Duo Que is just another kind of premade

What did I make up? You claimed it “never” happens so prove that.

I change mains all the time, but I don’t change my forum character because I’m not hiding from my previous posts

And just go read our previous discussions if you actually care. I don’t reply to the forum doofus, at least not when I remember your alts

I switched because I kept having to post on Smaugh to explain what I was saying and was planning on raising her in BGB. I introduced them a half dozen or more times, I think earlier in this thread I posted on Raist again. I teamed with Holycow briefly, played a few BGs with Bri and Joker (are they OK, Bob? I’m concerned I haven’t seen them). Raist was actually more popular than Smaugh is, I just got tired of posting healer anecdotes on a warlock. But the paranoid minded assume it must be a troll.

I’ll probably switch again but I’m running out of reasons to post in this forum, I think I’ve decided to heal M+ on Elric (my rsham).

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Wild claims and excuses is all you do lol

HAHA you always have an excuse to avoid taking accountability for your actions.
All you clowns have to creep on people anyways so why does it matter if I change toons? How does it affect you in any way? But it’s just an excuse because I called you out and used your own bs against you so now you will make all the excuses to avoid it.

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I didnt know solo players were circumventing a player limit set by blizzard via syncing queues.

Playing with people in an mmo is available in 99% of the game. Solo shuffle is exclusively solo and so should blitz. Theres plenty of playgrounds for you to play with friends.


Where did this even come from? You and I weren’t talking about sync queueing and the title of the post was only about duo queueing. I do not partake in sync queueing, I don’t advocate for it, I don’t defend it and I definitely wasn’t talking to you about it so I have no idea why you decided on that response

Yes I understand that is your opinion

Ya this dude is a walking excuse lol whenever he gets called out, he instantly just starts attacking and deflecting because he is full of BS and he doesn’t want to own up to it.

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I think I’m on his do not talk to list too. You may have noticed I really don’t care.

Ya wouldn’t surprise me, I am on a lot of the sync people ignore list because I use their own logic against them lol

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I’m probably on a few lists, I’m one of the “anti-sync premade crowd” as well.

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I don’t remember who you are, so i doubt it. But last time theadreu accused me of being an epic sync queue premade player I told him to look at my epic bgs then he stopped replying


I replied and I simply said you defend them so even if you don’t do them, you are still defending exploiting. Lying on top of everything you do already is just sad bud.

Are Bri and Joker still playing? I think Joker didn’t like me but I always considered Bri a friend and have been a little worried that I haven’t seen her for a while.

My most used poster, between my 2 guilds you can see all my chars.

Go find me an example of me defending them. I made fun of you last time for not understanding the difference of a premade and a sync queue premade. You still haven’t figured that out

They’re both still playing but nobody is playing a ton during prepatch. Been pretty lame, waiting for TWW

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Sure, double down and spew more lies lol that will help your case.

You are not very good at playing the victim lol

At any rate why is it mystifying there are solo activities in an mmo? Mage tower, solo shuffle, etc

Be careful of those ones if you have different opinions then them they will attack and lie about you.

You have to work on your reading comprehension. My question is why did you reply about sync queueing premades and your reply to that was a quote from me that does not, in any way, explain anything about why you brought up sync queuing premades