Couldn’t disagree with this more. My RL buddy plays healers and I love it. Also have done fine solo queuing. Blitz isn’t meant to be super serious brosef. Also I don’t even think rating matters all that much anymore. There are glad mounts but you gotta FOTM for that cause the game is so imba.
People did complain about this.
Did you notice that I asked a singular person?
Did I, at any point, ask, “Where were any complaints about this during testing?”?
Oh, my bad. I don’t know we needed the OP specifically to complain about duos in solo queue for them not to add it.
People complained and they still added it.
If people were upset about the feature, there was a year since the announcement to it becoming rated, with 2 seasons worth of testing, to let Blizzard know that they don’t want the feature.
A lot of people were happy about the feature.
There were only a couple of people against it.
Perhaps if more people read the announcement and tested the brawl, they could have added their voice to that small crowd.
But instead they come out of the woodwork after the whole thing has been designed, to now complain about it.
A considerable portion of the playerbase who participated in it and knew about this feature did, in fact, complained about it.
Again, that’s not true. The small number of people who were aware of this and use the forums were not in favor of it. You can check the old forum posts if you want to see for yourself.
Wrong. If you check the post I linked, they were the majority.
People barely read quests in-game. You expect them go out of their way to read announcements on Blizzard’s website.
Because more people are finding out about it now and are not liking this.
I just read through the thread.
Of the 32 unique posters, 10 were against. That’s not the majority.
Then they shouldn’t act surprised when they die because the quest directs them to do group content.
Complainer: “Why is the mob an Elite? This quest directed me to kill it.”
Trade Chat: “The quest says suggested group: 3”
Complainer: “I didn’t read the quest, why would I read the quest?”
Trade Chat: “…”
Because they ignored all possible chances to test the feature out before it mattered.
That’s a blatant lie. You think I didn’t check. The majority was against it.
And also, I know exactly what you did. You scrolled down and saw “32 users” posted in the topic and you claimed that only 10 were against it, thinking I didn’t read the post and you would get away with this lie.
Now, you are going off-topic. Because you literally don’t know what to say. Also, most people can solo elites. Keep on trying to divert from the subject, now that you can no longer claim that people did not say anything against duos in solo queue RBG before the game mode’s official launch.
Most people don’t enjoy being unpaid testers, and very few are willing to test stuff. Still, a sizable number of people did test it, and most of them didn’t like that healers could queue as duos. They did voice their opinions on the forums, but their concerns were ignored, even though they were in the majority.
I think you just counted all the posts which said they were against duos, even though there are multiple posts from the same people.
And then claimed that most people are against, even though there are 13 posts from the OP.
I think you didn’t count at all. Most people were not in favor of this feature, that includes the people who liked the OP.
You can keep on trying to lie and dismiss people. The fact is that most people didn’t like this feature. And, I suspect more people won’t like it when they find out about this unfair advantage.
You’ve failed in this thread, just as much as you have in that other one.
Not really. You went from claiming people didn’t say anything about this feature prior to the release of the game mode, to arguing semantics, then lying about the numbers in the old posts, and now you have to resort to going through my profile to find something to say. You’ve just proven that you have nothing else to say.
Nah, I’m in a Blitz.
Sure, you are. That’s why you keep replying and checking my profile. And if you’re actually in a game, you’re being disrespectful to your team by commenting on the forums instead of playing the game.
I would limit your engagement with Hirav, he never engages in anything resembling an honest argument so outside of growing the post count and keeping threads alive I wouldn’t humor him too far. He’s been known to struggle with such concepts as what the term ‘random’ actually means and whether or not Blizzard removing the ability to queue for epic BG’s as a raid actually meant the correct way to queue as a raid was to sync your queue timings and not that Blizzard wanted people to stop queueing for epic bg’s as a raid.
In this thread we can see he also struggles with what criticism is and why it exists, and he genuinely thinks that because I didn’t object to duo queuing when it was still in testing- never mind that I barely logged any time playing WoW back then I had other commitments and WoW just wasn’t a big priority- that I no longer have grounds to criticize it.
That and he struggles with the idea that because something provides an unfair advantage, that in itself is a sufficient argument for it being removed. Absolutely everyone understands that duo queuing is an unfair advantage. In the game mode where you’re not allowed to use engineering items, potions, or food buffs because they’re seen as an unfair advantage.
Keep blaming others/outside forces for why you can’t win. You’re just like the anti-premaders at this point: farting in the wind.
Let’s remove duo que then and make those losers no excuse. Am I right?
So please remove duo que.
duo queue is fine, but there needs to be a percentage number near your rank/cr to show how often you duo. this way we can see the difference between a 2400 player and an 80/2400 player as they are not even remotely the same level.
Nah, just like the other whine threads, it’s a git gud situation
What the devs need to do.
Is coded the duo que system to only start grouping/start when the other team also has a duo que group and such.