Duo Que is just another kind of premade

You keep saying, “Goodbye” - it’s only polite to respond.

If you stay we can discuss your point but I got the impression from the closure of your initial response you wanted to avoid debate.


Is it baked at least?

I’ll admit that your potato is a tempting offer, but I just ate.

To an observer your attempts to ridicule obvious points of logic can be seen as weakening your case. Since you decided to stay… if the healer brings a goldfish then their rating would be the average of the two so while they may be down a dps they will have a higher bracketed healer. This might actually happen once carries start, in that case you might have healers or maybe dps that will purposefully drop their rating for easier matches adding to the fodder factor for the solo queue healer.

Uh-huhhh… you don’t know much about “Logic,” do you? I mean, you’ve made a pretty typical mistake here - I could point it out for you, but seeing as you claim to be some intellectual giant, I’ll let you figure out what it is.

That, or you can make a fool of yourself, claiming your position is sound - both options work for me.


So you have a response but you don’t want to show it but it’s something that would devastate me? In poker they call that a bluff, my logic is sound but I guess it’s your only possible response I suppose if you choose to hold onto untruths. If it doesn’t provide advantage why are people against the idea of matching duo to duo? If they mix them in with solo it won’t affect their queue times.

Might not matter in TWW, hopefully Blizzard will understand.

…And, like in Poker, sometimes what appears to be a bluff isn’t a bluff. Do you even play?

You’ve made your choice. Fool it is.

Probably because separating queues like this will increase queue times for DPS players. Duo-queue is meant to address the potential for long queue times, seeing as 2x Healers (a specialization that is far less popular than DPS) is a built-in requirement for RBB.

It’s not complicated.


How will it increase dps queue times, exactly? It’ll just be limited by the number of healers queuing not how they’re organized. Might actually lower queue times if they make healing more attractive by not putting a part of them at a significant disadvantage.

Which doesn’t/won’t exist

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Potential is the key word there, we don’t actually have a solid reason for assuming healer shortages would lead to queue time issues for blitz. That assumption has been carried over from shuffle, but there are a few major differences to consider there;

  1. Dampening is the bummer that keeps a lot of casual healers from enjoying arena; they have no dampening in Blitz
  2. Solo shuffle healers constitute 2 out of 6, or 1/3rd of the total lobby. Blitz healers constitute 4 out of 16, or 1/4th of the total lobby.
  3. Blitz has crossover appeal to random bg players that don’t care about rating at all, and simply want to join games that aren’t already in progress.

The healer shortage in Blitz would likely only ever actually exist at higher MMR, but that may be a wash, since many higher MMR players actually like playing healers (according to said players, anyway)

An alternative option to duo queue is allowing zero healer comps; as long as they’re matched against one another in the same manner that tank queues are handled.


It would exist if they don’t match them, just a question of magnitude.

Won’t exist regardless

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Then why should it matter if duo is matched to duo so long as it’s done so as to not increase their queue times? You saying the same thing over and over without any basis beyond I don’t think so isn’t actual discussion, you understand.

I just decided when I went to bed last night I was done fully engaging with the drivel you’re choosing to spew

You’re wrong, and multiple people have explained why, so I’m just reiterating in case it gets lost in your long-winded, incorrect observations

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No one’s argued my points they’ve just tried to argue other points, it’s called strawman. Why should it matter if there’s no advantage? Seems to me you’re just arguing for your own advantage or maybe taking any form of criticism of BGB personally but don’t have a response. Total healer wins is constant, you give one group an advantage the other group has to compensate by having a disadvantage. It’s self evident, assuming they don’t match duo to duo.

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Blizzard has the numbers. Presumably, they know the percentage of PvPers who queue as healers.

Based on what they know, they foresaw healer shortages in BGB which would result in long DPS queue times.

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Bless your heart!

The natural healer percent is 20 based on 5 man dungeons but they need 25% so I think it’s logical. There are probably less pvp healers than pve as well outside of some incentive. I think they’d be better doing 20% healers in BGB for this reason.

I’m talking about actual healer percent.

In RSS, what is the percentage of players who queue up as healer?

In random bgs, what is the percentage of players who queue up as healer?

Blizzard has those numbers (hopefully).

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21-23% for RSS, I think in randoms it’s less based on how many times I’m the only healer on my team. In DF I was the only healer in a 40 man more than once which probably is more a snapshot of activity at that time. One time I was 1 ion 80.