absolutely agree. I cannot abide the gliding/dragon flight. I hate hate hate it. I have played since vanilla, but as long as this is a requirement I will only play classic. Not even going to purchase the new expansion.


i will definitely enjoy tbc flying.


The campaign is usually timegated for weeks at least.


i literally cannot express how annoyed i get everytime blizzard makes changes that make the game less fun to play.

take dragonflight for example -

here are some things i liked about dragonflight season 2

  1. previous max ilvl of season 1 was normal raid ilvl in season 2 - it made me feel good about moving into the new season and glad i played a little extra on my main and alts to get them max ilvl because that effort was rewarded in season 2.

So what does blizzard do?

The make the ilvl jump a lot higher from season 2 to season 3 so that any effort put into gearing in season 2 is completely irrelevant by day 1 of the next patch.

  1. I liked the crest system and how easy it was to upgrade my gear by being able to grind alot at the beginning of the seaons.

What does blizzard do? They time gate crest acquisition so it artificially takes longer to gear, regardless of your skill or effort.

  1. I liked the fact that crafted items had a buff in ilvl, making them the same ilvl as end of vault rewards in mythic plus for a 20. It provided me a realistic path to gear my character as needed to get the proper stat weights that i needed without sacrificing ilvl.

It felt really good to gear my character, if I was unlucky with drops for stats that I wanted, it wasn’t a big deal, I could craft some pieces and recraft them to change stats as i needed. AND THAT FELT GREAT.

So what does blizzard do? They nerf the ilvl of crafted gear so that even if you use crafted gear to change your stats, it will never be an upgrade in terms of dps over higher ilvl pieces.

Here are some things I didn’t like about season 2:

  1. I didn’t like the fact that I had to spam mythic 17s in order to get hero track gear. When you are farming a specific piece of gear in mythic plus, the chances of you actually getting the piece of loot you need are so astronomically low, that you could very well farm a dungeon 100 times before seeing the piece of gear you need.

there are multiple occasions this patch where i spent upwards of 60 runs in a dungeon trying to farm a specific trinket.

so what does blizzard do? they double down on that and make it so that you can only get hero track gear at end of dungeon from 18s. thanks.

  1. I didn’t like having to farm exalted rep with the Enlightened in Shadowlands in order to get my infinite augment rune on top of having to pay 40,000 gold. Exalted requires 42,000 rep.

The new augment rune will require 18 renown with the new faction. 18 x 2500 = 45,000… also the new augment rune costs 100,000 gold.

so blizzard took what we didn’t like and just doubled down on it, making it cost more gold and making it require MORE rep.

frankly, I’m fine with the gold cost but the rep requirement is too much. Also making us wait until season 3 is too much, especially for dragonflight where augment runes are literally only available to players who tank or heal heroic/normal dungeons and in limited supply since the call to arms bonus isn’t always active.

again, blizzard doubles down on something we dislike.

  1. I didn’t like that nokhud offensive required dragon riding and i ignored that dungeon as much as possible unless I had a friend who would go with and let me use the ride along.

What does blizzard do? they double down on that and put dragon riding into the raid…

Bro why you glowin

Honestly, the most frustrating thing about this is this could have been an easy win for Blizz.

Dragon riding day 1 - people with the need for speed are happy :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Traditional flight day 1 - people who aren’t speed demons or who may have conditions that make it hard or impossible to do dragon riding or who simply prefer traditional flight are happy :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Or both have same restrictions/requirements - people will grumble a bit, but if flight is accessible from day 1 and achievable fairly quickly everyone will be fairly happy.

Instead they chose to divide the player base again and pit them against each other. They must enjoy reading forums on their breaks.


You still use your ground mount if you want. Blizzard went out the way to make it easier to obtain TBC flying. God forbid that you to work in order to fly.

yeah using a ground mount in zones that were designed specifically for dragon riding really doesnt help.

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why should i have to work in order to obtain traditional flying when everyone is given dragon riding for free?

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Would take some digging but they have said on multiple occasions that the reason they didn’t want flight in the game was because it trivializes content. That basicly means there is no friction or interaction, or not to the degree they want.

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Hostility? No.

Wanting to move the game forward instead of living in the past? Yes.


have fun afking the game

Meh. It’s not insidious.

As others have said it’s likely there will be treasures and quests that would be trivialized in the open world with the control and precision of TBC flying.

You also need to account for players who enjoy Warmode and understand the negative effect TBC flying has on open world PVP. Warmode is at it’s best in the first Tier of an x-pac when everyone is out in the world.

It is moving forward. We have dynamic flying right? They said it would be a thing going forward right?

How is keeping old school flight in the game along side of dynamic flying “living in the past”?


Perhaps. But I do like the image of them reading the forums for entertainment like many of us do :slight_smile:

Well, the solution would be not to make content that would be trivialized by traditional flying then. They know it’s in the game, they should take it into account when making content. One could argue dragon riding’s speed trivializes the environment yet they still make beautiful, detailed zones. It’s possible you’re right about this, but imo it’s not a good reason since it would be a dev created problem.

Not everyone PVPs (and pretty sure it’s a lower percentage than non-PVPers), so non-PVPers shouldn’t be punished. If flying is such an issue in Warmode then they can apply restrictions in Warmode only.



But really, Hanlon’s Razor indicates you are probably right.

This one I don’t get. It may be because I never did open world PvP since Vanilla and a bit of it in TBC, but with all the evolutions they’ve made in this regard, can’t they simply disable TBC Flight while in Warmode? Rather than disabling it for everyone? Doesn’t add up to me.

So much this. Yet to see any detractors reasonably answer this without the tired old responses of “Bots!” or something.

That and my elder brain gets triggered by people who don’t respect/appreciate the past or tradition… I’m not even 40 yet, but I feel old.