Duo Que is just another kind of premade

Is this your estimate?

I would expect Blizzard to know the exact percentage.

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There is no exact percentage. It’s a shifting variable. A variable that will continue to shift perpetually.
Don’t forget that many people play both healers and dps depending on mood and current balance. You can’t just factor for the characters themselves.

Top 5000 in RSS covers all specs, there were only 5 or 6 that the EU or the US had more than 5000 and only 1 (ret) that had more than 5000 in each so you can get very close approximations of those numbers. They ran mostly around 21.5% of players (EDIT: characters, not players) in DF.

We’re getting into the weeds here.

Blizzard should have statistics about RSS and random bg (and all the other PvP) queues. They should know the average percentage of players in each queue that are healers.

Based on that info, Blizzard foresaw a healer shortage in BGB. They’re trying to get ahead of that problem.

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I think you’re placing a little too much faith in some things here.

They can have duo queue and not disadvantage solo queue healers if they match them properly, duo queue would still have all the advantages aside from whatever rating might be given to them by the solo queue healers.

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In the official introduction of Battleground Blitz they include duo.

Players will be able to queue either solo or as a duo (if one player is a healer) for epic 8v8 PvP action in fast and furious action…

Don’t try to turn this into one of these “Premades Are the End of the World” like the rest of the soft’s that have that statement on repeat.

Tank/Healer or DPS/Healer or Healer/Healer groups should be encouraged for this bracket.

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I’m talking about queue data.

I’m sure there were many times when DPS players queued up for RSS but then they didn’t play a game because their queues were too long. Ladder data won’t include this information.

Ladder is played not how many matches they played or attempted, it’s why you can still have queues pop when you have 12% less healers queuing than needed. I guess your question is more how many quit due to excessive queue times due to a lack of healers. That I couldn’t even guess.

Just saying Blizzard should have queue data so they know the average percentage for each role.

Ideally, for short queue times, the percentage for each role in the queue would closely match the makeup of each team.

From their internal data, Blizzard foresaw a healer shortage in BGB. They’re trying to get ahead of the problem.

Even if we do have the 25% we might have 30% sometimes and 20% other times so I agree they should do things to promote healing. It wasn’t always instant queue when I tried it.

It’s called, “Common sense.” Sadly, it’s not all that common. If you increase the amount of conditions required to start a game, you will get longer queue times.

Now you want the RBB queue system to also sort Duo-queue Healers and Solo-queue Healers. Great. DPS are almost always Solo-queue, so they’ll likely just get slapped into whatever queue - and some DPS will be queue “Winners” and other DPS will be queue “Losers,” because the two queues will not be moving at the same pace due to the amount of Healers available being cut by the new idiotic system you proposed. Maybe there will be more Healers in the Duo-queue, maybe there will be more Healers in the Solo-queue, and maybe it will fluctuate wildly.

Instead of 2x Healer (on both sides) being the only Healer requirement for a game starting, you are adding another Healer requirement, another condition: that the Healers are either all Duo-queues, all Solo-queues, or otherwise all paired up “Equally.” It gets even more messy when we add MMR!

Only a potato could think this won’t adversely affect DPS queue times.

This is next-level fried. :fried_egg:

…And what “Significant disadvantage” was that?

RSS begs to differ.

It’s not an assumption. It’s a fact. It’s been measured.

Not quite.

A “Healer shortage” will be connected with the ratio of Healers to DPS queueing, at any MMR, at any one time. If this ratio becomes overly skewed, with more DPS queueing than Healers available, DPS queue times go up. The more skewed this gets, the higher the DPS queue times go. Hence the situation in high MMR games. RSS is a perfect example of all of this.

Arguing that this can’t happen on the lower end of the MMR pool is not quite correct, seeing as the only thing that matters is the ratio of Healers to DPS queueing. “Big numbers” at lower MMR means nothing. The only thing that matters is X:Y within a given range.

To put it numerically, and visually:


“Big numbers” is meaningless. The result of the ratio is the same.

How about we say we did and we don’t.

That’ll be fun for, like, 2 secs. until whatever busted class/spec steamrolls you in team fight and then proceeds to mercilessly GY farm you until you uninstall WoW - or you /AFK in utter frustration and lose 150 CR.

People complain about “Lop-sided matches,” already. Can you even begin to imagine the amount of whining we’d hear about this?


The moment you add another condition required to start a game, you will increase queue times. It’s common sense.

Isn’t that what you do? :thinking:

Careful… remember you’re not that good with logic.

This is a fallacy, itself, big boy. You’re steppin’ in it. :poop:

Careful… that’s looking like an Ad Hominem right there.

There’s that mistake again. You still haven’t figured it out, clearly.

That’s a very good way to assess things.

If by “Estimate” you mean “Making it up,” then yes, most likely.

No, they’re being quite reasonable to expect that the devs have access to oodles of numbers.

They have this and more. It’s not even a question.

Here’s the issue with duo queue;
it makes it, at a minimum, twice as easy to wintrade.

I don’t care if you believe otherwise. Have a good day!

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Are you really suggesting that the computational cycle to place duos against duos will be more than maybe a millisecond to the queue time or does it add in some mysterious way that you know but you won’t tell me? I’m repeating the argument because people keep trying to argue something else since no one can refute my point which is self evident. Certainly ad hominem isn’t helping your case.

He’s playing white knight for BGB, doesn’t know what to argue just wants to argue. I think it’s the last man standing strategy where he makes up random and illogical things and keeps spewing them hoping we quit so he can claim victory when we’re gone.

The projection here is truly astounding

Instant response just proves my point by the way


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Another fine addition to the thread there. I’m sorry basic math confuses you.

It’s been established that you have none tho

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Then you should tell me where it fails rather than making up unrelated scenarios and insulting me. You strike me as the type that asks how I did on the test then makes up excuses if I did better.

I did

Others have

You’re just consumed with the idea of being right because you never thought you were wrong

And so it goes

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