Duos is a bad Idea. Solo queue needs to be SOLO

so does q syncing 40 ppl into an epic bg

Im only queueing a healer if I can sell a slot for a faster queue or to play with a friend. Otherwise I dont think there are enough maps for me to mind control people off cliffs to make it entertaining enough to play one.

I’m not sure why you’d want to queue rss with friends? Isn’t that what 2’s and 3’s are for? Plus, you’d be spending half the match on the other team, unless that’s what you’re looking for.


My bad for not really being clear with what I meant.
Basically I have zero interest in a game mode where I do not have the option to queue with a friend.
But obviously a lot of people have trouble getting enough friends / pugs together for RBGs.
It’s nice that we’re getting a middle ground.
Some very intelligent person is gonna say random BGs exist, but you’ve got like a 30% chance of just fighting a premade, and for basically no worthwhile reason, blizzard has decided that random BGs don’t deserve the same rewards as RBGs, RSS or 2s/3s.

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I understand. I guess someone will always be “left out”. If the let healer/dps queue together, why not dps/dps? If they allowed that, someone will say why not letting 3 queue? If they allow 3, why not 4? blah blah blah.

Honestly, I’d just be happy if reg bg’s counted towards vault, at maybe 3x or 5x the honor needed than rated.

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I would be fine with double dps queus, but the intention is to incentivize healers to queue.

To which I would say, it’s a compromise. There is no perfect solution. Like you said, someone will always be “left out”.

Same. But at least solo / duo RBGs will be far less susceptible to one sided games where a premade gets matched against a bunch of randoms. From what I’ve seen, fewer people seem to care about the rating, and more of the positive feedback has been about not being faced with unwinnable odds every other game.
If we got the same rewards for normal BGs, I could see premades feeling even more mandatory. And people just using LFG as a way to find quick wins to play their minimum number of games a week to stomp non-premades and then not queue again.

I couldn’t find any conclusive information on this, but I’m sure that healer/dps duos would be queued against other duos.

Give me a break. All this crap is is clearly a way to sell tokens per usual. 2 slots allow selling carries. Carries mean lots of token sales.

1 god healer with 1 god dps are going to carry so hard. I cant wait.

There is no reason healers need to have a set number required per side anyways. This isn’t arena where deaths = loss. Id be perfectly fine with 0 healer or 1 healer lobbies as options to help mitigate queue times, and it would have a significantly lower impact on the fairness of matches for everyone involved than allowing duo queues of dps+healer.

Until their MMR gets high enough that the “god dps” are just regular dps. Right? That’s how it works. Eventually you will be at a place where the duo doesn’t matter as much, because people are better.

I would not play this aspect of the game without a duo queue. I always play with my spouse and solo queue is not an option for us. I am super excited for the option to play rated content with him without it having to be arena (BGs are by far our favorite). If people want an only solo queue rated PvP, they can stick to rated solo shuffle.

You seem to misunderstand. My post was not sarcasm, im actually looking forward to that.

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Maybe there is a better way to make healers want to play than introducing duos into a solo queue.

It’s like having to bring girls to get into a high school party. Have to keep the ratios of dudes to chicks even or you have a sausage (dps) party.


Some classes do sooo much better without healers than others. That would make some classes unplayable. Also if only one side got a healer, that side auto wins 99% of the time.

Obviously the amount of healers per side should still be balanced, even in random BGs the matching system tries to do that. 1v1 class balance is irrelevant in BGs, every spec is able to fill at least one role within a BG, regardless of the presence of healers. What classes do you think would be unplayable lol.

The classes that I find to be unplayable are the ones that don’t do well into teams with strong enemy healers when their own healers are weak or they have no healer. I really don’t find any class unplayable in fights that involve no healers at all.

There would always be an equal number of healers on both sides of a match and as Al correctly points out: this is not team death match, so having healers isn’t an absolute necessity.

So, I kind of agree with Al, but with a twist. Why not just let it be the case that some matches could only have one healer on both sides or no healers on both sides and let EVERYONE be able to duo queue, with the exception of healers being able to duo queue with another healer or a tank being able to duo queue with another tank (which would destroy their queue time anyway).

On one hand, I really like that the soloQ system will help make matches more fair by removing five man premades against PUGs. On the other hand, I DO like playing with friends and being able to duo queue (with another DPS) would be a hell of a lot more fun than doing solo queue only.

Well, they might get to the very top of the ladder.

Or, they’ll eventually reach an MMR where everyone else is also a god healer or a god dps.

In any case, it won’t affect average PvPers very much.

If you have 0 or 1 healer, some DPS specs will just fall over in team fights because they’re squishy.



Sure, but if your team is always down a few players because they’re squishy and can’t keep themselves alive without healers, you’ll probably lose the game.

Or are we saying there are no squishy DPS specs? And everyone is equally tanky without healers?

2 tanks on an 8-player team? That sounds unfun.

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Al and I do a lot of fights without healing, so we know how to do fights when you don’t have any healers that you can depend on (a skillset that many people don’t work on, btw) and I don’t think there is any DPS that is extraordinarily weak in those situations. There is one that is stronger than others and that is paladin, but they aren’t invulnerable.

The classes all have defensive CDs and mobility to deal with fights without a healer and classes which you consider to be squishy die in team fights when there is an enemy healer because the fights get extended well beyond what cooldowns they have.

In shorter fights without healers, things aren’t as bad because the fights will largely be determined before they fully run out of cooldowns.

Some classes are stronger in small fights than large team fights, but these are objective based maps so a person should always be playing to their strengths.

That obviously won’t be a thing (right?). I was just throwing it out there for completeness.