Dwarf and Night Elf racials are too strong

Imp doesn’t dispel bleeds

I thought the effect in the raid was a magical fire debuff.


I have 50% off Transmog costs.

My racial is the strongest.

This thread is just a really sad case of the majority not knowing what it’s talking about. Fireblood/Stoneform is the strongest racial in the game (for pve at the very least) because it lets you take out literally every effect. It does EVERYTHING. Got any type of dot on you? Well you’re a dwarf so not anymore. This removes an insane amount of pressure from dispellers on any given fight. M+ is going to have more poisons and curses next expansion so that’s nice.

I wish my “race fantasy” was being able to completely circumvent every dot mechanic. Guys I’ve been playing blood elf recently, since we have access to the sunwell it’s part of my race fantasy to have a raid wide lay on hands that does holy healing get on it boys.

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Racial abilities should not trivialize combat. This puts undue pressure to pick the “right” race instead of the one you want to play if you plan to do any level of competitive content.

Nah, it’s actually pretty great in pvp and pve.

That said, I don’t want racials nerfed, homogenization is lame. Bring other racials up to par, or allow “alternative racials” for the sake of balance.

I rather they do be nerfed to not affecting combat. Its more then a little dumb we have set pvp races at the high end for what should be a cosmetic choice

Combat racials have worn out their welcome. Delete all of them.

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Not everyone does lame mythic content. Stop trying to ruin the fun for everyone else that plays the game. If you aren’t good enough to do the content without the tiny bit of extra help, maybe that mythic content isn’t for you.

100% agree. The thing is, what would these people do if cross-faction wasn’t a thing to begin with?

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Instead of nerfing racials, how about you just play the f***ing game and stop making up excuses for your own failures?

Or if the racials are SO powerful, race change and start abusing them like you claim they’re abused and shut up.


You realize that 75% of the players that earned title were only playing 2 races. Another 18% were Dracthyr. This means 93% of the top players in US and EU are locked in to 3 races and 1 of them isn’t even a choice.

Most people who don’t push high-end content don’t even know they have an active racial ability to begin with. Putting them in-line with other races will have no impact on those players.

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die aug die aug die aug.

Having a race with 2 extra stops and extra mastery will be interesting once Dracthyr get more races as well :rofl:

You don’t need Dwarves to finish the raids. Obviously it was thought to use the Drac’thyr.