Dungeons ques are not speedruns. This has gotta stop

I mean, you’re in this thread screeching that Blizzard needs to stomp out the optimal speed strategies.

I’m here saying to leave it alone.

Also love that you’re calling ME old, then talking about your grandkids.

Do you want to be Pot, or Kettle?


Imagine this from the perspective of a new player. Always being behind, never actually even being able to play the game. Would you stick around after a few experiences like that? I sure as hell wouldn’t.

Timewalking scaling needs to be very harshly looked at and nerfed to the ground, bro.

Alternatively (or ideally, additionally), they could just put XP-eliminated in their own queue like they do with BGs.

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Difficult to screech via text, don’t recall typing that I wanted to “stomp out speed running strats”. I was just going along with you on the age…you seemed to emphasize that you were “older”… Oh! and I prefer Kettle.

Race you to the end!

vroom vroom

Adapt people. I just stealth to the end of the instance and wait for the tank there.

Do you get dungeon completion if the speedy mcSpeed face kills the final boss and leaves when you arent even near it?

This was a common occourance in Remix some level 20 Scaling god would run thru the entire place, kill most every boss and folks who didnt get to the elevator in time in Mogushan Palace got no completion credit for the last boss dying and had to do the run all over again hoping next time would be better.

People that sell carries tell you to sit at the entrance.

I never had this happen and I was one of those runners. My dk would be set to auto run and I’d hit outbreak and everything would explode.

I try to be patient with new tanks, whether they’re going too slow OR too fast.


“of little value or importance”

It cant have little value or importance when its the mainstay way of gaining marks.

Its not trivial, people use this system all the time.

A brand new player probably isn’t spamming TWs like long term players are.

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Again, you don’t get to change the definition just because you feel like it.

TW is in fact trivial content, it’s not challenging aka “not significant”.

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Brand new players can show up in groups when running timewalking groups. They might or might not spam them (they can if they want to), but they will get into groups with more veteran players if they queue for timewalking (or any other LFD dungeon queue).

Yep, i said not likely. A new player is doing Dragonflight content though and thus DF dungeons more likely if they use the Finder

enjoy your half hour meditation sessions.

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The good thing about the speed running is that many times they wont even notice if you are at your own pace.

I stop and drink when I want. I loot mid battle. I mean all bets are off and I am not only indulging in this new way of playing I am helping to develop it.

I’m in an instance right now. Drinking. Gaining Exp. Posting.

and I hear: ba-da-da-da-daaaaaaa So I got to tab to roll need on loot i’m being greedy about.

I agree completely. Having a lot more fun in HC where things matter and you definitely dont want to come back and burn a lockout for a q item.

Guess all those people enjoying time walking dungeons (or at least attempting to) arent significant enough to you to count…

Fortunately you arent in charge of how english works

Not a new thing. Not by a long shot. It’s just had a resurgence so to speak of focus on the issue because the whole scaling / healing / tank shortage issues of late.

But the actual go go go mindset and not caring if someone drops and I’d even say not allowing slack before kicking people for almost any slight - that’s been culture for 15 years now.

Correct. Because like they said, most folks who enjoy this content … did so 10-20 years ago. If folks genuinely thought otherwise, folks would just be playing on the non-HC and non-SoD Classic servers.

There are some who do, but even they want new content. Proving that even folks who enjoy these dungeons and raids from timewalkers to the degree where they want to experience them as “current” content again that they play on a separate server for it… Even they like going from Classic Vanilla, to TBC, to WotLK, and now Cataclysm.

No, the number of people who enjoy timewalkers as this weird thing where people cannot go fast are such a small number of people it is completely negligible. TW is trivial content that folks want to do fast, not whatever thing you think they are.

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As someone who regularly heals TW dungeons, I hate tanks who clearly don’t know what they were doing pull full rooms of mobs only to have dps pull off them and wipe the group because clearly the rest of the people in the instance didn’t get the memo that if you speed run you want to wait til the tank has aggro and also knows how to use cds to keep themselves alive which is nearly impossible to do when you are leveling a ramping healing class sometimes. Also, another issue is hey most tanks don’t need mana so they clearly don’t get that when a healer is OOM they can’t heal you anymore. And the tank won’t even stop to let the healer get MANA even if you have an addon screaming I NEED MANA. So, why not make a queue for TW speed runs and one for normal TW where people can enjoy the game without the stress? I want to level, but not at the expense of wipe fests. I mean there are healing classes that don’t really require much mana right now even in high stress environments. So, they can easily run through and not have to do anything and level to 80 with like no issues then everyone is happy right?

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