Duo Que is just another kind of premade

That’s why I think Joker doesn’t like me (we have different opinions) but Bri’s a good person and I am too if you get to know me, all exchanges have always been pleasant and I have disagreed with her a few times.

Well, she sure hated me because of one opinion I had lol and then proceeded to lie about me. Just be careful

I grew up with a ton of bullying because I’m so much smarter than everyone (j/k, it’s the autism), she reminds me a lot of myself in some ways when I was her age.

You accused me of being degenerate by simply queuing solo and playing the game. You are trying to draw a comparison between gear/disconnects to intentionally syncing queues to get more than 5 premades.

Well, they didn’t like that I was “pro gun” for one and then I said I didn’t think children shouldn’t be put on hormone replacement drugs and she insta banned me and they started spreading rumors and lies about me.

The latter I can see why she wouldn’t like that, the former I grew up in Southern Illinois and most people hunt. I tried, didn’t like killing animals. It’s a complex issue, I don’t need a gun when I have my mutated anthrax.

No, I’m not. Like I just said, you and I were not talking about sync queueing, we were talking about duo queuing and the imbalance that duo queuing has. You brought that up randomly for no reason.

If you were talking sync queue premades in this comment, then I had no idea. You didn’t say that and our conversation had nothing to do with sync queue preamdes at that point. You were calling “a group” degenerates for seeking advantages in PVP, I assumed you meant people who duo queue because that’s what we were talking about

I’m a country boy I own my own horse ranch I have nothing against people that want to identify as whatever I just think it should be pushed on kids who are still developing. My best friend is as she puts it “queer as a 3-dollar bill” I have nothing against trans people or anything of the sort.

I just figure there are people with more informed opinions than mine like psychiatrists and people who go through it that are better qualified to understand the ins and outs of the situation so I accept whatever is decided by the people affected.

Well, it’s well known that those drugs they give them have lifelong effects. I simply think you should be fully matured when making decisions like these.
But anyways just because I have a difference in opinion isn’t a reason for her to do what she did along with the others that play with her.

I don’t know, we all start out as female in the womb. I’m sure there is some disclosure and evaluation, mainly worried for the people that go through it that they’re happy.

Yes, but we develop into male or female, and once you’re out of the womb you can’t change biology.

As long as they’re happy, it’s all that matters.

But shouldn’t kids be allowed to grow up? What if they do it and regret it once it’s too late? And yes, people should be happy. Nobody ever wants to talk about detransitioners though.

I don’t know enough to have an opinion aside from I support whatever makes people happy. I need to bow out of this before we both get in trouble.

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I agree people should be happy 100% and thank you for having a conversation with me and not attacking my different views.

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As far as I know, Snowcrest does not belong to a community. They solo queue for the most part. I’ve met them on the battlefield, both as ally and enemy, they’re a good sport.


You are correct, sir!

Can 100% see people queue syncing. Some bg people be degen but it 100% is not running rampant. Bgb gonna be a fun time.

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Own up to your mistake theadreu