Dwarf and Night Elf racials are too strong

This is a prime example of why people who don’t really know what they are talking about making comments.

Stoneform is valuable on Sark/fyrak because of dispells alone is massive value that’s also not factoring that it’s a physical damage reduction as well

Now combine that with the best dps racial in the game and it’s not even close.

The closest race for Hunter is Tauren because they have the same offensive racial.

Stone form moves it ahead by a large margin defensively

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There is a third but it’s spec specific and requires effort on the warlock

But this is a developer issue and not a racial concern.
They designed it this way without thinking this through. Or, for once, they want to push their Alliance-players and race changes again.

It’s an issue now because in previous tiers stoneform wouldn’t have worked.

Now it does which means it’s a massive issue.

Those aren’t the only things that stoneform works on.

It works on bolstering and other affixes/mechanics as well

I’m sorry brewa but if you continue complaining about stoneform, i’m going to have to remove you from our dwarves hoa program.

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I’m actually a Vulpera driving a Dwarf mechsuit.

Also I’m a spy.

Don’t tell anyone.

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No, sick and tired of anything interesting regarding racials and profession bonuses getting gutted to the ground or made irrelevant because people at the top top top QQued.

Let people have some fun.

The only reason it becomes an issue again and again is because Blizzard forgets their players are freaks and are looking 24/7 for ways to make mechanics easier or irrelevant.

Remove all racials.

Play whatever you think looks cool.


How about we end this stupid debate once and for all, remove all activated racial abilities and replace them with another passive one. But it is funny to see the side that enjoyed a huge advantage in this area for years crying about it now.

It wasn’t an issue until Blizzard started making fights where people had to switch to Dwarf.

And if you don’t know what I’m talking about, READ THE DAMN THREAD BEFORE POSTING IN IT.

What do you mean?

“Had to” I remember those two words going back forever. There were fights back in TOT where people switched to Troll for the racial because the advantage it bought for Megara I believe? Just one example in many but while it was an advantage it was utterly irrelevant for anyone not in the top 100 guilds.

It’s partially blizzard’s fault but I really dislike so many changes the game bought over the years because of the whining of raiders.

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Before you post again.

Read the thread.

Every expansion had at least one fight where a racial or back then a profession bonus gave an advantage that was exploited by the very top to either make a fight significantly easier or doable or make a mechanic irrelevant.

Fyrakk is hardly the first nor will it be the last. Even if the developer’s intentionally designed the fight to be exploited by dwarves so people would stay dwarf it still changes absolutely nothing for the majority of players.

A lot of interesting things this game has had over the years got ruined because a tiny percentage of the population used it to make content easier or even broke it. Despite the fact they still needed other skills to make it work and skills the overwhelming majority of the playerbase would never reach.

Well, I did read the OP and apparently you did not. Are you sure it is me that doesn’t know what they are talking about?

By your measure, the goblin racial is still overpowered, or simply can be again with the proper end game fight. I even pointed out the situational value of the goblin racial, so you didn’t invalidate my point, you exemplified it.

I was using that as an example. Are you honestly trying to imply that stoneform doesn’t have value in mplus?

I see you were so sure you had a “gotcha” moment you didn’t even finish reading.

You didn’t even read the point.

Goblins racial were strong on painsmith but that’s it. It’s not even near as broken as stoneform is. Terrible comparison.

If goblin were actually good in high end more people would be playing them.

But they aren’t so thanks for proving my point again :joy:

Turn racials into character traits and allow for choice.

That is literally the exact opposite of what I said. I have no clue where you pulled this from.

Now I know one of us doesn’t know what they are talking about.
Hint: It’s not me.
Hint #2: There is another hint in the post you first responded to me from.

You are such a goon and you don’t even know it.

Human racial needs buffs pretty bad

Survey says that’s not what you said.

It’s definitely you that doesn’t know what they are talking about.

Murloc io even shows what race the top 50 of each spec is.

Insults because you can’t refute facts rofl