Dwarf RP still a thing?

Hello. I’ve not played much on WrA in a long while. Back when I did, there was a pretty strong and fun Dwarf RP community. Is it still around and thriving? Are there still Dwarf oriented RP guilds? If so, I was considering moving my shaman here.


Last I knew, Battlestein Company was still up and active.


Join the Mead Hall, get in touch with Rufaic or Bath.


I think there might be, I’ll let you know if I come across any.

We’re still here! The Mead Hall’s still going, even at the end of the expac. Here’s a link straight to our forum post!

Feel free to contact me over discord (I’m Snowsteel#2289) whenever, I’d be happy to go into detail about our community. But, as you’ll soon see from that post, we have a weekly pub every Friday, a bi-weekly pub on Sundays (and sometimes every Sunday), and generally a roll event every Tuesday - all at 6 server! That being said - you don’t really need a dwarf RP guild to hang out with us. We’re a community that crosses guild lines - many of our favorite dwarves don’t even have a guild. (That being said, I’m biased. Picks and Pints is pretty great, and it’s dwarfy. Anything I touch turns to dorf.)

Anyhow, come out and have a pint! Tell a story, get into a brawl, and ease your worried mind with a mug of Iron Stout! It’s almost Brewfest, so you’ll be seeing (and hearing) a lot of us soon!


What he said, and the Brewpub on Sundays is about to resume going back to every Sunday. It’s been bi-weekly for the month of August.

Nope, all the dwarves were lost in the great purge of 2018.

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I do love it when titles are phrased this way, gotta say.

Like nope, dwarf RP is no longer a thing, it’s banned now. If you RP a dwarf everyone on the server gets to call you a “Silly goose” and make honking noises at you.


Dwarf RP was officially banned by edict of the Server King