Dungeon Tuning Incoming - October 1

Was not. people speared second boss sometimes, third too or fourth.

“People didn’t spear Stitchflesh, they speared the third boss instead”

Who do you think the third boss is in Necrotic Wake? Take a guess.

inb4 you say “I meant the first boss”.


I don’t get your complaint.
Spear usage was all over the place. It wasn’t this save for X boss or not completable key. (Even over time.)

You claimed people did not spear Stitchflesh only to say that people speared him.

You contradicted yourself.

Clearly you did not do high enough keys during shadowlands.

High keys saved stuff for fourth boss because shield took ages.

Can’t get to fourth boss if you fail to do the third due to how tight the damage check is.

At best you used one on final boss but saved two for Stitchflesh.

SL fight and weapon usage was far more varied than what people settled on for NW now.

That said, have been able to kill stitchflesh without spears on a 9, so it’s not a strict requirement. (Better players can do it on a 10 pretty sure.)

Make mythic plus like legion mythic plus and I’ll play again
Mythic +3 shouldn’t be the old +20 they’re so overtuned

mythic +3 is +13.

And legion m+ had horrible rewards comparatively. You sure you want to return to that?

The mythic dungeon change introduced with Season 4 in DF created a big gap between HC dungeons and mythic dungeons.

Today in TWW the HC dungeons are still faceroll, while m0 is like the old m+10, and the TWW m+2 already feels like old m+15. There is nothing in between to fill the gap, like the old m+2 to m+9 from DF Season 1-3.

Also rewards don’t match, rewarding Veteran only for m0 is insane when you can get Champion much more easily from Delves or NHC raid.

Reverting to the old m+ system from DF Season 3 would be good, it worked for most people, and there was way better variety which difficulty people want to take on.

Thank you for these. Everything else seemed doable as a tank but I can double and triple pull in a +8 GB and not feel in danger until I come to these guys. Sometimes it seemed like I could tank them with a single CD while other times they seemed to be bugged and were critting me (which I thought the tank could be crit) with a single melee hitting for 3M through survival instincts. I would just get globaled. It was interesting to say the least.

As a bit of back seat designing I wouldn’t mind seeing more ramp phases with damage as so many pulls have a tendency to nearly kill you before you can get into your rotation or even use a defensive. I guess the alternative would be to give tanks that are prone to this a talent that would reduce damage by X% for 3 seconds when entering combat or against the first 5 attacks of any new enemy. Something like that would go a long way into helping ease the initial pull for tanks.

Yeah, they either nerf the boss and remove/nerf spears or refund items used during his fight if you wipe on it.

make Gilded Crests drop from 7s or 8s, farming 9s is exhausting and time consuming and limits players ability to max their heroic gear so they can eventually, idk, gear up to the challenge? Just a thought.

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This how it is and mines 613 it needs a boost to everyone but Rsham lol

Thats it for SV…?¿?

You don’t think maybe more should be done in that h3llh0le?


So begins the nerf train that shall persisteth for the next several months, as well as Raid nerfs. :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

Sure, that’s true. But, we also had hammers to toss at the third boss, too. Pretty consistently people would dump 3+ weapons into him.

Everyone wants to be ‘mdi’ without the effort.

Players need to learn to get away from the aboms hitbox when hook is cast, i cant believe that is still happening.

Go pretend to be good someplace else, thanks