Dwarf and Night Elf racials are too strong

Dark Iron or Bronzebeard dwarf?

Used to be able to use it to drop Rezanā€™s pursuit in Atalā€™Dazar or whatever the heck that dungeon was in BFA.

All races all classes all racials all transmogs all weapons.

Everyone / everything into the blender.

are you implying that they arenā€™t also too strong in pvp relative to other racials?

Excuse me, dwarves are one of my favorites. I have like three of them right now on this server, and a number on others.

And Iā€™m actually thinking of race changing my monk just because they look cute in her mog.


Hes not complaining about pvp

All of the debuff removals should be dropped from the Dwarf/Dark Iron racials. The racials would still be fine with Stoneform just being the damage reduction and Fireblood just being the extra combat potion.

Because the developers used to have the common sense to not make raid mechanics just be removable with Stoneform.

Now they do it regularly. Even Mythic-only boss mechanics (like Mythic Sarkarethā€™s Destabilize mechanic) can just be instantly dropped with Stoneform.

Itā€™s why the RWF teams on Fyrrak were 15 Dwarves out of 20 players. The only non-Dwarves were things like their Evokers, that couldnā€™t be Dwarf.

(Remember, those are HORDE guilds fielding teams of Dwarves. Iā€™m GM of a Horde raiding guild, Iā€™m stuck on this Dwarf because Stoneform is the most powerful racial in the gameā€™s entire history, right now.)

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I think thatā€™s quite the fitting karma punishment for being such a jerk on the forums during BfA.


Guess I didnā€™t really understand what you were trying to say then.

Blood Elf had his race changed because he was strong, I donā€™t understand why the alliance races arenā€™t changed


Thereā€™s a long history of Horde racials being nerfed on fights if theyā€™re considered too important.

Da Voodoo Shuffle works on Jaina to reduce slowed times? Hotfix it so it doesnā€™t.

Stoneform entirely removes raid mechanics? Working as intended.


I love how people want to bring others down more than they want to be boosted up. It is quite the Freudian slip of their intentions and thinking process.

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I mean sure, add this:
Removes all poison, disease, curse, magic, and bleed effects andā€¦
to the front of every other activated racial in the game. Fine with me.

Actually would have a reason to put the Vulpera racial on your bars, if it had that.

Fights werenā€™t designed to let stone form remove dots.

Sark Fyarakk and SLG are all fights stone form gains immense value.

In top of that it also has the best dps racial as well

whatā€¦like for pvp?

I mean, it would make more sense to give a better dispel to the healer. It is kind of wild they made bleeds relevant then not dispelable by most healers.

The value of a racial is in the uniqueness. The ones that do (useful) unique things have some pretty novel uses, while those that donā€™t are more window dressing. If a healer can do what you do, but on a much lower than 2 minute cooldown, then the value goes way down.

The situation is also valid. grumbles something about goblins in Legion

that aint happening. not at this stage.

Na remove all combat racials

Since people clearly donā€™t get it, Iā€™ll explain in more detail.

Hereā€™s how Mythic Fyrrak was designed:

  1. Fyrrak puts out 4 Aflame debuffs on the raid, which must be dispelled.
  2. Fyrrak puts out 4 Aflames every 8 seconds, like clockwork, on Mythic.
  3. The raid has 4 healers.
  4. All the healer dispels are on an 8-second cooldown.


  • Unless EVERY HEALER dispels EXACTLY ON COOLDOWN every 8 seconds throughout the entire phase, you fall behind on Aflame stacks.

There are two ways to catch up:

  1. Mass Dispel
  2. Dwarf racial

Mythic Fyrrak was designed so that as much of the raid as possible has the Dwarf racial.

This isnā€™t a trivial thing, and itā€™s not accidential. Itā€™s entirely by design on the developersā€™ part, to make people play Dwarves.

Well thatā€™s the kicker, Alfame isnā€™t even a bleed. Itā€™s a magic effect.

But stoneform works on EVERYTHING. Itā€™s absurd.