Duo Que is just another kind of premade

And what mistakes would those be?

You said I slander those that call me out. You were corrected that it was libel not slander and that neither pertains to this conversation as both are only if it’s untrue. But it is true

You replied with the definition of slander and even with the literal definition in front of you, still got it wrong. You were corrected again and then ignored the topic. So, own up to your mistake. At least acknowledge it

Cool story, you made false claims maybe own up to those mistakes first.

Tsk tsk

And what false claims are you referring to :joy::joy::joy:

Oh, you know lol you just don’t care because you are a hypocrite.

The final sentence in a paragraph still requires punctuation, friend!

Yea that’s what I thought. Can’t come up with anything lmao

You: Bob sync queues into epic BGs everyone!!
Me: * makes fun of you for calling someone an epic BG sync queues premader who doesn’t even play epic BGs *
You: well you defend them!
Me: no I don’t I defend premades
You: * suddenly can’t come up with anything so just tells me I don’t own up to my bs *

:joy: :joy:

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Traditionally, the action you tend to convey with this sentence is signified by the use of asterisks, the * symbol, for example;
the janitor corrects you, to no response .


This sentence is missing punctuation and has capitalization errors.

Please understand that I do not like to correct you in this manner, but you leave me with no choice!

I would also request that you mindfully abstain from the use of profanity, masked in an abbreviation or otherwise!

I don’t need to "come up with anything’ your post history is all here. I bet you spend a lot of time on reddit. Anyways you defend syncing by claiming it never happens even though it does because people admited they did it. I already made it clear I don’t care what you do at all, you also made claims that I “begged for carries” and that was a lie I made a joke 1 time, you claimed I was a terrible healer when I was playing a druid with pretty much no gear, and you claim I am a “doofus” for some weird reason, very childish honestly but whatever. So, keep spewing your nonsense in your little hateful echo chamber. I really don’t care how you feel about me.

Obviously, which you clearly haven’t gone through because you never get anything right

I’m not saying it hasn’t happened, I’m saying it doesn’t happen. There’s a big difference. And in this post history I’ve already said this to you but you don’t have the reading comprehension to understand the difference.

In the same thread you’re referring to the person said they stopped because they couldn’t consistently get into games with each other. Which is what I’ve been saying the whole time.

Yeah you’re thinking of someone else

Dude I don’t even know who your healer is lmao, was this in game?

It shouldn’t be a mystery. The amount of times you misunderstand things is unreal

maybe calling me a “doofus” is just you projecting…

Whatever you need to keep telling yourself man

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

At least you’re entertainment while I wait for saturday night

What can’t you entertain yourself? That doesn’t surprise me at all.

It’s too bad that this weak attempt at some weird insult will be the last thing you can ever say to me on the forums

At least for 1000 years when your ignore runs out

hahaha classic. Cope and seethe buddy.

I can vouch for Ohhbob here.

While we do have conflicting views on certain aspects of pvp. He doesn’t do Epic BGs and certainly does not Epic BG premade

Alright? I already said I don’t care. And we aren’t only talking epic sync’s

Oh for sure, he loves his premades

Oh, I know. But he claims people don’t sync the battle ground blitz. Even though people said they did.

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I can’t imagine seeing someone treated like that IRL. I hope when they wake up and read their posts sober they do some self reflection.