Dungeon Leavers: The solution for blizzard

Yeah I addressed how to handle that earlier.

What did they do that destroyed your friendships, and what do you want them to do to make people play with you?

I have plenty of people to play with; some of you, apparently, do not, and have to rely on playing with random internet strangers instead - which you then flood the forums with complaints about the choice you have made.

terrible suggestion. penalize people who want to play with their friends by forcing them to walk to dungeons?

no thanks.

its not penalizing anyone. Its giving a different option. Friends can que for dungeons and get loot at the end of the dungeon or walk in and get loot from bosses. This is not penalizing. It’s giving them options.

it’s not a change that needs to be made.

if you queue with a full group, the dungeon should function the same as it does now, loot off of bosses.

telling those of us who are capable of making friends “hurrrr just walk there 4head” if we want the normal experience is insulting.

im tired of the game being degraded for the queue crowd.

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If you want to queue for content without finishing it, then yes there is a “penalty.” Just walk there, walk out, reset & back in.

The fact that you have decided that it’s up to you who other people can choose to have as friends and how they must play the game to make sure you are satisfied that they aren’t having fun they don’t deserve more than suggests that you are your own problem. If you like living in a middle school mindset where bullies control those they see as weaklings, and you picture yourself as a tyrant who will force other people you hate even though you have never met them to treat this cheap entertainment you see as your glory like a job, you are your own problem.

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Put the loot at the end. I just had a couple groups in the LFG full of trolls and I would rather not be trapped in the dungeon with them. People wearing no gear wiping on trash etc. Blizz adding penalties for leaving is a mistake

no its not. You can do dungeons with your friends. you can que, just like everyone else, but this is the best solution to address the issues. Just like personal loot. When a guild raids, they can master loot, when they go into pugs they get personal loot. similar experience. I farmed my trinkets by walking in with my friends and it was maybe 1 min difference walking out if you farm a boss.

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As I’ve posted, I’m finally at the “just remove queues from the game” point.

Tired of their crap, demanding every facet of everyone’s gameplay be custom-tailored to exactly what they demand, whenever they demand it.

There is no cross-faction queueing in the game. Until that’s resolved, everything that has been brought up applies regardless of how your beard twitches.

You’re still here crying about how they dern casually are ruining the social fabric of muh game? Remove queue content and you’ll see massive unsubs. Good luck getting new content when 8/10 of the players leave. Even people who have mains like yours have alts. People who do M+ pugging through lfg. Heroic raid pugging the same thing. Those people want to play their alts too. Not go hard on every toon they have. Even those people will get bored and leave once they run out of things to do on their mains. You live in mythic raid land and that ivory tower mindset blinds you to how the rest of the game functions. Get rid of casuals and see how much content mythic raider subs gets you.


we trying to get a solution. How you like the solutions we have at the top including edited

All loot at the end + no inviting people to LFD groups. It prevents loot and scoot and also people booting and inviting their friends / guildies at the very end to get all the loot.

I find is strange that people are complaining about leavers all of a sudden, this has been a thing since dungeon finder came out in Wrath. It takes all of 30 seconds to replace group members as well.

The expansion sucks, this is the least of it’s problems.

I just find the fact that they are NOW doing something about it after 20 years of the same old thing. People group and leave after the first boss because they didnt get the drop they wanted. It was harder to do back in the day because the dungeon finder didn’t exist back then but it still happened. Ive been around long enough to have seen it happen.

Yes, its bad now and im sure raid finder tanks will be no different; leaving after a boss but before completing the raid bosses, but hey you just need to press that button so you can randomly find more to replace.

What is FAR WORSE and in all the seasons i havent seen a single ounce of concern by blizzard about it, is the Mythic Plus leavers. Tanks leaving aftet one wipe or on the way to the last boss. Almost everyone that pugs has experienced this and its not like you can just bring someone in to finish it with you. That person literally wasted 20 minutes or more of 4 other people’s time and there has been absolutely ZERO punishments given to the constant offenders. And it really hurts to know that while they punish someone for leaving after a heroic boss, they wont lift a finger for the leavers in Mythic Plus Endgame content.

That being said, I dont care about premade guild groups that leave keys because they can’t complete the key…It’s the pugs that leave randomly which are the focus. From what i hear blizzard is going to allow premade groups to abandon the dungeon without penalty, but will penalize the leavers of random groups via dungeon finder. It just seem backwards to me. Punish them in Heroic but do nothing for Mythic Plus.

Update: For mythic plus, leaving a key (with exceptions listed below) should either cost players Mythic Plus rating OR cause a deserter debuff that stacks with repeated offences during the week. The debuff stack counter resets after the weekly reset. Full pre-made guild groups or those qualifying as a guild run will be exempt from the debuff.

There would be a voting mechanic similar to the vote to kick mechanic that would only be available once the key has started that allows for party members to vote to abandon the key after a number of deaths have been reached. Abandoning the key if voted through will instantly teleport the party to just outside the instance and reset the key automatically or make it so that members can not re-enter the instance until they have reset it. @Blizzard it is possible to properly punish those that abuse the system and waste others time. Please DO something!

So if someone disconnects or needs to leave before the final boss they get nothing? Doesn’t sound like a good fix for a temporary problem.

Other games punish players who leave the game no matter the circumstance. DOTA, POKÉMON, and LOL all punish leavers whether it be through a timer which negatively affects them in a way. Most of the time the debuff prevents them from doing that level of content for a period of time. I don’t see why this is such a problem for some. RL stuff happens and sometimes you have to take one for the team because you essentially waste other people’s time whether it be on purpose or by accident.

How am I wasting anyone’s time if I disconnect on the trash before last boss and miss it? It isn’t a good solution that I get no loot from the other bosses I killed because my ISP is broken.