Dungeons ques are not speedruns. This has gotta stop

Then maybe you should learn to read all replies to your posts, I clearly told you how…

Go into Group Finder, Click Premade Groups, click dungeons the click start a group, add a title, fill in details and BOOM like minded people will flock to your group, you DO NOT need to run the actual dungeons in the drop down boxes.

I believe you meant to say a little consideration from others, but should you not be giving the same considerations, two sides to every argument. Just saying why does everyone have to bend to you? maybe you should learn to bend.

I do, I am a Monk after all…

so a few people think it’s a bad idea, so that’s it ehh?

which is it? new players wanting to learn or the majority of players have run older dungeons at least once?

you seem to have run off in a tangent. the OP is “dungeons are not speed runs”. I offered an alternative for those in game, new players included, to run the dungeon as it should be run, not a low budget M-.

great this means you won’t bother with a slower run - so why is this a bad thing?

they take awhile now. although I can speculate they more likely will run better and queue faster since the reason for the slower run is not to be left behind. having a slower dungeon will not affect anyone else in the game who doesn’t want to use them. no difference in those and in delves and yes even in M+.

all I offered was a suggestion but nothing surprises me anymore in these forums.

That is all you took from my post, guess you breezed over the part, where I mentioned all the possible new issues, but like you I am not surprised.

Your suggestion would simply lead to a whole new set of issues, but in your head you can’t even see them. But hey, ignorance truly is bliss.


Never, in any post I’ve made, did I ever say ANYONE, much less everyone had to “bend” to me. I’m not asking for people to obey me in any way. People keep saying this sort of thing in response to my request for manners, like I am demanding deference by saying I would like for people in the group to show some common courtesy. Something their mothers should have taught them to do in RL.

It’s like I’m talking with a bunch of teenagers, who always assume everyone has the same self centered attitude people develop around that age. Oh, wait, I probably am.

There ya go, getting personal, I really enjoy it when people have to fall to that level, I mean Kudos, you couldn’t come up with anything better?


Dude, DPS are expendable, especially in queueable content.

  • no responsibility
  • mindless button mashers
  • don’t want any role that matters

So yeah, leave them to die because tanks can solo it themselves. ALL that matters is end of dungeon exp.

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are you nuts?

-prot warrior?

They all have insane mobility.

Obviously yes or else you wouldnt want the mogs.

Is it relevant? No. Meaningful? Yes.

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Lol… The “speed meta” will ultimately be the death of WOW retail…

Classic awaits…one of us…one of us…

As a tank main… exactly. I’ve been conditioned to go as fast as possible to avoid the whining. Now if you ask nicely to go slow I actually kind of prefer that.

So many neckbeards living in their mothers basement are so precious about saving a few mins…who knew…

As others said, the quests aren’t important. The end of dungeon xp is what matters. Retail is literally about speed running and doing end game content. Even blizzard has announced this. Why do you think there is always so much xp bonuses? Classic is for playing the game, retail is about hitting max level and sitting in major hubs complaining about the game that you skipped over completely because of wowhead.

So your choice,

play the game= classic
Complain in trade chat for 9 hours = retail.

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nobody wants to roleplay a noob with you

anytime someone asks to slow down im kicking them. go do a follower dungeon


Remember when tanks were threatened if they didn’t speed up in dungeons? The threats of being kicked from groups for being too slow? Well, we got used to rushing because DPS players or groups of guildmates and friends would threaten us for being too slow. And if you dared to go for an optional boss, they’d kick you out of the group. This is what you sowed, and now you’re reaping it. It’s important to understand that this situation is a result of your own actions.

I would like to add that this hasn’t gone away. Just two weeks ago, I got on my Tank main for the first time in a while and did Dire Maul. I was kind of out of it since I had not played as a Tank in a bit, and pulled a bit slow for this group. Only upset emoticons were exchanged before they kicked me.

This deal with rushing tanks has not gone away. Maybe it’s not as bad as it used to be, but it is still very much alive.

I guess you never tried to keep up with a DH.

I only go as fast as the dps does damage. If they are clearing the mobs faster than I normally grab them then that is the only time I go hyper. Too many times I seen the entier group wipe because the tank pulls more than the group can handle. Rather start slow and speed up than wipe.


Four people want to do something, you went to do something else the 4 outweigh the 1 even Spock knew that.

Wrong. Its still worth it. Stop being slow.

This has literally been done multiple times over. You’re just too new, or too stubborn, to use it.