Dungeon mechanics have become too complex to be fun

People just go undergeared and without consumables, in general not prepared for the particular difficulty. Mechs been the same since ages. DPS: Interrupting, stunning, waiting for tank to gather, bursting; Healers: dispells; Tank: using defensives to help the healer; and dodging for all which is half of the mechs, maybe more.

What is the UI not telling you?

I’m simply going to continue using my add-ons because they make everything a lot easier. So are you.

To play Devil’s Advocate (against myself as well) there is one recent example I can think of; Lunar Storm. Either I missed the buff or it doesn’t exist.

This was pre-11.0.5 I haven’t checked since.

Thankfully these instances are rare.

Indeed. This doesn’t make your point for you, I still go to the convenience store.

I guess within the context of the conversation, I was referring to what dungeon mechanics.

I am unsure what dungeon mechanics the UI is not showing.

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I fish for my convenience stores as my ancestors have always done.

Fair. No dungeon mechanics are ever missing required knowledge that I know of. Even in Vanilla. (Readability has only gotten better, though.)

I don’t think any mechanics are too complex, but they are extremely punishing compared to what they used to be. There’s also not a low level for people to get into the higher keys like when we had 20+ key levels to go through.

The new system kills off the low level dungeon grinders and a lot of alts, and is going more and more to a sweaty grind fest every day. I’m not a fan at all of how hard Blizz is pushing e sport style BS in an MMO. I’ve always liked to do high level content, but they are really trying to burn out their player base.


Could also take they position they made it extremely easy, removed timer, and affixes. We’ll call this heroic.

(They kinda did something similar, rebranded mythic dungeons with less mechanics.)

The problem is tying more than just bragging rights (achievements, cosmetics, etc) to content that only 5% of the population even engages with and then proceeding to balance most approaches (delves a very needed exception) to that content around that 5% of the population.

I for one am glad they have a chance to move away from this philosophy and make the game’s challenge not deplete the fun so fast.

Lol? WOW has always rewarded power at the highest point.

(But even CE >5% at some points, so…)

And KSH has way more participation than CE.

Progression is fun for most people, and they want to hold something over those pesky lfr players.

I disagree with you OP, becaus-, wait! Frontal , dispel/immunity , defensive , crowd control , stack , watch your feet . Oh, nvm.

Edit: interrupt , knock back




You forgot “interrupt” though.

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Troll harder. You’ve done nothing but troll this topic. You opinion means nothing.


Where does this happen?

I am open to talking about too many mechanics. But it feels like most complaints are based on intentionally misrepresenting the situation.

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I feel people play a different game on the forums than the live version of WOW that people are supposed to play and discuss on the forums.

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Happens when people list the building blocks of an encounter (or rather requirements to do an encounter.)

If it’s patchwerk again, people will complain about the dps check.

If it’s mechanics, they’ll complain about that.

It’s because you’re disconnected from reality. You just want to troll and never have anything of substance to offer any conversation.


Ok. Well lets talk specifics.

You simply want free loot.

Dungeons are not complex if you take the time to understand them. If you waltz in without any understanding, you will probably die to stuff that you don’t understand. (Also why learning usually happens in keys because stuff dies too fast before that.)

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