Duos is a bad Idea. Solo queue needs to be SOLO

Oooh honey… no…

Bless you

If the game is not a blowout where one side is just dominating every fight but you are still dying a lot then it would be a good time to ask yourself the following questions.

  1. Why am I dying so much?
  2. Is there something I could be doing better or differently to avoid taking so many deaths?

Doing damage in this game is relatively easy. Surviving damage? Not so much and requires a higher skill floor. It would do players some good to solo queue and seek out some 1vNs to improve their defensive play instead of always trying to rely on healers.

When you do play with healers, they might appreciate not having to hard carry your survivability.

Enemy < insertspec > OP

No, i’m perf

Those sure are good questions for people to ask themselves if they are dying a lot. Usually it just takes practice! Even squishy classes (like dev evoker - that can die quickly without a healer) can do really well and not die often if played correctly!

To tie it into my previous points, there are some specs that are less reliant on healers and will be easier to do this with and those that are more healer reliant (like dev evoker) where it may be a little bit more of a challenge (but do-able for sure!).

to me that defeats the whole purpose of solo q . If you want to q with a friend 2s or 3s . let solo be solo , i said what i said .

DPS have long queue times in RSS. It’s a really big issue.

Blizzard is clearly trying to get ahead of that problem for soloduo RBGs.

This isn’t solo queue, though? It’s solo and duo (with a healer) queue. It was advertised as that. If you want to queue solo, go queue in RSS.

This is the real truth right freakin here folks!!

Gotta open up the ability for token sales. If a dps player can buy the sales of a healer for carry in solo then it’s just plain smart business

This company sold its soul along time ago. It gave up its fantasy genre creativity for numbers

clearly they are, because you can.

I don’t see how a solo healer would be able to “carry” a single DPS in a 8v8 rated mode.
Faster queues? Sure. But faster queues doesn’t mean you’ll actually do better once you’re in the battleground. And it’s not like that healer can follow you around focusing heals on only you when there’s 6 other people in the battleground they need to heal if they want to win.

This isn’t arena where everyone fights in the same location and kills are the only thing that matters. Multiple fights will break out at the same time, you need to still do the objectives, and the other healer and DPS will still need the heals from your pocket healer too.

You’ll probably do good in the lower ratings but you’ll reach a matchmaking rating where you’ll go against people who know how to counter you and your healer. Unlike 2v2 arena where your paid booster is literally half your team, in solo queue battlegrounds they will be 1/8th of your team. You better be able to do well yourself otherwise you’ll be wasting your gold on getting boosted in BG blitz.

I just don’t think boosters will be doing BG blitz when arena is so much easier.

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Hi, i agree with the title.

Solo should mean solo. Especially if they stick with 8 players rather than 10.

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The only thing possible is that a high MMR healer might be able to lift a low MMR dps to a higher bracket (if they use their average MMR to place them). However, they’d still have to actually win the BGs, which as you have pointed out isn’t something that would be reliable like it would be in 2v2 arena.

I don’t really want duos in BGB myself, but I think its fairly obvious why they are adding it. They provided us with some very useful information in the announcement post, particularly that queue times are being considered a large priority for developing this, and that the typical ratio of queued dps to healers in RSS at active times is 4:1. That is the only real data we have to go on, and its very telling. For a game mode that takes dps to healers at a ratio of 2:1 that’s a massive disparity; you would need 100% more healers to queue in order to balance it out, and it shows why RSS queues are so terrible for dps.

So what are they doing to avoid that in BGB? First, they change the numbers so the mode will take dps and healers at a 3:1 ratio. This change alone will make queues significantly better; using the same expected queue ratio of 4 dps for every 1 healer (again, the best data we have), it will still be limited by healers, but now you would only need 33% more healers to queue for a perfect balance. Well, its never going to be perfect, but what could they do to make that ratio even a little better? Something to encourage a few more people to queue healer, something like a… duo queue for healers, perhaps.

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And in turn it will now make playing soloq a LOT more coordinated because everyone will have their friend they can voice with for everything, in turn those that queue without a friend will be at a massive disadvantage. The fact the devs cant see that boggles my mind in how they have zero consideration or thought for the things they constantly want to implement. Like, they really be making changes saying “okay” and actually be putting in the very first thought without a counter argument, and just going with it.

solo q should be solo q . Theres a reason why people want solo q rbgs adding duo to the que is bad . At this point they just just let you 8 man q then liek whats the point of adding a solo rbg then .

The healer’s duo might have higher ratings than if they were solo, but they’ll eventually reach an MMR where everyone else is playing at their combined level.

If there is a rating bump, this encourages more healers to queue up.

They’re weighing long queue times versus some healers (and friends) having higher ratings than if they were solo.

Long queue times can single-handedly ruin this entire bracket.

In a BG Blitz game there can be 2 healers, 1 tank, 5 DPS. So only 4 players are capable of being in a group, and even then it’s 2 separate groups. I don’t think queueing solo will put you at a disadvantage because the game can’t happen unless there are people to solo queue. It is extremely likely that you will also have a duo on your side as well. Plus, this game mode will have a rating attached to it. You aren’t going to get a bunch of noobs running around not in it with a team mindset past the first handful of games.


It was not meant to be purely solo queue, though.

Honestly, I find people complaining about this to be a bit dramatic. As stated by me and others, solo queue players will still do well and will still be impactful. They will make up, at the bare minimum, 50% of the team! Only the healers can have a DPS partner queued with them (assuming they dont duo queue double healer). If that is the most popular way for healers to queue, then both teams are likely to have two sets of duo queue. Or, at least one. The perceived advantage of duo queue will then be negated by both teams having this.

I think it also important to understand that only the healers can duo queue. If healers want to win, then they have to play with the rest of the team. The main advantage will be getting your partner to peel for you and protect you. What are people so afraid of? It’s not like it’s going to be groups of 4 dps target calling and perfectly executing chain CC while killing your team.

Am I missing something obvious that makes it to where a duo will have some huge advantage over others (that will likely also have duos on their team)?

Any advantage the duo has will become tiny when they reach an appropriate MMR.

I guess people are concerned that a 1400 healer might get carried to 1800 by an r1 DPS. Then, it’ll look like they’re a 1800 healer in “solo” RBGs.

Probably this.