Duskwood is horde owned

Maybe this boomie is just like the goblin hunter that makes threats and then is too scared to duel. IIRC, he also talks to himself on the forums


Please point out where I’ve ever “talked to myself” on the forums. Being logged into different alts and replying to others isn’t talking to myself. Also, you keep flip flopping… earlier it was I do talk to myself and now it’s “I think”.

@Percivall I’ll see about putting something together when all of my friends can get on.

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Awesome!!! I look forward to it. :cowboy_hat_face:

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I counted wrong? I guess I must be tired after counting all my Mickas Money. Apologies.

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It’s 2019 and you still don’t know what print screen and imgur are?


Yes, It had been three days since you ran me over with a 25 man then sent 120k to yourself.

Four days now, and the man who “owns Duskwood” is absent again.

… and yes, Shadowblades doesn’t know how to take screenshots. So expecting him to count to four might be a stretch.

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I sort of honor 1v1 if I’m rooted, even then I’ll throw knives at them.


Hey has anyone had any sweet convos with themselves lately?


As soon as you get about 30 more ilvls come holla at me.

What he said

Still waiting for you to sack up and prove you can 1v4 geared players and not levelers/afkers.

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Hi Diudiuhed

I do it on the daily. Also, you can’t tell someone to “sack up” when you’re the one grouping up using the excuse of being a boomkin as your reasoning. You have a UHDk too which is the god tier class for PvP and you still do it.

So who’s really missing the sack? :thinking:

Just further proving how you get an average IQ of 3 when you merge 4 RG members together. Stay strong.


YOU said you could 1v4 anyone in my guild. I challenged YOU to prove it. You keep trying to freaking move goalposts and divert attention from it. You can’t kill anyone that isn’t a leveler or fresh 120 kiddo. Put up or shut up. I’ve got a 440 warrior and 440 ret plus me that would love to see how big and tough you are against geared opponents.

We know you won’t do it though, because you’re nothing but a chest thumper on the forums.

And how I KNOW you’re nothing but a forum troll: You keep calling people bad and won’t even put in the medium modicum of effort to break even 400 ilvl. Do you even play the game? Lol. You can easily break 420 ilvl by just doing emissaries. You can’t even manage that.

Jesus you’re angry. Monday blues or something gotya riled up.

Do yourself a favor and take a breather before you respond. Maybe scream “RUIN GAMING IS NUMBER !” into a pillow a few times to let that steam out.

On a related note, could you imagine bragging about your boyfriends ilvl as some sort of threat? The mere thought of you banking your pvp ability on gear and ilvl is hilarious because you know you can’t actually win with anything but.

I love Mondays.


No not angry. Just hilarious watching someone like yourself making claims and won’t even back up your own smack.

You’re just so obsessed with us it’s cute. Anything remotely related to wpvp that doesn’t even reference us? Mention Ruin Gaming

Talking about duels/events/bgs etc. that have nothing to do with us? Chime in and mention us anyway.

Are you some musty 16 year old that got kicked from the guild for bragging about drug use or underage drinking or something?

Literally never even heard of you before 2 weeks ago but apparently you’ve known about us for a while which leads me to believe you either got gkicked for being a raging child or you’re just one of the million random horde we’ve killed doing dailies.

This whole thing started because YOU made a claim you could 1v4 anyone in my guild. Thus far, in 2 separate threads you continue to make this claim with zero proof and zero sack to accept my challenge. The challenge is a 1v4 or hell just from my previous post a 1v3. For such a “PvP god” I’ll make it easier and reduce the number by one to make it more fair.

Also WoW has ALWAYS been about gear grind and character advancement. It’s literally one of the core concepts of any MMO. You don’t even understand the basic history of WoW.

You’ll just continue to cast evasion though, and hurl insults like the typical forum poster.

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These are the same children who argue ILvLs, like they mean something.
I started to ignore em all, They argue the same thing everytime…

We all know if ILvL is your fall back argument, you just aren’t that good at the game and most likely bought or got carried for your progression . Which is fine, just stop bragging like your the best player in the world.

The rest of us will enjoy the game and have fun. Making tons of people patrol a low level zone and talk trash makes me giggle. I will still kill any of you 1 on 1 any day of the week.

For the Horde! can’t wait for some SS and Barrens this week in Classic!

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My last encounter with Ruin was me using a deepcoral pod and jumping over their characters stacked up holding the “a” key turning in circles as I just kept jumping back and forth over them. I’m sure they got roughly 30000 error messages of “you must face your target” before I finally hopped off into the sunset.


I can understand ganking lowbies once in a while but to make camping a leveling zone most of your game ? …:thinking:

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It’s valid end game content DOSAO! GET WREKT NOOB!!111!1


Well all the gankers will probably go to classic … it’s more griefer friendly than retail will ever be . :clap:t4: