Duo Que is just another kind of premade

Why are you so defensive about people seeing ways in which a duo queue system in a solo queue format can be easily exploited by existing communities that also happen to view the format as a threat to their own continued existence? :slight_smile:

Connect the dots between my posts. There’s a bigger picture you might not be seeing!


Go into epics and tell me how often you see epic BG premade groups.

Often, right? Rampant even.

Now go play blitz and tell me how many sync queue premades you see.

None, right?

I play a lot of BGs. A lot. I know a lot of the players out there and when I play randoms/rated I recognize people all the time. I’ll recognize preamdes on the other side that, if you didn’t run into them all the time, you would have no idea they’re a premade. I’ve also played a lot of blitz, and I have not a single time thought the other side had a sync queue premade. Because they don’t exist in blitz

So many people yelling and screaming about sync queue premades in blitz and yet not a single person has shown anything or provided any tangible proof that it’s possible to consistently do

You haven’t played more Blitz games than me. Anyone that’s played Blitz in pre-season can tell you that!

I won’t be writing a tutorial on how to cheat the format, which is what we both know you’re actually hoping I’ll do. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out!

That has nothing to do with what I just said, I’m not competing with you for highest blitz games played. You just picked out 1 random thing I said and didn’t even reply with an argument, just a weird flex

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The goblin flex emote is one of the best, they say.

Yes this is what everyone says when told to explain how it could be done.

“I don’t have to tell you, it’s obvious”

Nobody can provide any actual way that these groups can circumvent the cross faction issue. If I just act condescending, they’ll all think I’m smart!

But then when it comes to epic BG sync queue premades everyones all over, in detail, how the players do it


I think you’re right. Time for a gun show! /flex

Ladies love me.

What does the “cross-faction issue” have to do with the potential to exploit the duo queue system via out-of-game communications systems to guarantee shared lobbies and behave in dishonorable and game-breaking ways?

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2 groups of 2 queue up while in coms. Queue pops at the exact same time for both teams, they accept. One group is horde, one is alliance, and they are now facing each other.

Well done, you’ve sync queued into a game.

Now one group is higher MMR, one is lower. So what do you do? I guess you could swap healers and queue again.

Drat, opposite sides again. 0 rating gain, no actual advantage was had, let’s keep doing this it’s really fun and we definitely have an advantage

You pretend like win trading isn’t a thing… just admit you want to do it and move on bud.

Of course win trading is a thing, it’s been proven

Nobody proves sync queue blitz actually happens, they just yell and scream about it

Do you think a single game is all it takes to put people into completely different MMR pools?
So much for having played a lot of these! Should I remind you that the team MMR is created through averaging?

There are a lot of people at present in pre-season bouncing between 1700 and 2200 lobbies with between 1900 and 2100 CR.

When we’re out of prepatch, in an actual season and MMR is normalized, yes it will make a big difference

I’m glad you were able to bring something actual to the table. I see you’re really good at making points. Just like Theadreu, I will stop replying to you now because you can’t actually have a discussion. At least not until you edit your post

I pointed it out earlier but there are quite a few hits if you search “battleground blitz boost service”. A pro dps if you’re a healer or a healer if you’re a dps. They might not find a way to stack but I guarantee they’re trying.

You are seen, bless your heart!


Then prove it doesn’t happen, or you are just yelling and screaming about it.

I never remember what alts you have, but stupid replies like “prove it doesn’t exist” usually give you away.

So why do you reply on alts now? Sick of people recognizing you and immediately discounting everything you have to say? It’s pretty funny whenever I meet someone from the forums in game you’re always the laughing stock of the forums

I guess you’re famous, just for unfortunate reasons

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Ahh yes the classic attack and dodge your number one move lol

Am I not allowed to change mains? Yikes bud the excuses are just sad lol

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Ah yes, the classic make something up, act as if it’s fact, provide no reason logic or proof it’s a thing, and then tell people to prove it doesn’t exist. Which is impossible if it doesn’t exist

That’s Theadreu brain right there

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