Dungeon nonsense

So…I queued for a random TWW dungeon to learn. Got killed because I didn’t know the mechanics. Got no rez from the healer, so I released, started to run back to the group, and boom…got kicked from the group. So far not really a problem, I’ve come the expect this kind of childishness from the WoW community. But then I got flagged with a deserter debuff!! Blizzard, get your act together, you’ve been doing this for 20 years and you can’t get this simple thing right? Guess I’ll go back to playing solo content. No wonder they’re focusing so much on that now, they don’t know how to do multi-player.


that just how it works here, its how they reinforce the player toxicity by making everyone miserable.


Ya the 30 min deserter debuff serves no purpose but to agitate people. I’m not really sure what they were thinking with that. I’ve encountered exactly one person who was an intentional troll in a group and it was in a low key in mists years ago and they kept intentionally running into the wrong wall so we would reset until we had to remove them from the group and wait for a minute for them to be ported out.

If someone sucks and they get kicked for it then this just makes them feel worse. There are also a lot of people who put up kick votes for pretty much nothing. I also feel like if you wanna leave a group and find one that suits you better you should be able to do that. It really doesn’t take long to fill again if someone leaves. Not sure why some people were complaining about the first boss of ara kara leavers, but nice job guys.


Long time ago if you got kicked, you gained immunity against being kicked for 30 minutes?

this forum was begging for this two weeks ago.


Why would they give someone who got kicked a deserter debuff? that makes no sense.


The system does not know why you left, say if you pulled the plug on your internet and waited to be kicked, or you were being toxic and the group did not want to continue with you. So unfortunately you get the debuff if you left on purpose, or got kicked.

It used to be you could avoid the debuff by completing a smaller portion of an instance, managed 1 boss, or stayed for a bit of time.

Unfortunately feedback on people leaving led to the new changes,


Yeah if you aren’t so great at a spec and die a lot they’ll kick, if you don’t keep up they might kick, and so fourth and so on. It is pretty ridiculous and antisocial honestly.

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Yup everyone was crying because they’d be in Ara Kara and people would leave after sacbrood didn’t drop and they would have to wait 15 seconds for a replacement NPC, I mean player.


These new deserter debuff changes are indeed quite stupid. They were only implemented due to people farming particular bosses and then leaving a dungeon part way. But that degenerate behaviour was nothing new and was actually far worse in SL than it ever was in DF or TWW.

A classic case of blizz throwing the baby out with the bathwater with this brain dead change it seems.

Nobody wanted this change.

What they wanted was a scaling punishment. Instead we got a one size fits all approach that has the same logic as a flat tax. The level of deliberate stupidity going on at blizz HQ when it comes to these sorts of incredibly bad design decisions ala monkey paw, is breathtaking.


erroneous. people here loved it.

Where are these “people”? Are they in the room with us now? Can you describe them? Do they follow you or stay in one place?


And how exactly do you think that would have been achieved?

Because literally anything you can think of would have caught innocents or been abused.

there’s a whole thread full of them, mister snarky:

Did you actually read what that guy posted before linking it? Read it again.

Without the deserter debuff, tanks and healers would hold groups hostage and demand to be kicked so as to avoid the debuff. While I understand your frustration, it is like that for a reason.

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which guy?

Vtk shouldn’t flag people imo. Just people bailing. Not sure what flag they would put un the system to make it work, but being flagged for being kicked by dillweeds shouldn’t apply.

The OP in that thread. The preview of the thread you linked literally has it written there. Guy was wanting the deserter to kick in after a certain threshold was reached. But hey, let’s not let common sense get in the way of borked game design.

yes, but i don’t think i said “here’s a thread by a guy who asked for this”. i specifically described the thread as being full of people who love it, which it is.