Dungeons ques are not speedruns. This has gotta stop

Actually there was a time, way back when in Maraudon, Druids and Rouges would do stealth runs all the way to princess and ignore every other boss in the place, and they would do it repeatedly. People used to whine about it, but it changed nothing.

Bottom line is, if you join a random group you have to expect random experience, whether that’s nervous tank doing baby pulls or aggressive tank pulling all the things. Maybe one of your DPS will stubbornly solo some mob at the beginning while rest of party is at finish line. Maybe priest healer will life grip tank forward urging them to “zoom zoom!” (happened to me once, and we were already moving pretty fast). Random people, random experience.

If you want a custom experience, run with friends or use group finder to find people who want what you want.

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Game design issue

Players will find the path of least resistance

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Everybody in this game should be forced to tank for a set amount of time. This would prevent every single post like this forever.

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Really? I mean tracking your logic on paying, I pay for four accounts that would mean I have 75% more say than you…

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No. You are 1 person who pays.

Its quite simple.

Ok so my wife and two kids that play also have a say so still 4:1

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If they agree with you sure.

I pay for my entire family to play. 2 kids me my wife my brother in law and his wife.

By your logic you need to stop talking now.

You say that while acting like your pay and play is more important than others.

Should I bow to you as well? And walk away backwards telling you how wonderful you are? I mean you may need that… I really think you may

Its equal, as intended by my other post.

But please, stick your nose in without proper context, its not like thats common around here.

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Thank you for noticing my intention Myfwyc, apparently sarcasm is lost on his most high.

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Like you’ve been doing? In case you hadn’t noticed, this is a forum, not DMs.

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As appropriate with your kind, misrepresentations are a kind of truth to you… isnt it?

Saying something is insignificant is Subjective at best

You dont like it or do it does not make it trivial at all.

In fact, the only thing trivial about it is the responses to perfectly genuine questions as to why lower level characters turn instances into a rail movie.

You could always find people who want to be slow and take all day but… my time is more valuable than yours, it’s as simple as that.

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Thats what people who arent worth talking to say.

I’m offically taking over this thread. This thread is now about seal pups:


I’m fine with people speed running, as long as I’m not in the group doing it.

I just wish there was some way for me to seek out people who share my view on how to play. With no way to tell what kind of group I’m going to end up in PUGS in this game suck, and since none of my RL friends play anymore entering the find a group queue is like playing Russian roulette.

I’ve run into a few good groups here and there, but mostly they are just rushing through stuff like there was no tomorrow. I don’t want to poke around and see the sights, but I would like to make sure everyone gets through with the fewest deaths.

All I want is a little consideration for others. Is that really so inconvenient for people?

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and what a nice pair of slippers that is.

They’ll never know that though. Even if they happen to go back and play classic classic or whatever. The player base isn’t the player base from 20 years ago, they don’t behave the same, they min max as hard as humanly possible, and that bleeds into how they run dungeons.

I’d argue that behavior is pervasive in gaming period. My personal opinion is blame for that falls squarely on things like wowhead/icyveins/reddit/YouTube for making gaming less about playing a game, and more about looking up the meta best thing before they even install.