Dwarf and Night Elf racials are too strong

Except my first statement in this thread was when I responded to this post


Looks like my first post was agreeing with someone saying they were strong. Go ahead and scroll up and find it. It is the 4th one down. The topic hadn’t even been muddied by CE issues from last tier yet. It was about M+ and MDI.

You goon.

There, I spelled them out with context you can’t hide and deny now. So by your measure, you are now the goon I called you in the first place.

I never said you didn’t say that

What I said still applies. Just because the OP was about msi and mplus doesn’t mean the convo doesn’t evolve.

Pointing about mythic raid issues is adding on top of the argument btw.

And it’s been strong for two final bosses not just one.

I mean you tried really really hard to be really smart and just failed at it again

And again

So keep up the insults for your cope.

When you open your post with a blatant lie, the rest just kind of falls to pieces.


Considering that was a question not a statement how can a question be a lie?

Your arguments have definitely fallen to pieces which is why you keep reaching

You could shadowmeld to stop certain mechanics from targeting you. The biggest one I remember was the T. rex in Atal Dazar. If it fixated a nelf player. They just had to shadowmeld and it would stop fixating and go back to whomever had aggro - eg the tank.


The bigger problem is that minority players (mythic) want everyone to dance around their demands. Objectively speaking, the game has only two problems with racials:

  • Old racials have not been updated and this requires better attention, so they can bring them up on par with the Nelf/Bronzebeard racial
  • Quality control has been an issue for Ion’s team a long time now. The racials are not the problem but the game design, which requires the “massive use of playing a Dwarf while I actually want to play a Vulpera and you force me to pay for a race change I never wanted”

The solution would be to empower every other race to fulfill player fantasies.

Because cross-faction guilds no longer have players locked to horde for raiding, so now they’re free to actually play what they want.

Hey no judge, to each their own. I just think they’re hideous.

I don’t want to play a dwarf, but I’m not free to play something else. Not if we want to kill bosses, that is.

Nobody cares about MDI except sweats who are doing them

Wow PVP is dead for a reason.

More people pvp’d in DF than did in BFA

I agree, bring back blood elf blanket silence, bring back human ‘trinket’ for all ccs and have it not share a cooldown with the medallion. Then buff passives for races that have mobility racials.

also reduce the cd of gift of the naaru to 1.5 or 2 minutes. Gift of the naaru isn’t terrible now, it’s actually pretty good, it’s just that the cd is too long at 3 minutes.

Maybe buff the night borne racial to deal significant damage too.

Dwarf is just op into bursting, so maybe remove bursting? so we all don’t need to have a priest anymore?

If they buff the mechagnome stat buff it could have competition. Tauren have the same dps racial too tho

this is unfortunate. I’m sorry it has to be this way.

I don’t care what people in MDI are doing.

It doesn’t have to be this way, they went for 15 years without Stoneform removing primary raid boss mechanics.

Stoneform hasn’t changed, just what it removes has.

oh how I’ve longed for them to bring back fel hunter friendly dispel… you could be using warlocks instead of dwarves in your raids.

oh and I know about the imp dispel… but fel hunter dispel was so much nicer.

Far from dead but mmmk :slight_smile:

who cares, how about don’t worry about the meta and just play

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