Dwarf and Night Elf racials are too strong

As others have said, some racials become “required” at high end M+ but they are not useless for mid-range keys (5-15). Say you’re a tank and the boss just put a nasty bleed on you. Your healer can dispel it but they happen to be dead. If you could just cleanse that bleed off yourself, you can live and win the day. If you’re a DH or druid tank you don’t have the option of being a dwarf.

Having said that, the new TWW tank philosophy appears to be that you should be dependent on the healer.

If you can’t do your M+ without those racials then roll one of those races.

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Savage af.

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Friendship will remain but they will just pick up someone else that meets their pushing criteria, which is absolutely understandable.

I mean who likes to be the “I’ll do whatever what I want and you have to take me or else we won’t be friends anymore”

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It is what it is. What I did is find a guild that doesn’t care, and if we want to do M+ we can, if we want to push, we can, and if we don’t, we don’t. My point though, was arguing racials because your group only min-maxes is not a racial issue, it’s a group issue.

I’m not talking about 10s and 12s. I can pug those. I’m talking about high end m+.

I can tell you don’t know what you’re talking about

Shout out Warstomp for providing a small dose of aoe stoppage for anyone who needs it!

whatever you say, sunshine. and i agree, min-maxing makes things easier, but no, it’s not required for any level of gameplay in wow, no matter what you might think.

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And what level of gameplay are you getting your perspective from if I may ask? I think you should stick to world quests and transmog runs.

They’re also the best in pvp.

Nelves or.dwarves

Originally, you could not use Shadowmeld in combat.

Stoneform and Shadowmeld?

Let’s replace them by

Shadowform and Stonemeld!

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Learned that in Hardcore the hard way

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While this chart is showing the top 0.1% (title earners) it does continue to trickle throughout anyone who is playing this game at a more competitive level. People will mimic what they see, they will play the meta. Dwarf and Night Elf are the meta.

Remember, Blood Elf racial was nerfed/reworked for being too strong. This should carry over to the other races.

And I say they aren’t strong enough.

Buff them, immediately.

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Stoneform/DID Fireblood: Only removes Curses, Diseases, and Poisons
Shadowmeld: 5 min CD used out of combat, 10 min CD used during combat.

Done, racials fixed. You can thank me later.

What is with these low effort :troll: threads lately…

For what reason? You can have this even in a better form as Monk (Class Hall > Dalaran), Vulpera, Mage (Teleport), Dark Iron Dwarves (Mole Machine) or Druid (Class Hall Portals).

The new human racial is very weak.

…thats the joke