Dungons no longer available after lvl 50

I had this same issue on my druid once she hit level 51. At 50, I could still queue for Cata dungeons (that said they were available from level 10-60), but at 51, my list only showed a few Classic dungeons. The Cata dungeons completely disappeared from the interface. Reset my UI and everything. Eventually got to level 60 but was pretty bummed I couldn’t run through the rest of the Cata dungeons. I did post on the Bug Report forum as well, but just so you know, this seems to be a Chromie Time issue for some people.

If it isn’t a time walking issue then try disabling any add-ons you are using.

I can’t say I have experienced this bug, but out of date add-ons tend to give me a lot of problems at times.
Provide a list of your current add-ons and where you installed them from please?
Mayhaps you installed conflicting add-ons?

I have seen this issue since pre-patch. I had several post-50 alts that i couldn’t level and run dungeons for the LFG items i needed for All-the-Things. I thought i posted back then but it didn’t get noticed.

Edit to link previous thread


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I’m a newbie and have never used any addons. If you dont mind can you try lvling up an alt through 51 and see if it happens to you?

I’ll test this tomorrow as well. See what I come up with. I’ll nab some screenshots too.

My alts that are level 51+ see this while in Cata Chromie Time:

These are the dungeons listed under Specific Dungeons:

My level 48 alt (Karassa) shows the following when in Cata Chromie Time:

These are the dungeons listed under Specific Dungeons:


Leveling Karassa up to 50 shows the same as above for her.


Karassa just dinged 51 and she is still showing the same as before:


HOWEVER, logging Karassa out and back in now has her only seeing the same as all my other level 51+ alts:


Interesting. I think OP of this thread had said their troubles began at 50, so that’s as far as I tried. I also don’t know if I logged out after hitting 50. Will probably have time to try getting her to 51 tomorrow and see if I can add another data point.

Is there an existing thread in bug reports or would it be good for someone to post there and link this thread? Not sure how that is supposed to work but this does seem like it belongs there?

So looking at my level 50, ilevel 102 character, I have all Classic and all Cata dungeons available to queue for:

But my level 51, ilevel 124 character… only has the following:

yes you need to reach 51. there’s this thread in the bug report forum.

Can’t queue for Cataclysm dungeons post level 50 - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

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Correct. Level 50 is the original “cap” for subscribed but not expansion-upgraded accounts. At level 50, you can still enter Chromie Time for each expansion to queue for their Normal and Heroic dungeons, with Cata being the default you level in if you don’t select something different. But then…

Once you level to 51, Chromie Time is disabled and BfA is your default leveling “era”.

Now, is this intended? Maybe not. Post in the Bug Report Forum, so they can take a look. If it is intended and you don’t think it should be, you’ll want to post a suggestion in General.


Cata is not the default. BfA is the default. It automatically goes to 60. Older zones still have caps on their level ranges. Quests are available without Chromie Time pointing you towards BfA, not old zones.

No, Chromie Time is not disabled and no one is forced to level in BfA. I never get any alerts to go anywhere else until I’m level 58. I’ve been leveling in Chromie Time with 4 alts since DF released.

Someone here asked a question and I said I would provide them with what I was seeing.

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