Duo Que is just another kind of premade

Snowcrest has more than 2,500 battlegrounds on a single toon.

So, I don’t think anyone could consider that you’ve done any sort of grind worth mentioning.


I haven’t wasted my life playing a video game, if that’s what you mean. The 130 is just in DF, I just played the start of the seasons. You also left out I have 17 70s, you understand that pvp is just a mini game now like pet battles? People who exploit for advantage ruined it, mostly.

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two people grouped doesn’t mean they’re any good

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addon from the epic bg premade people are working on premades for solo ranked solo q bg. cannot wait so people can complain more and nothing will be done lol.

Theres no need to incentivize healers to queue for blitz. The underling reason for low participation in shuffle is not present in blitz

Premades have already ruined reg bgs. Keep them out of blitz

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Hiding behind sync premades. Why do you think this gives him the right to criticize anyone else?

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As someone who doesn’t see the other side of the queues, your opinion isn’t valid here. You already get the fast queue times because you’re playing the role that gets them, of course you won’t see the benefit. The benefit is to the rest of the players.

When blitz MMR spreads out a bit and the pool of players you can get matched with shrinks, queue times will increase for DPS, and by a lot. DPS have always been the dominant role by a landslide, and not just because they take up more slots in a bg. Doing Yolo rbgs it was common to see 30+ DPS sign up before seeing a single healer/tank

People’s hate for premades in an MMO is pretty funny though

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We used to be friends, he has some leeway but we all pay the same sub. Thank you for standing up for me.

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probably has something to do with what happens when 2 duos (4 people total) enter a discord server together in this particular case, pal.

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So you are saying instead an entire pool of solo players being available and inserted into games, there needs to be an extra hurdle of two players with possibly way different mmrs being inserted into games they are either too good for or not good enough for?

Wouldn’t that increase queue times?

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Yea, and how often does that happen? A tad over never?

Sounds like a convenient excuse on why you lost a game

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In that one scenario, which is a possibility, it would be their average MMR. This isn’t 2s where one r1 player can go solo a team lmao, the good player will help as much as the bad player hinders

But I don’t see why this would hurt queue times if the healer only opted to play because they had someone to queue with? This is still going to be a a net gain

At least try to understand what I said. In your made up example of everyone being solo in a pool of players, I’m saying there will be less healers in that pool. Because they don’t get to queue with a friend. I’m not saying all healers are like this, I’m saying a lot of healers know the pain of having nobody worthwhile to heal. In my opinion the game gets 20x more fun when you have a friend to heal. It might not be your opinion, but neither of our opinions are that of the entire community. I’m not trying to take away your ability to solo queue, stop trying to convince me that solo queue only would actually be good

Bless your heart.

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You whine about queue times as a dps. Then you are fine with either a dps cutting in line with their healer friend or you budging in line with yours.

Imagine how many duos there will be queuing at the same time. That is going to really mess with mmr and distort the competitive nature of the match.

Hypothetically if every healer in a single match brought a dps with you only fit 4 random dps on both teams.

Add that to mmr wonkiness with the duo queuers ontop of inherent communication advantages i dont see how duo queue is a good thing for anyone.

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You misunderstand my replies as whining. I heal blitz almost exclusively, just like you. The rare time I will queue DPS when I’m messing around or if one of my friends really want to heal, and when I do solo queue DPS queue times are far longer than when I heal or duo queue. It’s not whining, it’s fact, in an attempt to get you to see the other side it. But you only want to get your way

This is the nature of blitz in general, there won’t be an unlimited pool of players who are 2k MMR all queuing all at the same time, it has to pull from other ratings. Duo queues aren’t making the system whacky, it already is. It has to be unless this game gets a massive influx of players

You really don’t get this? If every single one of those healers only queued because they had a friend to queue with, and otherwise wouldn’t if they didn’t, those 4 random DPS don’t get that game. They got in earlier because there were healers in queue to start the game. If they weren’t there, all 4 of those DPS would still be in queue


Duo queue adds another layer of wacky.

Citation needed. I dont for one second believe there is a sizable portion of the playerbase that would refuse to queue without a buddy.

This game is full of degenerate players. Especially in pvp. People take advantage when they can and when that advantage becomes unavailable they return to business as usual.


It averages their MMR lol, it isn’t difficult to understand or implement

My bad, I was unaware that you didn’t believe this to be the case. As the foremost expert on people who duo queue as a healer, I will 100% believe you and ignore all the healers out there that say the opposite

Everyone takes the advantages they have in PVP. If you see the other side is missing a player, do you go sit in the corner and wait for them to get another? Doubt it

If you see you outgear the other team, do you start taking off gear until it’s about equal?

By your logic you’re an equally degenerate player as those who premade

Solo player: I’m going to play a game, but I like to play solo
Someone logical: cool you gonna go play a FPS, a solo RPG, a racing game?
Solo player: Nah I’m gonna go play wow
Someone logical: isn’t that a group-based MMO where grouping is encouraged?
Solo player: Ya but it will be fun
Solo player: Wait there are groups in this game?
Someone logical: …
Solo player: Time to go to the forums and complain about people grouping being degenerates!

Sounds a lot like how certain RBG players like to have 2 people on the team playing on their mains at real CR while filling the rest of the team with fresh CR alts to drop team MMR for easy games, doesn’t it?

Bless it!

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You group with other players through the queue system even if you solo queue. It’s the same argument the sync premaders make to justify their advantage. Not that I’m claiming there’s a significant advantage like in epics just that we’re cautious because we’ve been been burned and no one respects the flame like the fool that’s badly burned.

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Just to be clear, you’re seeing similarities in these two scenarios?

RBG team, 20% of their team at lets call it a high CR with complete control over the remaining 80% who they will fill with low CR players to control their rating


Solo RBG blitz where you control 25% of that rating and have 0 control over the other 75% and thus have very little control over your rating

Yes, I see what you’re saying 100%, you put a lot of thought into this