Duos is a bad Idea. Solo queue needs to be SOLO

I can’t think of a single spec that just instantly falls over when targetted except maybe frost/unholy DK. Unholy can at least play at ranged a bit and use pulls to snipe people, but frost DK is definitely rough without a healer in a teamfight.

They also recently gave all hybrids a much larger mana pool, so off healing in a bg with 0 or 1 healer would actually have a significant impact.

Keep in mind also that these BGs are 8v8. Especially on the larger maps you aren’t going to have 8 people in a teamfight unless one team is just zerging which is unlikely to be a winning strategy. Much smaller teamfights of 2-4 per side will be the norm. At those sizes even DKs can survive for a decent amount of time without a healer.

Yes, except for TOK I foresee a lot of smaller team fights and not nearly as many large team fights that we currently have in random BGs.

It really just means you’ll hit a point on the ladder where duo queue will be mandatory to continue. Just like Apex, Rocket League, etc.

Yeah… great idea…we need more options for players to play with each other…c’mon. For once let a solo player play the damn game against other solo players. You can do 2’s 3’s, rated, bgs, ebgs, 5-25man pve.

There is no need to have 25% or more (drop syncing) working together against a team that does not have that option.

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You mean… solo shuffle? Duo queue people and solo queue people have only 1 option now to PvP that is unique to them. Solo has solo shuffle and duo has 2s. They both have any other form as long as they are willing to pug. This new form is for both. So it’s a win for both. Don’t be greedy.

IMO duo queue with a healer in rated BGs is amazing. I am so excited for it! I hate arena and BGs are my favorite!

Been away from retail for a couple months. What are we talking about? Did they change it so you can’t queue as a group for bgs?

There’s a new mode coming. BG Blitz. It’ll be rated further down the road, but it’s a rated BG solo queue. However, if you are a healer you can choose to queue with 1 other person.

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I’m sure there are more DPS specs that don’t do so well without healers. It also varies depending on the composition of the teams.

Those players on squishy specs will wish they had two healers.

For once?

Rated solo shuffle. There you go. Solo players only.

They needed to enable a way for people to buy and sell carries to keep wow tokens up for the fomo elite crowd.

I agree with you Holycow. As a Dev evoker I fall over fairly quickly without a healer. 1 stun and I am done without a trinket in a BG setting. I would probably have to play Aug if there weren’t healers. A mage would be super squishy if they have a MM hunter. A feral druid would have to sit bear form the majority of the time. Most DPS specs would fall over without a healer if multiple people focused them.

Also, could you imagine how awful it would be to solo heal a rated BG, even with 8 total people? At competent levels of play having 7 dps focus you and CC you without someone throwing heals on you / dispelling you would be miserable. While suffering through that your team would likely rage at you for not healing them. People who make these suggestions don’t heal or heal very little competitive content.

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That’s what 2v2 and 3v3 arena are for.

Solo rated BGs are not meant for queuing with a friend. It’s to test your SOLO skills with a random group of players.

And let’s be honest here. Those who queue with their “friend” will have a big advantage which will skew ratings and rewards towards those players.

I’m already less interested in the game mode because of that issue.

Try playing an enhancement shaman

I think Blizzard took the lessons they learned from RSS and applied them to solo RBGs. They’re trying to find ways to make healing more appealing. If healers can play with a friend, there will be more healers in the queue.

Sure, they might have higher rating than if they were solo, but they’ll hit an MMR where all the other people are playing at their combined level.

This isn’t “solo rated BGs,” though. It’ solo and duo(with a healer) rated BGs.

People in duos may move up the ladder faster or may not. Regardless, they too will reach a rating where them being a pair doesn’t matter. It will incentive healers to play, which helps everyone. Good solo queue players will still move up rating and do well. I highly doubt that higher MMRs will just be 4 duos vs 4 duos. You know why? Because the max is 2 duos per BG per team. So those other slots (half the team mind you - assuming every healer is a duo) will have to be solo queue players. Y’all acting like duo is the ONLY way to get high rating are missing the fact that the MAJORITY (or very minimum half) of the teams will be made up of solo queue.


Use your mobility and heal yourself?

This goes to my point that a lot of people just don’t know how to play without a healer.

Right on. Would be fun for the wife and I to have an option to queue together.


Obviously that is what you do if able. Lmao. If I get stunned and have no trinket, then what? Can’t just use my mobility or self heal. Pray that I used defensives before the stun, but I have been solo’d by sub rogues in a stun chain WITH my defensives up. Now, imagine in a scenario where there are others. Multiple people hitting me while stunned and I die even faster, even with all my defensives.

“Use your mobility and heal” is such a silly take. As if CC doesn’t exist and the person (or persons) I am fighting have no way to keep up or stop me. Lol!

In case it wasn’t clear. Dev can kite if the others are bad, have no CC, have no mobility, or if I can get a quick CC off first. Then kiting and healing is great and I can for sure stay alive. I do it often in randoms when playing against bads or those who are easily distracted by the closest bad guy. That doesn’t make me less squishy and less reliant in a healer, though.

This happens to everyone, though. That is not devastation evoker specific. I died a couple of nights ago in a three second stun 100-0 because I didn’t have trinket and I wasn’t on my evoker.

No, it’s not. People need to take inventory of what cooldowns they have available and know when they can push something and when they can’t and play accordingly.

Okay, ty for proving my point. There are multiple specs (like Dev Evoker) that fall over quickly without a healer. As you just pointed out, even level 23 DKs will die 100-0 in a 3 second stun. Not sure why you are arguing with me when you clearly agree and gave an example. Lol

Lol… “use your mobility and heal” IS a silly take because that is the OBVIOUS thing you should do. Only very bad / drunk / or high people just sit and turret damage. You just are choosing to ignore the fact that counter play exists. Yes! Even against “just use your mobility and heal.”

That you don’t realize that these are contradictory positions to take is interesting to me.