I agree. I don’t play classic, so I can’t comment on that. It’s very important to feel like I’m participating in the run.
In the case of timewalking, I want to be able to practice using my abilities as I level so that I have some idea of how my class works in dungeons before I hit the level cap. I don’t want to hit the level cap by being carried through speed runs having to learn a class from scratch at the level cap where I’m expected to already have a good idea of what I’m doing. Timewalking dungeons and normal dungeons (at the level cap or while levelling) don’t help me learn anything because everything dies too fast and I get left behind. I remember being especially frustrated levelling my spriest because priests aren’t exactly fast (the tanks were so fast that I couldn’t keep up) and because, even if I didn’t fall behind, mobs (and even bosses) died too fast for my dots to tick and deal dmg. I want to do dungeons to level, I prefer dungeons to questing, but speed runs take a lot of the fun out of doing them.
Thank you for proving my point that you types are purposefully exploiting with the express goal of screwing over other people. I stand by my previous statement people like yourself need to be banned for griefing, especially since you all demanded key leavers in m+ be banned.
Like I said, I was content to leave you people be to twink to your heart’s content. However you people are bent on not leaving everyone else alone and trying to subject everyone to your play and denying others the ability to participate. If you didn’t want pushback you shouldn’t have pushed the issue. As for your “sloth speed” comment, I’ve managed just fine the past 20 years or so without people like you around, trust me I’m good.
I don’t blame all twinks, I blame the ones purposefully going into group content to be Leeroy like Nyamh and folks like that who openly admit they want to prevent others from playing.
Never once have I said they don’t have a right to seek their own fun. What I have however said is they don’t get to have their fun while preventing 4 others from playing. It’s rather telling that to people such as that it’s perfectly fine for them to be a 1 man army, but woe be unto the people that dare say they should be allowed to participate too. Because then they pop off like a kid on the playground getting offended that someone insulted their favorite super hero.
And see this is the problem. No one is saying that dungeons should be so slow that you can read War and Peace cover to cover before you even kill the first trash mobs. Only thing being said is that all 5 people should get to participate and not just one guy trying to be a one man army. You can go faster while all 5 people are getting to play as despite what some say the concepts aren’t mutually exclusive.
To these people it’s essentially blasphemy that anyone other than them should be allowed to actually get to play their toons instead of 4 other people following behind like NPCs.
Wow, well WE people are still people with real emotions and you may have hurt mine, LOL just kidding, you do make me laugh alot though. And no, I just want you in my group.
I have ran many today, and would like to report I got kicked from none of them…
Apprently, YOUR people either fail at kicking my people, or my people are just loved more than your people, this is kinda fun…
I think that’s a little unfair to the OP. Probably you are stereotyping the player base a little bit by saying he specifically created this problem. But that’s understandable with how toxic the community as a whole generally seems to be.
Basically went from one extreme to the next, whereas a nice balance is what seemingly the OP and others like myself would prefer. Although, I’d rather have a tank go on the faster side than slower side if I had to choose. Too fast, however, is no good in its own right for reasons mentioned.
Timewalking speedrunning was always a thing, it’s just that before it involved Shadowmourne, MoP cloak, WoD ring, etc that was busted but stayed relevant level due to the level cap and ilvl cap being below it’s expansion.
I disagree, it’s painful doing these weekly on some of my alts than it should be. If it’s taking more than 15-20 mins to clear the objectives in the dungeons than I’m losing time on my other 10 maxed level toons that also need to run the 5 dungeons. Maybe you’d understand time constraints when you have more than 5 alts and side leveling other classes.
As a tank that loves large pulls, and, as someone mentioned earlier, has been threatened with being kicked for going slow or grabbing optional conent, i can see both sides of the coin. As a dps who also likes large pulls as long as the tank and healer can keep me safe and alive, pull as much as you want! As a healer that has fallen asleep because the tank is going so slow and has had large repairs because theyrr going too fast, as long as the tank knows their limits, pull what you want/can. The only times i dont want optional conent skipped is during timewalking as the are worth bandges, or when im looking for a specific drop. Typically mounts or pets. If im not the tank and i want optional content cleared, ill ask before we get there. Just had a full clear ZF yesterday that everybody was cool with.
The dungeon-game got very boring when
everything became a race against time.
Everyone is rocking some symptom or
consequence of mania, these days.
The game was not always like this.
I like seeing an influx of new xpoff players but its gonna suck when my 30+ twinks get hit with the side effects of the eventual nerf from lvl 11 fury warriors
I am slowly being convinced by these forums that people don’t really want to play the game, they want g-d mode all the time and to hell with the ramifications. Not all, but many.
Because it isn’t broken since it literally has no impact on anything important to end game. If you can succinctly explain how broken scaling has an impact on raiding, heroic of mythic dungeons, or delves I would love to hear it. Because that is the end game. That is what you are aiming for. Anything from level 1 to level 80 has no impact on that.
Feel free to play the way you want. No one is stopping you, but conversely you don’t need to try to stop others either. You want consideration and so do they.
being undead I can literally weave into the fence and take both sides.
I agree with you 100%
However I also see the draw towards full throttle god mode.
and I agree with you a second time because it is the player’s fault.
WoW is starting to give us those god mode playgrounds. Take it there, folks.
find a group to do it with.
I’m not sure random groups are the place to power speed ( I just coned that ™(c))a run, because there are old folks like me that play. There are slow folks, like me, that play. There are bads, like me, that play, and you need to consider there are two groups of players you are completely stepping over for your own wants. Folks who don’t want to scream through instances and folks that can’t. That’s not overly awesome.
I know there is a flip side to that, but let’s really analyze who gets into groups. “Pumpers” and high ilvl people. So, who do you (not Evilperiod (you, you)) think bads and “casuals” are going to choose for their group? You! You’re right back in the same mess.