Duo Que is just another kind of premade

The string of insults would suggest otherwise.

Just tiresome arguing with stubborn mules

OK. Oozo has 13 characters he raised above 2.1k MMR and has his own stream with a primary focus on BGB. Maybe the truth lies between your opinions but I think they’ll land closer to his. My point stands, it’s just that the impact of my point is unknown.

Already pointed out that this is meaningless man

You’re spiraling

Just pointing out, again, his qualifications for making the statement since you wanted to say your opinion is superior. Your whole point is that I’m dumb or demented, why would I take your opinion on anything?

That’s the important part about duo queue. My buddy plays SV hunter, and he’s good at it, but SV isn’t a Rogue/Warlock/Boomkin/Ret. It’s not like we’re stacking the deck (though I have decided to switch from Priest to MW due to mobility issues). People are acting as if everyone is going to be super serious about BGB and reroll the most meta things to duo with, when the reality is it’s more likely 75% of frequent duo queue players are just friends doing chill content on toons they like playing.

And for the second time saying it, if duo queue is as fast of a rating gain as the dragon thinks it will be, after the first week all the duos will be out of his MMR range anyway. So really nothing to concern himself with anyway, either he’s greatly over-valuing duo queue or if he sits a week he can avoid most of the better ones.

I constantly play every rated format at between 2k and 2200 MMR. Even if BGB MMR wasn’t working improperly (which it is), being 2.1k MMR (or CR for that matter) hardly makes anyone an expert. Lol


Correction- I think my opinion is superior to yours because yours isn’t based in reality

Never said it was superior to his, I just disagree with him, and his “qualification” isn’t real which is why I haven’t tried to utilize my BGB MMR in this convo once despite it being basically the exact same as his

It’s not a real metric until s1 lol

If it’s no advantage why can’t they place duo vs duo?

Who says they don’t?

But honestly it sounds like you’re pre-coping for failure. Feel free to argue pointlessly for another 2 months, I’m not dancing in circles with you. I was clearly addressing someone else.

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Yet you mention me in the post. If I violate the ToS you can report me, otherwise I feel free to respond to any post on the board that isn’t locked.

A few people that seemed more invested in actual discussion said they don’t now but that could change. Hence the purpose of posting, it’s silly to give an advantage to one side at the expense of the other and try to sell it as promoting the role.

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Pretty much. When I play rocket I’ll play against entire 3v3 teams in a group of solos and win. You can tell the other team is maybe slightly above where’d they be solo but it’s really not that big advantage. If you play a decent amount of games it won’t affect you.

Also in that game you’ll encounter 3v3s where one person is obviously a smurf and it sucks. But it’s 1 in 10 games maybe. So it really doesn’t affect your climb that much. And that’s in a 3v3… A smurf is gonna have a hell of a time trying to carry in a 8 man blitz.

Blitz is gonna legit be the best mode for avoiding getting affected by carries, syncs and basically every single annoying thing that happens in PvP in any game ever. Sure it has flaws, but it’ll still probably be the best wow has to offer.

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I respect your opinion as authoritative and honest. I do worry being lesser skilled I’d just end up in the 1500 bracket facing carry teams and such but I don’t see myself in Blitz so it should be how good people like you want it. I trust you’d intelligently choose a solution that isn’t just for your benefit.

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Thanks. Yeah I try to be honest and not aggressive. Internet is a weird place lol…

Honestly the 1500-2k bracket will probably be sooooo populous that the amount of carries that actually affect you will be very small. Carries, smurfs and win traders only really start to become a problem at high ratings where there is less people to dilute the pool and make it harder. Even then I still think blitz will be hard for people to do that. I think high end shuffle will be a mess of it and blitz will be mostly fine.

I’m pretty washed now a days :rofl: I honestly think blitz will be great. Just grab a bud, hide the chat and que up for fun :pray: and if you got suuuper unlucky and got a couple smurfs in a row go do a m+ dungeon for a break for your mental. Games are for fun.


I’m thinking of breaking out my dungeon team, Raist (warlock, pure dps), Elric (Rsham) and Golf (DK tank). My strategy was to learn the basics on Raist, little more advanced on Elric, then tank once I have some experience. I haven’t tanked in a while, might just stick to healing.

PvE healing is much easier than pvp and you almost always win something.

I’ve heard is getting harder in tww… But generally you’re correct.

If you have a crew! Pugging m+ can be pretty hit or miss… Also it’s not PvP! Which is way more fun! Opinion wise anyways :rofl: I’d love to raid as I do enjoy that a bit… But I really don’t have the time to commit to a team.

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I only got AotC once in SoO, wanted the heirloom. We had the cloak quest then so I had a lot of LFR followed by a fair number of normal raids mostly pugged. I used to have a big friend’s list, now I get rid of them too easy because it’s weird if someone is the only one on the list.

Finding a medium sized guild that is chill is my fav… Adding btags only goes so far I find. I wish blizz would put more effort into guilds. Communities are lame.

My horde guild was level 25 in WoD (?), my alliance guild was given to me by someone that was quitting. Never had much success with guilds that weren’t mine.

I was in a great one cata-wod… Then legion kinda killed PvP with ilvl being behind rating. I’ve had a few good others ones since but I haven’t played a full expansion since WOD I think :thinking:

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You can see all my characters between my 2 guilds, if you’re curious. Legion upset me too with the mandatory AP/legendary/ilvl grind, it’s a big part of why my honor level is so low. I think I’ve taken some time off every expansion except Wrath and I didn’t play most of SLands.

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