Duo Que is just another kind of premade

I don’t have the most PvP experience but I have to point out that you have little to none when it comes to any sort of Rated PvP experience yet want to call others ignorant, kind of weird to be honest.

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feel free to read the rest- i wasn’t calling the MMR bad, i was saying that quoting MMR from an unrated mode that was/has shown to have non-realistic MMR values is silly

what a weird thing to comment on especially without bothering to read any of the context

For me (and this is just me) weird is calling others ignorant when one has pretty much zero rated PvP experience, but hey thats just me.

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that wasn’t the point of the post tho

and even then, i have >0

the guy he was talking about has >0

he has approximately zero (from a PvP achievement PoV)

you have more than him, for reference, and you have barely >0

sorry you got triggered because you didn’t understand the convo

edit to flip signs


Not triggered just an observation, perhaps go outside and touch grass?

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lmao sure thing

This kinda drama is why this toon exists.

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You’re so nice, I can’t imagine you’d need to hide but I guess Holycow does as well. I have everyone including bank alts and characters with no pvp experience listed on check pvp because people think I’m hiding if I switch so I don’t have anyone I can hide on. I’m sorry things are that way, especially to nice people like you. Seems like the boards are full of drama and not just this one.

I saw a quote today might be appropriate.
“Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.” -Mike Tyson
(by which I mean them, just for clarification).

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It’s more that they devolve into useless, infinitely circular variations of no true Scotsman.

Whatever metric one poster points at to dis/credit an opinion, it always seems to devolve into a lot of pointing and toxicity, becoming a waste of time for all but the toxic.

Making this toon, on a server with no other toons of mine, just for a blank face to speak was an attempt to simply preempt the whole conversation.

I’ve been in and out of Blizz forums for a long time, and it’s easy to get drawn in to the troll wars. I have done before.

Realizing I have no ego tied up in this game, or at least striving for that place, is the biggest thing, IMO.

Right now I’m hyped for the content I’ve been wanting for since BC. I’m giving this space another try. Blocking the egregiously toxic. Not straying out of battlegrounds sub too much. BGB is the only content I really have enough interest in to wade into the mud about.


Careful using big words, people will think you’re trolling. :wink: What’d you call me? People think trolling’s being insulting but it’s more lighting a fuse and getting to a safe distance. I’ve been really tempted to show them what a real troll is but the good people get caught in the explosion and that is very much against my nature. I just try to pick up the grenades they lob at me and toss them back but the narcissists think that means I started it.

You’re right, though, none of this is real and the illusion only affects me if I let myself think it’s real. I’m not talking just the internet but also life, it’s easy to get caught up in BS because it’s in our nature. That’s not my issue, it’s more how Blizzard seems to hate their customers that makes me feel there’s no hope. Just like life you can carve out a niche where you’re happy, I hope you find happiness.

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So playing a game mode that lets you play with friends is bad?

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