Duo Que is just another kind of premade

Duos can spec stack too. The argument is you only need 2 competent players to counter them so it doesn’t scale the same. Coordinated kicks and stuns can make a pretty big difference but I’m not trying to argue magnitude just its existence which is self evident. I agree about hidden mmr.

You’ve offered conjecture and haven’t refuted any of my points. Sorry brother, I think you know you’re wrong you’re just being stubborn.


your entire premise is based around your experience, or quite frankly lack thereof, and your complete misunderstanding of how MMR works

there is no world where you’re right here, you’re just too clueless to see it

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Math is objective. Assuming it’s an advantage, you have half the healers losing. 0.5 + .05 = 1. If you give one group an advantage then 0.5 x (1+x) + 0.5 = 1 so the other group is lowered. It may not be much, Blizzard may match duos like premades in TWW, too many variables to conclusively state more than if they don’t match the x will be greater than 0.

Numbers aren’t absolute, just didn’t want to use set theory when counting demonstrates the point.

too bad your overall understanding of the conversation is objectively wrong

i’m more convinced that you’re just starting or have just completed a freshman level math class so you’re parlaying information from your textbook into this hoping to appear like you have a clue

hate to break it to you bud but it’s just making it worse :frowning:

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Sure, but they’re not circumventing restrictions so their team ends up with more healers.

I know I keep repeating this, but if a duo has attained a certain MMR together, their opponents will be playing at that same level. The two teams won’t feel unfair.

maybe they will get it eventually friend, but we can only do so much

lead a horse to water, can’t make it drink, etc

I’ve been playing since Wrath I think I understand that when you reach rating you should average 50% but I’m saying the rating will be lower.

I started out graduate school in molecular physics, undergrad math major. Ended up switching to applied because I didn’t want to stick out a PhD.

it won’t

See, you’re arguing magnitude again. If they toss solo against duo, x will be > 0.

if a player is good enough to get 1800, they will get 1800 period

duo or solo straight up doesn’t matter

it only has the potential to affect the speed at which players achieve that rating

i sure hope whatever work you do with that physics degree involves someone checking your work because this is nuts, truly

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FYI, Blitz MMR isn’t that serious. It’s designed to prioritize getting as many people into games as possible over anything else.


Let’s say I play the best healer and the worst healer, assuming I have equal skill between the 2 the best healer will end up higher rated because they have an advantage over the worst. This has been shown by a number of people, some are good enough to raise all classes but they probably don’t terminally grind them. Advantage equals more rating and duo queue is an advantage over solo queue.

But Snowboy is right, this can all change making the debate moot.

Random question… do we know if one side gets a duo that the other side also gets a duo? to make sure it’s even? I think if there’s a check to make sure it’s equal then there isn’t really a problem.

on another note, I have noticed that a high xp duo can quite literally win the game. meta duo comps like rogue/boomy + rdru or rogue/boomy + mw have a lot of outplay potential to win a majority of the maps by default. so for ppl that are saying that duo’s don’t have an impact on winrate, I would say take a look at drustvar…


MMR is there to make teams even.

I think the implication here is that this high xp duo hasn’t reached an appropriate MMR yet. In your example, they’re too good compared to everyone else so they imbalance the teams.

This would happen in any game where players aren’t at their appropriate MMR. It could be a 1500 MMR BGB, but one team has two solo queued glads/r1s, thus creating a significant imbalance.

I think Blizzard is planning to carry over MMR from previous seasons to reduce the number of games where people are playing at an inappropriate MMR for their skill level. The very first season of BGB will be more messy because there’s no MMR data from previous seasons.


Yeah I understand that MMR exists to balance the teams, but I also think that 2+ players being able to communicate well, or at all (because some players in BGB are non-verbal and just do what they want) can imbalance the teams if the other team does not also have a duo.

Hopefully the current MMR system for bgb isnt what’s pushed to live then… because yes, I agree that the high xp duo hasn’t reached their mmr, but I don’t know if they’re being allowed to. there have been a number of times that I’ve seen the high-xp duo w/ very good rating (2.1+) in a lowish mmr lobby (1.9k). And even with it being a lowish mmr lobby, a majority of the players in that lobby are even below 1.9k. They’ve just been win-streaking and queue into the high-xp duo that just came off a loss.


Currently there isn’t one but that might change. If it doesn’t then the disadvantage falls solely on the solo queue healer so dps aren’t really affected if they allow that imbalance. As a healer you’ll still be disadvantaged by new duo queue teams and carry teams as they move through your bracket if you can’t get to a higher one. Ignore all the straw man being thrown around here, it’s akin to trying to explain that sync premades are unfair to the sync community leaders.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

― Upton Sinclair

So what you’re saying is… if I duo-queue with, say, a goldfish, I’ll automatically win more games than the Healer who doesn’t duo-queue.

Ight, I’mma head out. :door:

Probably for the best.

I agree. Gotta keep my sanity somehow. I’m not going to argue potato with you.

I thought you were leaving.