Duo Que is just another kind of premade

I think you’re forgeting player quality here.

If I find a healer to duo with that has never done pvp before, that’s not really an advantage.


That’s not an average example at all. On average it will be a disadvantage. You’d still be placed based on your average MMR, if you’re carrying them maybe you drop your MMR a bit to win more.

You made your statement as an absolute, which is why I pointed out the flaw.

I’m just saying things aren’t as black&white/mathematical as you make them out to be. Experience trumps everything.

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Experiences can be misunderstood by a fool, math is absolute. The sun still rises on a cloudy day. I’m not sure why you think your example invalidates my point in any way, the 0 experience healer will almost certainly do better than if they solo queued.

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No, not really.

No, not really what? Are you trying to troll me Snowboy? Experience trumps education but can’t be used to counter the immutable laws that govern our existence. Life can be hard to deconvolute, give an idiot a calculator they’ll try to change the channel with it.

I sorta was that healer when I played arena for the first time. I never did more than grind conquest for the weapon but there was a big difference between healing my keyboard turning and spell clicking friend and when I advertised as an inexperienced healer LF no drama 2s partner and got a good player. They also offered advice and helped me to do better faster. Had my conquest weapon in no time vs hoping the other team will drop so we get free conquest.

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They should tweak the queue so that duos are queued agaist duos.


You’ve been spending the last couple of days trying to troll everyone else. You’re provoking arguments with internet strangers over a game you don’t even play.

You’re funny. I treat people in kind. he was trolling me so he got a measure back. It’s funny how they ask me to defend my point and got upset when I did, classic narcissism. I have 17 level 70s.

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As a healer main i play alot more blitz because i can duo with my bro. If i couldn’t then i wouldn’t play it as much. You want healers in your queue right?

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Naw it’s not that big a deal really and we want decent que times.

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No one is getting paid here or depends on BGB for survival, lets not get too hyperbolic.

I’ve done whole BGB wins and never been near the healers derping a team fight at the market,

But I think we have gone around a few times on this. I don’t want to go through it all again. Whatever imbalance there might be is absolutely overshadowed by the imbalance of the teams as a whole.

Team imbalances will be equalized on a long enough time scale but another variable will be relative healer balance. If you google it there are a fair number of boost services advertising for battleground blitz. There are also unpaid carries like guild or patreon.

I’m not sure I can express how little I care about boosting services.

Or friends playing together, let them have fun. If there is a real difference those people will rise to a higher bracket. and be facing each other anyway.

It’s just such an imagined issue.

Maybe it’s just me. IDC if you are better, lots of people are. I’m old and my fingers don’t work great, and my eyes are bad and I never have anything better than 250 ping because it’s a big planet.

So everything is a challenge, every game i have disadvantages and i DG**

I can still make wins happen.

TECHNICALLY ur parents formed a premade to conceive you.

People act like nothing can be planned before hand or its unfair


I’d think playing BGs is the exact opposite of 2 people having sex.

Keep in mind you’re arguing with someone who doesn’t actually play the game.

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I play healers exclusively and i only solo queue

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I think I’ve ground enough in the game to be considered as playing it. 17 70s, dungeons, maybe 130 BGs on 3 characters.

I didn’t say all healers only like to duo queue. So that’s fine, everyone can do what they want.