Like, I feel removing the knock back from the last boss in Siege was a good move. The mechanics were not complex, but there was certainty a quantity on that fight and the knock back made the others exponentially harder.
Last boss in city of echoes, could use similar treatment. I dont think any mechanic is complex. But some make others exponentially tougher. Remove the poison debuff/AE thing… For example.
Every add on is different. I prefer a sleek view, mostly with just timers so I can plan ahead.
Which I’m happy for you, I just personally get distracted by such things. I know when abilities will be happening and double checking timers takes my eyes off party frames and the map, which causes more confusion. Feels like looking at a text message while driving.
I do wish priests healers got an actual interrupt too. It always felt bad when I was playing mine, how limited I was to help with something so important in the group.
tbh at this point when I get in either “city of” group I am just “ok, ill figure out where I am when I get to the boss”
But its the boss with the adds you kill. They drop a puddle. You hop in the puddle during the pull in. And during the fight, there will be a poison. And when the poison expires, it shoots off two poison waves from each person.
I think the poison waves are just one too many mechanics for that fight. Generally, I think the amount of mechanics are fine. There are some specific fights I think need some tuning.
Mob pulls that become too mechanically high in quantity (in my experience) are because of pulling. Either accidentally or intentionally pulling too much.
It is a very poor design to have every mob pack have special abilities to interupt or avoid or instant death. I agree the designers are doing a pretty bad job currently.
Lmao. Funny because that’s exactly how I am. I’m like “Is it spyhunt or is it the one with the final boss that I hate and nobody seems to understand?”
I am almost positive this is threads but I know the boss you are talking about. There really is just one too many things going on and I completely understand when people are struggling on it. That fight is poorly designed.
City of echoes having poison is what I have issue with.
At the highest point, it incentivizes stacking of a sort. But as far as rewards are concerned (what Blizz cares about) it’s fine, and stacking isn’t needed.
Conceptually, mass non-magic is an issue.
(Cause dispel magic is rationed out.)
I turned most addons off except when they tell me to use a defensive for unavoidable damage.
Most mechanics are obvious enough without 3 things dinging at you
Trouble with some of the mechanics this season is that they are annoying/unfun or still damage you when you counter play them.
Blackblood guy in COT, Skarmarok in SV
I’ve seen this stupidity before. For years, ever since blizz introduced a certain variation of the original swirl animation, the swirl animation with an additional “upper swirl” (IDK how to describe it) denoted that you had a group/raid wide soak mechanic placed on you. Only sometimes it means the exact opposite and needs to be handled solo outside of the raid. It’s this lack of consistency that is the true testament of how the encounter designers over at blizz have failed.
All mechanic affect animations must be standardised between all boss encounters. This is what ff14 does and is literally the only thing ff14 does that is vastly superior to wows ad-hoc hodgepodge “just throw random at the playerbase and see what sticks” approach.
I don’t remember which boss encounters have done it specifically as it had been an issue for years in previous expacs. But so far I think TWW has been fine and I stopped raiding seriously in DF (just afk’d through LFR).
But it’s widely known that wows telegraphs in boss encounters are pretty much the worst in the MMO industry.
tbh, i’d like to see a paradigm shift back to more complex class design that is much more punishing for rotational mistakes and less complex fight design this current design paradigm just seems like it’s done little but breed anxiety and toxicity in large volume for some time now.
difficulty is good but how that difficulty is created does have an effect on player perception and reaction
Further to this, I think Ion is on record saying they’ve been “forced” to design more complex encounters due to the existence of add-ons like weak auras or DBM or big/little wigs. I’m like, ok, so ban those add-ons and go back to simpler encounters?
But let’s be honest with ourselves. Blizz would never do that even if they did end up banning encounter add-ons.