Dungeons ques are not speedruns. This has gotta stop

The problem is MUCH wider than that. It’s been a slow creep, but AAA companies have done an excellent job training people to “play” (and pay) for rewards rather than fun.

Games have largely successfully been converted from fun activities you do because you enjoy the doing, into skinner boxes that tickle your brain in just the right way to fool you into doing something that otherwise would be tedious and boring.

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Oh yes, hate the speed runs at level 80. Yesterday Timewalking on my healer alt the tank outran everyone so I stayed with the dps that were getting clobbered and without a tank nearby, my healing spells pulled agro and I died twice… Then I was kicked from the group and I got a 30 minute ban from running another TW dungeon. All participants were level 80 - not leveling up.

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We had speedrunning in the original Mario

Have you tried talking in group? Most of the time when asked to go grab a quest objective or bonus boss i haven’t seen much issue from the group.

Also after a couple rounds of TW today with no twinks but comparatively geared and leveled characters guess what?

We were still splattering the mobs and bosses in seconds.

Agreed. I was healing a TW dungeon last night. We had a DPS warrior who shot off like a rocket and killed the 2nd boss while we were killing the first one. I grinned.

As soon as it happened and I realized he was speedrunning, not afk back at the start, it was FUN.

We were in there for less than 10 minutes, and while the first wave startled me, I was ready for all the ones that followed. The group freaked out and started multiple votes to kick him (actually, they blamed one of the other DPS at first and tried to kick HIM…when he’d done precisely nothing weird or “wrong.”). Then they started trying to kick the warrior. I voted no and said, “Yeah, but did you die?”

No. They did not die. Dungeon that takes like an hour done normally and we were out of there in 10 minutes. It was amazing. Dungeon…done. It was fun and it was short, and I was sad that he didn’t stick around to group with me again for the others.

Brackets are needed for PVE, just like PVP in the old days.

I only know 3 people and 2 of them are me.

ugg, now heal my eyes.

Easily, because I know that I am infallible. Therefore it must be everyone else.

Yea, crazy how time works, right? Like tomorrow is 5 minutes ago.

Who in their right mind is reading what you write looking all scholarly and pleasing on the eyes. Blame yourself.

It may be too many players want that either directly or indirectly. I think this is where all these different versions of WoW will come into play.

Mostly pick flowers. Dude, I have a problem.

Whatever I can outlie you with my tongue tied to my septum.

No idea what you mean by this and that’s not right.

  1. bad back.

What is this, Norway? Take your nearly perfect country and go be stress free elsewhere pal, you’re giving me heartburn.

That counts as one vote at best. If you throw them in with the wife that may equate to two votes. that was a misogyny joke.

what are you asking for here, exactly?

your PJ’s told me that. zero caps necessary, but I understand the passion.

Cool, so there is a reason to go into them

Define trivial again?

If they gave the boxes for killing level 1 boars outside Orgimmar it wouldn’t make the boars not be Trivial.

You need to get over your own bludgeoning definitions you’re trying to force everyone to use.

You can’t tell people how to play. Grow up and move on. Jfc

I dare ask, if you go into ICC on a level 80 character to farm mogs, is that content still meaningful? Absolutely not, it gives you zero challenge and your there for your own reasons. The only way to make that content mean anything is to play it when it was current content, once said content is replaced with newer shinier content, it becomes trivial, that’s why blizz makes old raids soloable.

Your thought process is interesting to say the least, but please continue to make the rest of us laugh.

Oh and BTW, From the oxford dictionary:

Trivial is defined as “of little value or importance”


Please tell us what is the appropriate speed objectively speaking, and elaborate in detail why and how you came to that conclusion. Otherwise your argument isinvalid.

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AS someone who tanks a lot of these, I think more people are looking for the express train than the scenic route. Most tanks doing this are trying to get everything grouped up so they can be AoE’d down, so if you standing in the back single targetting the first thing he aggrod while the tank is running foward still gathering, well you are the one doing it wrong. I also dont mind if DPS pull more groups to me, as long as they arent do so in a way to risk a wipe. People get to caught up in the way things used to be with the sort of dungeon crawl of a level 30ish Scarlet Monastary run back in the day. Retail just isn’t that game anymore. These dungeons would be so boring if you did them in that slow, methodical way. You’re looking for a game that no longer exists.

Of course it didnt happen to you; if you were the runner then you didnʻt get locked out of the boss rooms.

The good/bad thing about Remix is was Bosses killed so if you missed one boss in a dungeon and were at 2/3 bosses killed, you just had to do do one more boss and youd be complete. tho ive never just attended for only one boss kill and abandon group, id stay for the full dungeon.

You have to gear up before becoming a runner, so it did happen to me. Many times. I got credit though lol.

I like how you insinuate otherwise.

Never experienced this. Never saw this happen once. :dracthyr_shrug:

Was maxed geared. Could solo mythic raids. Id run people through dungeons for dailies or help target gear or even level.
Never once experienced missing a boss or had someone miss a boss credit wise.

Heck if you got locked out and didn’t loot, you’d get mailed the gear and gems lol.

what do you think i am insinuating?

It pure logic.

If you are the one running ahead killing the bosses, How the heck are you gonna miss a boss kill??

True but you would be at 2/3 bosses killed and would need another run to get the 3rd boss kill when you could have gotten the quest done in 1 run.
If you played Remix then you know there was a certain level range that made you very squishy Before you leveled up your gear using bronze from… what? Oh yes, daily boss kills…
I too eventually got to the higher ilevel range and could solo heroic dungeons and even SoO if i killed that 1boss before he could trap me.

but along the way i have had a few instances where i had to do an extra run because i got left out of a boss kill.
A DK trying to keep up with a speed DH is not happening even with rotating cogwheel gems

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Aka I never had this happen as a non runner.

Usually if you get loot, you also get credit for the boss.

So a fresh max level?
That quickly changed once you started dumping bronze into gear.

Tbh I didn’t have much of an issue because I used any bronze I got while leveling and funneled it into my gear and got hundreds of thousands from doing loremaster.
I never really struggled with dungeons.

It was a bit before I started dps tanking them though. Mostly because I didn’t want to be that guy.

Talent into deaths advance and double deaths advance from gear and speed gems. You were above mounted speed. Dhs struggled to keep up with me while I had deaths advance active.

Tbh i left everyone in the dust lol. Outbreak combined with above mounted speed, you’d steamroll anything and everything.

299 792 458 m / s

Seems technically right.

I am actually quite the opposite of new to life. I have played maybe a dozen of these games over the years. My complain is not so much with the lack of consequences you mention but rather, the lack of a mechanism to allow people like me to find one another.

The devs obviously don’t want to allow for players to segregate themselves, like by allowing them to give ratings to each other, because of all the MANY problems that would inevitably cause.

I just think there should be some method for people to find a guild, or whatever other kind of group, that kind of calls out some of there preferences. I’m not saying it would be easy, otherwise it would have been done. I just think it is a problem worth trying to solve.