Duos is a bad Idea. Solo queue needs to be SOLO

With how plagued premades are in BGs/Epics I don’t understand why Duos are being considered an option in SQBGs. In an 8v8 a duo on voice of X rated players are better than uncoordinated. This is a bad move. Healers will be alot more abundant with the 1:3 ratio and BGs rather than SS. Make it a true solo q - why is there always something with this dam company.


It’s to increase healer participation, which in turn is healthy for the game mode. If a healer can take a trusted DPS in the game with them, then they are more likely to play.


duos make carry selling and game rigging possible.


I agree duos shouldn’t exist. And should only be implemented if healers disparity is really severe.

But I think Healers will like BGs over Arena. It’s not first blood or team death match, so game isn’t over just cause one person dies.

And CC matters more than damage on certain maps, like Arathi and SSM. So Healers have an extra way to make plays.


I think duo queuing is an interesting idea worth exploring.

It lets friends play together while encouraging more healers to queue up.

It makes RBGs less scary if you know you’ll have at least one friend backing you up.

As for rigging games, I’m sure premade communities will test the limits of the system, even if it’s all solo queues. They have lots of experience circumventing restrictions and finding new ways to rig their games for easy wins.


I assume it will be mixed faction, similar to SS. Given that, and the fact that everyone will have a different MMR it’ll be much harder to coordinate.

Guess we’ll see.

I think we’ve also seen in Classic that people will do a lot of organizing via Discord to premade AV or farm r14.

As a healer, I’m glad it’ll be duo queue. Isn’t that the requirement too? In order to queue double, it has to be DPS/Healer or Tank/Healer?

I’ll know I can count on a trusted friend to cover me instead of randos.

Its mixed faction, says it in the description for Battleground Blitz.


Don’t even need to carry. People will buy instant queues.

Or Healer/Healer.


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I’m all for it

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I agree to everyones points, thankfully it is more of a trial run first time round, like SS was. So we will be able to see if duo does/doesnt work well.

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IMO if the healer disparity is as bad as SS (which I doubt it will) than they should consider duos with a healer as mentioned.

The advantage of having a coordinated duo is too much of an advantage in an 8v8 setting with everyone at the same mmr.

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I like to play this multiplayer online game with friends.
I don’t want to insulate myself with a full team to stomp randoms. But queueing with a friend makes the experience way more enjoyable.

Ultimately, I’m not too concerned about the impact it might have on balance. There are a hundred other things I would cry about first. Like just general class imbalance or map imbalance. You can make a friend to queue with. You can’t make certain classes not suck, or certain maps not favor one side.


Why add another layer that will give one team a small advantage? This is Solo Q.

Because incentivizing healers queueing reduces queue times for everyone which most people would agree is a worthwhile trade off in the end. Do you think they are just adding the option on a whim, for absolutely no reason?
You can play an unbalanced game instantly
Or you can play a very slightly less unbalanced game once every thirty minutes.
A lot of people would rather just play the game.

You are a fool if you think solo RBGs could be a serious test of skill where your rating is an accurate representation of how good you are.

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They are assuming this will be an issue with a completely different mode.

This isn’t a team death match. The ratio is 1:3 in BGs instead of 1:2. You’re also not in essentially a 1v1 against the other healer. Its also pretty safe to say Healers enjoy healing a BG where their CC and decisions will have a greater impact with objectives in mind as well.

All I’m saying is they are jumping the gun on this.

If anything, I’d rather see them allow double DPS queues as well, because ultimately one of the biggest issues I have with RSS is that you can’t play with friends.
It comes down to fun > balance.
I guess if you don’t have a single friend to play with, I can see how the appeal of this might be lost on you.


Theres already a mode dedicated to formed play. This makes zero sense.

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gonna just duo into rated BGs and see how that gos