Duo Que ruined blitz

Tank and dps together should be allowed to duo queue!

Just force duo queue to go against other duo queue. Boom solved

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I think blitz attracts a lot of players who believe they are better than they actually are. They don’t enjoy 2’s, 3’s or Solo Shuffle because they get exposed, though they’ll tell you it’s because they don’t enjoy the format. If they lose, it’s always some factor out of their control, in this case duo’s. The fact of the matter is, good players always climb over enough games played, regardless if they duo queue or not. Sure, there are times that you can be the best player in the lobby and still lose, but over enough games, the cream will rise to the top. Duos are there to incentivise healers to join and maintain a healthy queue time. Removing it will not magically make you win more games.

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Removing duos will make it exactly 100% harder to queue sync and wintrade, which is actually quite a big deal.
Feel free to check my experience to see if I just get exposed or whatever else that paragraph was all about!

It will also make queues 100%+ longer. Do you queue duo blitz? Because you are a mostly Rival (1800) level player who has a 2100 blitz rating, so things seem to be working pretty well for you. Your issue with duo is queue sync and wintrading? Can you explain, I’m not that familiar with the weird exploits RBG players use.

Ive never queued duo, and I actually peaked in the 2200s in Blitz, not 2100. Try to keep up!
I’m a longtime casual duelist that usually only pushes at the start of a content cycle.
Battlegrounds have always been my preferred content.

What’s the problem then?

Read my post a couple more times, maybe you’ll figure it out.
What power do 4/16 players have over the outcome of a game?
What power do 4/16 players have over queue times?

Your changing the goalposts a bit there mate.

You said why didn’t you voice your opinion ? when he replied he did you said “You should of got more people, mobilise etc” like its a protest of some sort and he should march on the steps of Blizzard HQ.

Sidenote : Thanks for saving me in Wintergrasp the other day <3

You keep editing your posts so it’s quite difficult to respond. I’m only trying to understand what exactly your stand on the issue is and for some reason you have a chip on your shoulder. To answer your question, the effect duo’s have on queue times, as I mentioned before (you should take your own advice on reading), is incentivising healers to queue up. Finding healers in rated PvP has always been a bottleneck on queue times, so by giving them the ability to queue with one friend, it encourages more heals to queue, resulting in shorter wait times.

You literally come across like the stereotypical blitz/rbg player I described in my first post on this thread. Best of luck keyboard warrior, hope to see you in game!

Healers are only 1/4th of the lobby of Blitz compared to 1/3rd in arena, which by itself decreases queue times.
4/16 is 1/4, by the way!

I’m not sure where you’d get that impression, I love Blitz, I just know where the flaws lie in the system and how it can be exploited by a community that is well known for doing so.


You gotta queue to do that, my friend. You’ve only played 11 games of this format.

It’s best to just report Hirav for trolling because that’s all he does.

Not solved, now there’s are two separate Qs, and everyone has longer Q times.

At no point did I do this. Keep tilting at windmills.

You’re literally crying about duo queues lmfao.

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This is exactly what the developers need to code in in 11.05.

Hilarious that there’s people in here saying that having half of a 8 manned group coordinated with comms is not more advantageous over 8 that are not. :joy:

Especially when said duo que sync groups probably stacked on best tier heals for said blitz.

This is classic premades all over again. Until those premades starting facing other premades and then they were no longer were having fun :joy:.

TIL half of 8 is 2.


There is approximately zero shot they ever remove duo queue from BGB

You have 4 options

  1. Make a healer friend
  2. Level a healer and make a dps friend
  3. Get over it and or realize duos aren’t holding you back
  4. Quit queuing

Good luck

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Duo is the best way to cut line as DPS. Make friends with a healer and join their fast queues

So I’ve found a good workaround to duos as a Priest.

  1. Join BG Blitz
  2. Pick a DPS, lifegrip them to you before map starts
  3. Tell them what their objective is
  4. Boom, they follow like a puppy everytime

TLDR Just leash a DPS during match start and you have a duo pet