Duskwood is horde owned

Not really. You have dishonor kills and no hiding on flying mounts. Ruined gaming for many.

The prey can’t get away either though
no sharding or phasing out

You kill a ganker now and they just Rez and fly up and hide in the clouds til you leave or they just leave. They can’t run away and hide in classic. Plus dishonor kills lower your PvP rank when you kill someone 10 levels below you.

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Wasn’t the dishonorable kills on in game NPC’S only?


Good question perc. I thought all of them but you may be right.

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Lmao. This coming from the dude that does nothing in game but camp lowbies in duskwood? You’ve done nothing of note this expansion but you lecture others about progression and ability? Lmao.

But ayyy, grats on your 7/8 LFR uldir

I’m an LFR raider is that an issue? Should I feel ashamed? Just curious.


I found this link from a wiki site. Whether it is true not is up in the air, as it is a wikipedia site. But it states that killing an in game npc that is a civilian will give you a dishonorable kill.
vanilla-wow fandom com/wiki/Dishonorable_Kill

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Me too but nowadays lfr is getting almost intolerable to be honest :man_facepalming:t4:

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How about, what’s below casual raider? I think I’ve done one raid

For whatever it counts I’ve raided stormwind a couple times
oh and the fountain in the center of darkshire
well let’s just say I take all the coins and shower in it.


I do it for the acheesements and than never again. Pvp is were I belong.:cowboy_hat_face:

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LFR raider means you have r1 tolerance and patience skills.

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Capital cities are the only thing worth raiding.:cowboy_hat_face:

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I was battle hardened in the military and further tempered after having children.:sweat_smile:


Ruin never did take you up on that 5vs5 offer?

I mean we train vigorously for those type of scenarios
they should be rightfully scared.

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I bet they’d pick up in a heartbeat if it was 40v5


Yes, but only certain NPC’s labeled “civilian”. You can kill most of the NPC’s, as long as you don’t see that civilian label when you mouse-over them. Those will net you big honor losses with the DK. Players and the rest of the NPC’s are free game though.

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And that spreads too. If you kill a civilian your whole party paid the price.

So how about that 1v4 mr PvP god?

I might actually pay to have my named changed to this. Rings a solid bell.

I don’t know if I can find 3 other people to care enough to kill one measly druid.