Duo Que is just another kind of premade

Your only point that I haven’t refuted is that you will reach 50% win rate eventually but my point is that you’ll end up at a lower rating, not the same thing. That’s why I call it strawman. You’ve done nothing to refute my point except insult me, offer opinion that’s supposed to refute obvious issues, and play strawman. If it’s really not any advantage why is it an issue to match duo to duo?

You won’t.

Your entire argument is your opinion based on perceived issues that are obviously wrong

Ty for another diatribe tho

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That really clears things up, you have no argument.

I argued it plenty last night, and others have

You just refuse to accept it

Not my fault you’re choosing to be dense

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You argued something different. Why should it matter if duo is matched to duo if there is no advantage? Quote me this devastating point you keep talking about, I’ll point out the obvious logical flaw or how it doesn’t relate to my point.

Duos will be matched to duos

Duos will be matched to solos

Splitting them has the potential to increase queue times

Queue times were one of the biggest issues with RSS

Blizzard trying to avoid

D dragon thinks duo healers will take rating from solo healers

D dragon has no idea how MMR worked before this thread

D dragon been wrong whole time

D dragon won’t admit to being wrong or walk away

But d dragon will accuse others of doing the same

Don’t be like d dragon

D dragon sitting at computer watching to instantly reply with essay

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4 is not equal to 3
3 is also not equal to 4 surprisingly enough
2 is equal to 2 however, which is very cool!

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Man, you really should read more it’s like there’s something missing. If they mix solo/duo when there aren’t enough duo players then the queue time will remain mostly unaffected. I’ve been playing since Wrath, only ever played rated aside from grinding the weapon but MMR isn’t advanced calculus.

Zero shot im reading that

Can’t make it any simpler

It’s because you’re unequivocally wrong but can’t admit it.

You said that looking in the mirror huh

You must live in a high school classroom cuz the projection is nuts

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Your argumentative skills are astounding, really. The I’m rubber you’re glue defense, no one sees it coming because people usually stop using it around age 12.

More projection from the dragon I see

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Doesn’t it depend on your duo partner?

If you partner with someone worse than you, isn’t your rating likely to go down?

Did Blizzard place any limits on duos? Can a 1500 MMR player partner up with a 2.4k MMR player?

I guess you’ve given up my point given any lack of coherent argument.

The same argument used by the sync queue communities, it’s not unfair if we’re just random people. Some will be, might even have a better duo on my team but on average I’m at a disadvantage.

Doubtful on the limit

Unlike arena, it will probably be quite risky for someone to “carry” a low MMR friend in BGB due to the nature of the bracket so even if possible, you almost certainly won’t see it much

You never had a coherent argument, and you’re desperately trying to claim “victory” lmao

Literal apples/oranges comparison

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I worry more about carries where the carrier might drop their own rating to increase the number of wins. That’s really my issue, I don’t claim to be good so I imagine I’ll be muddling around the lower ranks.

Not sure why you’re bringing premade raids into this. They’re circumventing restrictions to bring a raid into a bracket that does not allow players to queue in a raid group. By stacking more healers, more meta specs, more gear, more experience, etc., their team ends up being a lot stronger than normal teams that aren’t circumventing restrictions.

In random bgs, there is no MMR to keep teams even.

Because you keep using the same arguments that they do, premading has no advantage when it undoubtedly does. Take all the scenarios.
Duo/Duo vs solo/solo significant disadvantage
Duo/solo vs solo/solo disadvantage
Duo/solo vs Duo/solo all comes out in the long run, no advantage
solo/solo vs solo/solo even
Dueo/Duo vs Duo/Duo even
So in 2/5 queue scenarios the solo healer will be placed at a disadvantage that they never recover whereas it’s an advantage to the duo queue in those same scenarios.

It wouldn’t affect anything aside from removing the disadvantage queues to match duo to duo. Heck, even at high levels it’s a benefit not to be tied to a partner for fear of losing too much rating.

Jesus man you’re actually suffering from some kinda brain rot

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