Duo Que is just another kind of premade

The current MMR system is so loose and prioritized around filling games rather than equalizing MMR, that you can play 2k CR games on a 1400 team MMR game.
You frequently see 2k-2.2k CR players in 1700 team MMR lobbies.

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Read more, play less brother.

You should play more, you’d actually have a clue


Is that the plan, insult me and hope I’ll stop with my relentless logic?

You have none tho?

Also I just told you what you told me in a more direct way lmao “insult”

Get a grip- I’m sure you’re feeling some type of way due to be wrong, it may even be a new feeling for you, but give it a rest

Unlike random bgs, BGB has MMR.

In all of these matchups, both teams should be even if everyone is playing at their appropriate MMR.

Counterpoint: many RBG players cycle through alts with the express intent of playing below their appropriate MMR, and Blitz has a very loose MMR system (see my previous post)

While I do agree with you that duo ques are going to have an advantage… Do you really think it’s going to be that large?

Like are two 1700 players going to get glad off it? I don’t think so. Will they even get 2100? I don’t think so.

If you’re solo I think if you’re 1700 you’ll get 1700 over enough games. If your a 1700 duo you might… Might, reach 2k…

I know it’s not an exact correlation as it’s a different game. Still rocket League had a solo que option and a group que that was mixed with solos. The solo que was way less popular and died and they deleted it. There was some minor complaints at the start but everyone realized in the end that mixed was the healthiest version of the game. Diamond players weren’t grouping and suddenly getting grand champ. Grouping helps but the advantage is definitely over stated.

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That’s not English good, must have you rattled. Again, refute my point don’t just offer insults.

I think it will exist but can’t speak as to magnitude. Maybe it will round to 0 ratings difference. See, Notorius, that’s how you beat my argument.

Back to projecting

L m a o

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I’m still not seeing any logic or reasoning Mister Dickens.

Rounding to zero is still effectively zero which is what I said, so ty for finally admitting you were wrong I appreciate it

Wasn’t it easy? Why spend so much time fighting it? So much wasted energy on your end


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I never argued magnitude just that the advantage is non-zero. You’re still wrong in everything you’ve posted.

Whatever you gotta do to get some sleep tonight champ

Better luck next time

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So if there’s 0 difference there’s 0 reason not to match duo to duo. I don’t think you nor I can say definitively how much it will affect solo healers’ rating. Oozo says it’s a pretty big advantage, I tend to believe him but that’s his point to defend.

Naw it won’t be zero. Still I don’t think it’ll be that big. Hell for some duos if your partner isn’t great if could be detrimental!

In rocket League I climbed higher solo than playing with my friends :rofl: I’d still rather play with them though as it’s more fun. I am just happy that this game has removed power attached to rating. So just play for fun.


When they messed with the queues and everyone had long ones my friends would ask what the healer queue times were as they were high for horde at the time. They didn’t want to wait and I found out I did much better without them, it allowed me to focus on the team and winning.

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Ye people tend to believe those who support their ignorant view

At least he has some experience to suggest that it might be, and while I disagree with him, we will both know for sure soon

You have no experience and have been talking like you have a clue the entire time. Oozo has never said “solo healers are having rating taken from them” because he knows that a stupid thing to say, full stop

You were wrong, and we finally got you to admit

God bless

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He said it was a significant advantage. If that’s your argument now we can explore it but I think you’re just looking for an out where you can save some face so let’s just agree to disagree and let Blizzard decide.

Nothing to save face about bud

Another projection btw