Duo Que is just another kind of premade

it seems like no one understands you because your experience, or how you’ve chosen to perceive your experience, doesn’t line up with reality

there is no ratings disadvantage, period. everything you said after is irrelevant because what you describe doesn’t actually exist

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You’re arguing 1+1 here. 12.5% healers out of the player base will win and 12.5% will lose. If you give an advantage to one group the other group wins less which turns into lower rating. Since dps can either gain or lose advantage in the long run the disadvantage is cancelled. That’s a fact regardless of what you think you might see. This is assuming they continue the practice in TWW.

But, that’s the whole point of MMR. There shouldn’t be a rating disadvantage because everyone in a BGB game should be around the same MMR. A duos’ MMR accounts for their duo teamwork/synergies.


there is no advantage

your fundamental understanding of how the MMR system works is nonexistent which is why you think this way

what Holy was explaining is that MMR will put you against people at your MMR. that’s it. there is no advantage from a rating perspective

the only advantage to duoing will be players climbing faster and that’s only if they are capable of climbing at all

there are and will be a significant amount of duo players that won’t climb faster than some solo players simply because they are playing at their correct MMR and aren’t winning more than 50% of their games

TLDR if you are good enough to climb, you will climb. you may do it faster as duo assuming your partner is also good enough, but not duoing is not going to keep you low rated


So take 2 healers same spec same skill, one duo queues every match one never duo queues. Who ends up with the lower rating?

I’ve demonstrated the advantage irrefutably.

Someone might actually lose rating if their duo partner is noticeably worse than them and they need to be carried.


you’ve demonstrated that you have zero idea how the system works irrefutably, yes

the one who loses the most just like every other rated mode in the history online PvP

Which would be the solo queue healer almost every time. I think you know exactly what I’m saying and are trying to draw me into a different conversation because you don’t like the conclusion of the facts.

People who are competent at this game are doing a premade of brain cells because unlike me, they have more than one.

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this is your experience, not necessarily reality.

i know that your understanding of how MMR works is conclusively wrong and you have provided zero facts in your arguments- just anecdotes and feelings

I think you’re the one not providing more than feelings, math is math. If solo queue isn’t a disadvantage why are so many up in arms over epic premades? It’s 25% of the team of 8. I’m not arguing magnitude just questioning its inclusion. Maybe you’re right and it’s not a big deal, maybe Oozo with 13 2.1k+ characters and a stream is right and it’s a big advantage. Regardless, it’s taken directly from the solo queue healers which seems questionable considering they need 25% healers.

I just won’t play a healer, I guess it doesn’t affect me if I think in those terms.

imagine coming at me with your flawed “math” argument and then trying to equate 40 people syncing queues with 2 people queueing together

irrelevant statistic

no offense to him, or you for that matter, but MMR in the unrated BGB that existed this expansion is so irrelevant that it’s not worth mentioning at all. i had games this expansion, in the same season, where i was 2.2k MMR, won the game, and the next game was 1.7k MMR. the MMR is team MMR, and even then, no one believes that MMR is/was real.

again… nothing is being taken from anyone

god bless brother

It’s self evident, regardless of how you feel. Maybe it won’t matter, maybe other solo queue healers won’t be so demanding as to expect a fair game. They didn’t increase the number of healers winning, just changed which ones.

just your delusion, i fear

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One plus one equals two. You should read more, play less.

the only factual thing you’ve typed in this convo

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It’s all I need to prove my point. It never equals 3.

you literally don’t have a point lmao

you think rating is being taken away from solo queue healers

you refuse to believe that you just don’t understand the MMR system

you can say 1+1=2 but you 100% believe 1+1=fish

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I think premade raids are a different situation.

Premade raids can stack more healers, more meta specs, more gear, more experience, etc. compared to a team of random pugs.

Importantly, premade communities are circumventing restrictions to bring their raids into a bracket that does not allow players to queue in a raid group.

I have suggested adding a hidden MMR to random bgs to help improve matchmaking.

ehh this would be WoW’s version of SBMM and pretty much every FPS community hates it

i’m good with casual formats being casual, EBG syncers are an anomaly in the grand scheme imo