Dwarf and Night Elf racials are too strong

Delete all combat racials, imo


I’m to the point where I wouldn’t mind if they deleted combat racials and expanded/revamped everyone’s utility racials. It wouldn’t stop the complaining, but I feel like it would be an improvement.


For me, I never pick my race based on racial things. I pick based on theme/looks/RP etc

Like I don’t even like Night Elf that much but my favourite race on Alliance is Draenei, if I could be a Draenei Druid I would be - even though Gift of the Naaru is completely useless on already healer toons lol.


here we go again. and from a DH again as well.


The solutions to this are simple

A) allow racials to be chosen by the characters. Not saying everyone could pick everything. Lets say all elves can share the same racials and pick shadowmeld if they want to.
Dwarves and taurens could share some kind of stoneforms or warstomps or stuns, etc.

B) disable racials in specific environments

C) remove game mechanics that benefit too much a specific race.

D) a combination of all above


They’re fine.

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Can someone explain how night elf racial helps in m+? I’m actually curious as I don’t know


Buff draenei racial. Add draenei female new faces/hair/colors/skin tones. Allow open world questing with both factions. Allow me to play draenei with horde friends. Allow me to make a draenei female. :sunglasses: ty.

Fine take my stoneform away but I want something just as awesome maybe like a 2nd charge on my hearthstone or something.

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agree, instead of just nerfing, we could buff the other racials to be competitive with dwarves and nelves


At high keys, you can prevent mechanics that would otherwise insta kill you.

Example: Nokhud Offensive, last boss, the electrified spear that stacks the group does insane damage in tyrannical weeks which turns it a real headache to your healer. Well, if you happen to be a night elf; guess what… You’re can completely nullify the ability.

You literally don’t know what you’re talking about

You probably have no idea how broken Stoneform is

PS: I don’t need Shadowmeld because I have FD which is better but I assure all, that my group will think I’m trolling them for not being dwarf on TWW.

Since M+ isn’t competitive outside of MDI, it’s kind of hilarious reading people complain about it despite dwarves lacking popularity.


It’s bad design to make a race have a better racial because it’s ugly af and nobody likes them

Nobody cares.

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Why bother responding :crazy_face:

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I’ve always been of the mindset racials need removed as a whole.

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Buff night elf racials? Got it.


Just as good of an option, IMO.

All this time i thought you were a gnome like the rest of us…
That’s going into the notes…

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Found your problem. It’s your group.