Shadowlands dungeons were the prefect balance of mechanics and plant-to-dps.
I mostly disagree with this. Maybe previously. But its not really bad anymore.
They aren’t much different.
No, it’s definitely still true to this day. I’d say the biggest issue is the lack of standardised attack telegraphs animations. So that means even if the telegraph are consistent in general design, because each boss or raid has its own unique aesthetic, this will often change the way these telegraphs look. E.g. colours used, how defined the animations look (especially their borders) etc. this causes the telegraphs to be easily confused or missed entirely. Just look at Nymue in Amidrassil with those stun lines she puts out. They were practically impossible to see on day 1 and blizz never addressed it.
The other big factor is the basic way attack telegraphs interact with the game world itself. In TWW for example, I think it’s the Fungal folly delve where it’s literally impossible to see these telegraphs come out from the mushroom variant of the delve due to ground clutter. This is because rather than having the animations float above the ground clutter, it sits below it. It’s exactly these kind of telegraphs that prove that wow still has inferior mechanic design compared to other MMOs.
That’s fair and maybe I didn’t word my frustration properly.
Dungeons just seem like a cluster and many simple mechanics just stack on top of each other to create an experience that just isn’t fun.
current retail mechanics are not complex at all, they are really simple. however the way they are communicated visually to players is still awful. there is far too much graphical bloat on screen when mechanics are happening.
they need to be visually clear, with no other billion spell effects or 20 mobs blocking the visuals of mechanics. that is the real issue. seems like blizz still doesnt understand this for a lot of their design.
i will however say there are a few really good visual mechanics like the first grim batol boss mech where you move to the safe area. that is well done because the visual part is HUGE and noticeable. and nothing is obscuring it by blocking it. and its not green, on green on green.
I would agree there are some specific instances of too many mechanics. but over all I think its generally ok.
I do think people may over think the mechanics. And this may cause people to get overwhelmed.
In m+ its generally “watch your feet” and “interrupt”. I think that would cover about 90% of all pulls.
Occasionally a knock back or something is thrown in.
But generally I am ok with it. But like I said, there are some very specific fights I can see it being too much.
I think they’re pretty cool. After 20 years people have gotten better and they need to up their game as far as encounter design. Palace does this beautifully. The Ansurek fight is amazing.
The only dungeon boss this season I don’t care for is the last boss in Ara-Kara.
Overall the TWW dungeons have been pretty fun. There is a decent amount of time you can sit and free cast, the constant moving is definitely hyperbole.
Are you flirting with me, young man?
A little from column A, a little from column B.
But I was in a guild that had a raid leader in her 70’s for BC-Cata and she kicked butt. But we had people in their 40’s that where slowing down. So it is relative.
But it is a fact that getting older sucks.
Personally I love complex fights all the way to EQ. But then, I am a hunter, you’re movement limiting mechanics mean nothing to me, Muhahahaha.
Trash having multiple raid mechanics is fun.
My fear is if blizzard removed all the chaotic mechanics, they would just replace them with a bunch of 1 shot mechanics. Where it’s “mess this up and total wipe”, that sounds even less fun.
I don’t completly disagree with you though, m+ can feel like a total hectic mess. It gets way easier the more you do it. I’v always wondered how new players actually feel about it.
The complex class design is how we got this problem in the first place.
And I think Im with most players in saying Id rather it be the exact opposite. And for the complexity to come from the enemies and the environment.
Performing a complex rotation on an enemy thats just standing there is giga boring.
Dungeon mechanics are soft, babylike, and e z. This game stopped being slightly difficult somewhere around when WLK came out.
Would be a shame if you could hand pick your group to handle mechanics
Would be a shame if you had multiple people in a group to handle multiple/overlapping mechanics
Would be a shame if there was a priority list for mechanics and people didnt waste their abilities on non-threatening mechanics
What a shame indeed
The game was more difficult when it was easier?
Shame it’s not fun anymore.
Shame indeed.
It hasnt changed in the last few years. So if its no longer fun, its because something with you changed.
Last 6 years has roughly been the same.
Love how people are so quick to blame anything but themselves.
Can you give some examples? That aren’t just the last boss of Ara Kara. I don’t feel like mechanically there’s much difference to DF, it’s just new environments and dying costs more time.
You’re exactly right. There wasn’t a key squish fairly recently that just jacked the difficulty of every M+ up by x10. Nope not at all.