Dungeons have become a soulless, anti-social dopamine farm

"Speed it up, more! More!

Whoa whoa

semma donna, not so fast!"

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It’s actually incredibly hilarious in TWW dungeons.

Blizzard added some dungeon buffs to actually aid in faster clearing, with Rookery being the most blatant.

Yet here I am reminding the tanks to grab a rook on the way down to get the buff because they are dead set on chain pulling to the very end boss so God and Glory help them.

It’s literally right there just grab the buff dude.

I met my boyfriend doing MMO content that allowed players time to talk to one another.

I also met my best friend that way.

I wouldn’t call them a dopamine farm. I find them boring as all hell.
And no, increasing their difficulty or tedium doesn’t make that better, it makes it worse. I only do them to make doing the stuff I like to do easier, by getting gear.

All I really enjoy doing is engaging with storylines and little side things like Torghast, which I really hope we get a replacement for eventually. Delves are just slower, worse dungeons.

The issue is that this is a WoW-only phenomenon.

Everyone in ESO says “tyfg” at the end of a dungeon. Minimum. Usually it’s a Hi greeting first. If it’s on vet mode, people discuss mechanics. We enjoy teaching casuals.

In FFXIV, everyone says hi and tyfp at the start/end. Usually people have cute macros at the end. Say gg if it went well.
Someone can say they are new to the dungeon and people will explain mechanics.
Tanks ask the healer at the start of most dungeons if they want big or small pulls.

People end up sending each other friend requests at the end of being matched randomly in dungeons all the time in ESO and FFXIV.

In WoW… it’s a culture of “every minute costs me 4 ilvl” “Go go go!”
It’s done by design. Gear becomes obsolete every few months.

So, yes, it is a WoW developer who created the lack-of-talking in WoW.

If WoW wanted players to speak with one another, devs would add things like housing.

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I have, it’s an interesting experience you are missing out on. :merman:

:parasol_on_ground: :wine_glass:

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Again, OP is in full control of their gaming experience. They can make their own group of like-minded people by being social and making the effort. For some reason that is an unacceptable answer to you despite you complaining via keyboard vomit that the game and people in it aren’t social enough.

It is simple. Make your own group of peers. Tackle content at your own agreed upon pace.

However to me it simply sounds like you’re too lazy and want to blame others. What you and every OP of a complaint post like this one is saying is that you demand the convenience of LFG but also expect every random person you get grouped with to share your goals and views of how the game should be played. Its a wildly selfish take. So when i say stop being lazy and make your own group, I’m actually saying stop trying to guilt people into having to play the game your way just because they clicked lfg.

Different playstyles exist in this game along with different personalities.

You and fellow complainants on this thread and others should put forth some effort and you might find these groups you need to protect your precious in-game group time. The forum is doing half the work for you and you are still too lazy lol.

I do. Cata dungeons before the nerf especially. Best time I ever had running dungeons in WoW.

Once you gear to 580+ ilvl its more of a limit test situation in heroics than anything. I pull entire rooms to feel any sense of danger and to try and beat personal bests for overall damage at the end. Normally we would have M0’s out by now which would add a bit of difficulty and force players to slow it down until they reach a higher ilvl but as of now that’s not the case. If geared dps are blasting 1m dps overall then it seems a bit pointless to go pack by pack if things are going to die in 10 seconds anyways.

As a returning player, I’m with the OP for sure. The timed runs, the elitist rush mentality… This game is a shell of its former self. It’s like I want to like it, but the people definitely ruin it.

It isn’t though? He specifically stated:

I am not there for any sort of dopamine hit at all, like I stated, and am only there to grind valorstones. I want that over with ASAP; not because I get any thrill from it. If M0 or M+ wasn’t timegated behind “reasons” then I wouldn’t even be in heroic dungeons.

I really try to be engaging in dungeons, and few people reciprocate. It’s sad.

But the ones who do reciprocate are absolutely the ones worth waiting for!

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You are correct, dungeons are mindless speed farm with zero interaction. It’s been this way for a decade, it’s not changing.

Spot on. I wrote a similar post called “Leroy Jenkins Has Become the new Norm”. I wish Blizz would make the heroic dungeons MUCH HARDER to stop this type of gameplay.

if anything, the normals and heroics remind me more of the ridiculousness of MoP remix and its hectic pace, which I thought most people loved.

I’m looking forward to not having to do heroics unless CTA bag.

I hate the current meta for dungeons/mythics. It really became the meta thanks to mythic + timers - I think - but if anyone remembers wowcrendor (YouTube) it’s been around since Cata: known as “the GO guy”. It’s funny, back when wowcrendor made the “Go Guy” video, that was a minority in the community - now it’s the majority of dungeon runners.

Get the content done as fast as possible taking the optimal shortcut and pulling as much as possible, don’t speak, stop, or even blink. Then rinse and repeat. It makes you wonder why the players are playing a game they just want to blast through as quickly as possible. Compulsion? A dopamine farm, as you said?

Ah well, as you also said, off to delves for us veterans who don’t want to deal with this obnoxious meta.

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Or blizzard can just release follower dungeons with our alts for all norm/heroic 5 person dungeons and all 10 norm/heroic raids. That would solve the problem for me. M+ still exists for “social” challenging new content people can still min max their way to elitism in.

No you don’t, because I was speed running dungeon in Wrath for my emblems for my pre-raid gear catch up.

Are you new?

See…they did that with m+ and when you’ve got a set of good players, they just do that same thing in a grander scale.

It’s called efficiency. The better you are at something, the faster you can do it in. Harder or not since familiarity lowers that difficulty.