Duo Que is just another kind of premade

What’s the meaning of “Solo” if you can duo with others, it’s just another kind of premade and unfair to other side don’t.

Also, it’s only a 8 mans fight, duo que can affected so much.
The main point in solo is “Random Teammate”, please remove duo que and let it be real random.




Uhh, what if the other side runs duo as well so how exactly is that unfair to them? Just grab a friend or simply don’t que up if you are that kind of person to complain about everything from A to Z.

I also like to play MMOs without friends and complain about people who do like to play with friends

Lol jk that sounds awful

People being able to duo queue just gets you games faster. Most games are waiting for healers, and I’m far more likely to want to queue if a buddy reaches out and asks if I want to do a blitz. I’m sure a lot of other healers are the same. Healing a bunch of nobodies who run away from healing, do no damage, don’t cc, don’t peel, don’t get kills is all solved by bringing a friend. And someone to share in the misery in a loss


Sure, there is a small advantage, but in my opinion, it’s negligible. The healer duo queue mechanism significantly shortens queue time, which greatly improves my gaming experience. Although I don’t duo queue myself, I like this design.


I dont queue low mmr toons without duo as a healer. I have queued a lot of games recently just playing with friends and it has been so much fun, i would not have queued at all if they didnt ask me to play.


Some people really want 120 min. queues.


Duo for healers was a preemptive strike against the possibility of que time issues plaguing another solo mode like it did with shuffle.
I honestly don’t think this would have been the case with blitz even without duo.
Finding healers for RBGS or even just random bgs has never been a problem.

It was always looking for tanks to carry flags, and there are only two viable tanks for that after like 10 years…


Not sure I’d call it a “premade,” but the mode should be changed to pure solo queue. Also too bad it’s 8 players and not 10 with normal maps and rules.


Duo queue gets dps players to ask their healer friends to que with them and shorten the queue times for everybody.


I haven’t used duo queue, but I’m fine with it. With many maps having 5 objectives but only 2 enemy healers, if you pay attention you can avoid seeing them pretty well. Some healers are better tanks than some tanks. CC and capping on them is only mildly harder so I can sometimes avoid wasting time trying to kill them.

Hopefully they will balance duos like they do premades in randoms so solo queue healers aren’t disadvantaged. They’re still probably collecting data for when it’s official in TWW so this probably isn’t the final form for the queue.

Duo will still have the advantages of playing with friends so they have peels and greater control over outcome so better players will still rise faster but the solo disadvantage would be a wash with randomness in team mates that way. It wouldn’t affect duo queue times either if they had solo/duo vs solo/duo matches.

Ima show you how easy it is. LF HEALER/dps buddy I have 3 dps and 1 casted mw monk I’m about 1800 or so exp. Looking for fun games and to learn bgb with someone with insight.

Edit: I will lvl my main and my healer to trade games for duo Que

Unlike random bgs, players have MMR in BGB.

So, while players in a duo might attain a higher MMR/CR than if they were solo, their opponents should theoretically be playing at a similar MMR.

For example, a duo with 1800 MMR will face 1800 MMR opponents. They’re all playing at the same level.


That’s an example of a healer tax if dps aren’t obligated to form a team. Just a power delta, only impact I have is play or not. It doesn’t have to be, I don’t understand why they would build healer disadvantage into the system if they’re concerned about healer participation.

It would first depend on participation, I might find myself healing 2k at 1500 if what people say about RSS is true. You end up at 50% but it takes longer to get to your final spot which should be appreciably lower than someone who consistently duo queues. Further you’re not just affecting your own rating but your team’s. Why should it be a disadvantage to solo queue in a solo queue game?

If you think healers feel obligated to form duos, won’t DPS feel the same obligation?

There might be personal MMR/CR benefits if you play in a duo, but games should still feel even because everyone is playing at the same level due to MMR matchmaking.

If you’re asking why allow duos, it’s to help lower DPS queue times.


I’m talking about ratings which are reflected in the match disadvantage, I’m at a ratings disadvantage if I heal and solo queue into a game that’s supposed to be solo queue.

It doesn’t really affect the dps if one of them finds a healer to queue with, only the one that sought out the healer who will also have a higher rating at the solo queue healer’s expense since the pluses and minuses would cancel for the other dps. I only have minuses as a solo healer.

It’s giving some healers advantage over other healers, I’m sure it promotes some people healing but how many are dissuaded? They balance healers and tanks, they have the technology to balance teams. They can have teams without a built in disadvantage.


i’m sorry bud but none of that is reality

idk how else to put it

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You’re not facing higher level opponents.

If you’re solo queuing and the other team has a duo, that duo is playing at your MMR, meaning that duo needs all their duo teamwork/synergies to play at your level.

Sorry, you kinda lost me.

If you think healers feel obligated to form duos for personal MMR/CR benefits (i.e. they can get a higher rating than playing solo), then DPS should also feel obligated to form duos for the same reason.

Blizzard will hopefully look at their logs to determine if duos are bringing more healers into the queue.

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Your not understanding what I’m saying doesn’t affect the validity of my statement.

First, it’s a ratings disadvantage built into the system that I’m talking about. The dps will sometimes have a solo and sometimes a duo so it all cancels out, I’ll always have be solo so always have that disadvantage which will reduce my ratings compared to everyone else.

You need 25% healers, why bake in a disadvantage to healers in the system?

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